Lessonplan 2916

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Sample Co-Teaching Lesson Plan (Direct Instruction)

Jordan Cayatineto

Math- 5-minute intervals

Common Core State Standards:

2.MD.C.7. Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes, using a.m.
and p.m
Objective (Explicit):
SWBAT tell time in 5-minute intervals by looking at the location of the minute and hour hand.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
Include a copy of the lesson assessment.
Provide exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see.
Assign value to each portion of the response
For students to show evidence of mastery, the students will complete box 5 and 6 in their math learning logs
independently. The teacher will read each response to make sure its to their liking. The student will then receive the
exit ticket for the day that they will need to complete on their own. (couldnt assign a score to this because didnt
have copy of exit ticket yet)
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):
How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?

SWBAT skip count by 5s when indicated on the analog clock.

SWBAT draw the missing hands onto an analog clock when given the certain time.
SWBAT write what time an analog clock shows into a digital clock.

Key vocabulary:
minute hand- longer hand on an analog clock
hour hand- shorter hand on an analog clock


analog clock
smart board
connectEd presentation
math learning logs

Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?
*students will have already glued boxes into their math learning logs as part of the morning work*students sitting at
the carpet*
Alright guys and gals, today were going to learn how to tell time to the 5 minute mark by locating the hour and
minute hand on an analog clock. So if we can all get criss-cross applesauce and give me your eyeballs, we will get
al Input

Teacher Will:
How will you model/explain/demonstrate all
knowledge/skills required of the objective?
What types of visuals will you use?
How will you address misunderstandings or

Student Will:
What will students be doing to actively
capture and process the new material?
How will students be engaged?

common student errors?

How will you check for understanding?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could teach it?
Teacher will go over the presentation obtained
through McGraw-Hill connectEd. Teacher will skip
forward to slide 7 of 16 and thats where the
presentation will begin. The teacher will read the
slide and if any hands are raised, a maximum of 3
hands will be taken. If not, the teacher will move onto
the next slide. (What boxes were copied for the
learning logs? Dont want to repeat)
The teacher will stopped at the slide with the talk
Math heading and ask the question to the students.
(Explain how you skip count by 5s to tell time.)
Alright guys talk to your partner about this and I will
draw sticks when we come back together.
Teacher does one of the callbacks. (Holy Mole
Guacamole!) Teacher draws a stick ________, what
did you and your partner talk about with this.
*teacher draws a max of 3 sticks UNLESS theres
students who have different ideas than what was
already said with the drawing sticks. Then the
teacher can take a hand, ONLY 1 or 2.*
Teacher goes to next slide, (9 out of 16) Teacher will
model with a think aloud for number 5. Then the
teacher will have the students tell what time it is
along with why they think that. Teacher will go
through all 3 examples, the move onto the slide
within a slide to the slide (2 out of 3) The teacher will
model where to draw the minute. hour hand on the
analog clock to match the time that is on the digital
clock. After finish modeling, the teacher will draw
sticks for the student to come up and draw the hands
for number 9 and 10 while asking prompting
questions along the way. (So _____, where are you
going to draw your hour/ minute hand? Why?) Along
with providing feedback for the students who come
up to the board.
If students are not understanding the concept of
time, theres another slide, (3 of 3) in the same
slide (9 of 16) the teacher and students can do
together again. If the teacher feels the students
understand, then the teacher will send the
students back to their tables by groups.

Students are required to talk to their

partners about the Math Talk questions.

Students will answer the call back the

teacher says. The students, if drawn, will
share what them and their partners talked
about from the Math Talk slide.

Students will tell the teacher what time the

analog clock is shown along with their
explanation. Students will also respond to
any questions the teacher asks.
Students will draw the hour/ minute hand
on the analog clocks face with the
suggested time on slide 2 out of 3. Along
with answering any prompting questions
the teacher asks.

Student will return to their seats, when

called, in a quiet fashion and wait for
further instructions.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?
A way co-teaching could be done during the instructional input would be the handing off of jobs.
Mostly one teach, one assist or one teach, one observe. If this part would be co-taught, the
teachers could hand off a slide each and one could do a slide and the other did the next, etc. along
with any kind of jumping in clarifications for the students.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
I dont see any kind of problem for students in this section, other than they will be getting up to
drink water, blow their nose, etc.

