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Andrew Knight

CP English 3
8th Period
February 6 2016

Dante is 35 years old.

(Line 1)

Dante is at the Dark Wood of Terror

(Line 3)

Dante cant remember how he got

there because he was drugged.
(Line 11)

Dante felt scared, then he had hope.

(Line 13 to 26)

Dante is writing the book because he

was told to by the High Genius.
(Line 11 to 33)

Dante encounters the leopard of malice and

fraud, the lion of violence and ambition, and
the she-wolf of inconsistence.

Dante knows virgil because he has

read his poems.
(Line 78)

Virgils advice to Dante is to go another

way than the mountain because no
man survives that way.
(Line 90)

Virgil mentions an animal called a shewolf. The purpose this animal fufills is
self doubt and temptation.
(Line 10)

The king of time wont allow Virgil to go,

Virgil rebelled against his law. (line 119)

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