Teacher Will:
How will you ensure that all students have multiple
opportunities to practice new content and skills?
What types of questions can you ask students as
you are observing them practice?
How/when will you check for understanding?
How will you provide guidance to all students as
they practice?
How will you explain and model behavioral
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could facilitate this practice?

Student Will:
How will students practice all
knowledge/skills required of the objective,
with your support, such that they continue
to internalize the sub-objectives?
How will students be engaged?
How will you elicit student-to-student
How are students practicing in ways that
align to independent practice?

*after the students are back at their tables*

The teacher will refer back to their own learning log
which is the exact same thing as the students
learning log. Going to box 2 (review box- quarter
hour), the teacher will go over and have the students
complete the questions asked. The teacher will
circulate the classroom to make sure everyone is on
task and everyone understands before moving on.
Green light activity- inside voices, can talk to
The teacher will write the correct answer in their
learning log and will move onto box 3 and 4 (what
was just gone over in the presentation, telling time
to the 5 minute intervals.) Box 4 is a check for
understanding point, the teacher will be looking for
students to explain how they got their answer. in box
3. Yellow light activity- whisper voices if needed

The students will complete box 2, using

their groupmates as confirmation to their

Students are expected to be working

quietly in their math learning logs at this
point on boxes 3 and 4. If the student's
explanation has enough detail, they are
ready to move onto box 5 and 6.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

A definite co-teaching strategy that can be implemented into this section would be the one lead and
one assist. While the students work on each box in their learning log, the teachers will circulate the
classroom and assist any groups or students that need help.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
How can you utilize grouping strategies?
Teacher may show off some student work while waiting for others to finish up throughout the
learning log boxes to help the students who are struggling with an answer to get an idea.
nt Practice

Teacher Will:
How will you plan to coach and correct during this
How will you provide opportunities for remediation
and extension?
How will you clearly state and model academic and
behavioral expectations?
Did you provide enough detail so that another
person could facilitate the practice?

Student Will:
How will students independently practice
the knowledge and skills required by the
How will students be engaged?
How are students are practicing in ways
that align to assessment?
How are students using self-assessment
to guide their own learning?
How are you supporting students giving
feedback to one another?

After everyone is done with box 3 and 4, we will

move onto box 5 and 6 together. Now box 5 and 6 is
basically the same thing as 3 and 4 but on a red
light. So theres no talking and the student s are to
do this box on their own. Again, box 6 is a check for
understanding so they have to explain in detail how
they know their answer is correct. When the teacher
is walking around and checking students box 6, they
are looking for math terms they have used as well as
clear thinking to their answer. Then the teacher will
give the students who finished box 6, their exit ticket.
The teachers are still circulating the classroom
assisting students that need that extra help with their
boxes 4,5, and 6.
After the students finish their exit ticket, they can
move onto ST Math for the remainder of the time
before everyone is finish.

Students are to work on box 5 and 6

independently. If they need any assistance,
they raise their hand and a teacher will be
over to help them. When the students are
finished with their boxes, they are to raise
their hand and a teacher will come over to
read their box 6. If their box 6 is up to par,
the student will receive their exit ticket they
need to finish.

If students need help, they raise their hand

and a teacher will be over to assist them

Students complete their exit ticket and turn

it into the back table for grading. Students
may move onto ST Math on the laptops as
they wait for their fellow classmates to
finish up.
Co-Teaching Strategy

Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

A definite co-teaching strategy that can be implemented into this section would be the one lead and
one assist. While the students work on each box in their learning log, the teachers will circulate the
classroom and assist any groups or students that need help.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
Teacher may show off some student work while waiting for others to finish up throughout the
learning log boxes to help the students who are struggling with an answer to get an idea.
Teacher may also pull students/ small group aside to assist with a specific area students need help
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?
My closing was actually a question asked at the very beginning of the unit. It s the essential question in the
presentation. How can a tell and use time? The student talked about this questions almost everyday of our time unit
and came up with different examples of why they use time and why they need to know how to read time. The closing
has actually been worked through thus far in the unit that theres not formal closing to this specific lesson plan.

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