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List of Common Idiomatic Expressions The following chart presents common idioms that can appear on the GMAT. Most of the Xs and Ys represent nouns, pronouns, or noun phiases. To create an idiomatic expression, substitute words or phrases for the X and Y as in the following example: consult with X about Y. consult with my doctor about treatment [Correct] Any other prepositions used with consit in this format are unidiomatic. consult my doctor for treatment [Incorrect] consult on my doctor about treatment [Incorrect] consult with my doctor for treatment [Incorrect] consult in my doctor about treatment [Incorrect] The following lis of idioms is not inclusive, and the most common idiom errors are discussed in Chapter Eight. However. this list is an excellent supple- ment for possible errors on the GMAT ‘Common Idiomatic Expressions alot of X account to X for accuse X of Y acquaintance with X adapt to X affection for X afraid of X agree to X agree with X about Y alarmed at X alot ofX amazed at X amused at X amused by X angry at X angry with X apologize to X forY apparent to X appeal to X apply to X for Y appropriate to X approve of X argue about X argue with X for Y ashamed of X ask X for Y ask X of Y assure X of Y at the top of X attraction to X aware of X bargain with X for Y because of X believe in X blame X for Y blind to X by means of X call to X from Y capable of X certain of X amg Common Idiomatic Expressions af fl? challenge X to Y dedicate X to Y characteristic of X defend X against Y cheat X of Y defend X from Y close to X delight in X oe comment on X delighted with X communicate with X demand X of Y Re communicate X to Y depend on X for Y comparable to X deprive X of Y compare to X designed for X ' compare with X desire for X sf competition with X for Y different from X } complain to X about Y disagree with X about Y ad composed of X disappointed in X concemed about X disappointed with X RS concemed with X disgusted with X ‘a confess to X displeased with X confidence in X distrust of X Be confident of X do X about Y ; congratulate X on Y doubt about X ap ‘conscious of X dream about X t consideration for X dream of X C consult with X about Y due to X L consult with X on Y duty to X % contempt for X engaged to X contented with X escape from X \ contrast with X excel in X } contribute to X exception to X | control over X excuse for X converse with X about Y excuse X from Y ~ convict X of Y explain X to Y % convince X of Y failure of X in Y copy from X faithful to X correspond with X. fascinated with X S count on X for Y fearful of X cure for X for the sake of X i deal with X full of X {> decide on X ‘grateful to X for Y | Common Idiomatic Expressions guard against X guess at X hear about X hear of X hint at X horrified at X in case of X in common with X in favor of X in place of X in search of X independent of X influence over X inform X of Y ~ inquire into X insist on X intent on X interested in X interfere with X introduce X to Y invite X to Y irrelevant to X laugh at X lecture on X listen to X look at X look for X made of X make X for Y mistaken for X need for X obligation to X on account of X opportunity for X ‘opposition to X pay X for Y pay X toY pity for X point at X prefer X to Y prejudice against X protect X from Y provide X for Y punish X for Y qualified to do X ‘quarrel with X over Y quote X from Y reason for X reason with X about Y recover from X related to X rely on X remind X of Y reply to X about Y require X of Y research in X responsible to X result from X result in X result of X rob X of Y satisfactory to X search for X send for X shocked at X shocking to X similar to X smile at X stare at X start with X supply X with ¥ sure of X take advantage of X take care of X Common Idiomatic Expression talk over X with Y threaten X with ¥ talk to X about Y tired of X tell X about Y trust in X thankful for X trust X with Y think about X wait for X think of X weary of X think over X ist of Wordy Expression s iii errs The following list reveals possible GMAT errors and their concise corrections. You shoald watch for wordiness errors in Sentence Correction questions, as ‘well'as avoid using wordy expressions in your writing samples. Wordy Expression Concise Correction adequate number of enough adjacent to next to, near, by, beside, close to afford an opportunity allow, let, give after the conclusion of afier ahead of schedule early a large proportion of ‘many, most, much (or be specific) almost all most along the lines of like, similar, similar to already exist exist an estimated about, nearly, almost, more than are in possession of have, has, owns arrange to return return asa result of because, because of, since as long as if, since as of now: as of [date] about; on, from assuming that if asto about, on, to, of (or leave out) as well as and, also atall times always (or leave out) at an early date soon’ at the end of after at the present time now at this point in time now at this time now at the time when, then bring to a conclusion conclude or end, finish by means of by ae Cm Cec aC iC J a EE a saa la Wordy Expression come to the realization come to an agreement concerning the matter of conduct experiments consensus of opinion course of despite the fact that draw to your attention due to the fact that during such time, during the time effect many changes except when. excessive number of extend an invitation for the purpose of for the reason that for the sum of ive an indication of sive consideration to has been proved to be has the capability have an effect on hold a conference, hold a meeting in addition in addition to ina timely manner in an effort to in close proximity to in conjunction with in connection with in most cases, in most instances in order to in place of in possession of in reference to in regard to; in relation to in respect of in spite of (the fact that) in terms of in the amount of in the context of in the course of in the event that in the neighborhood of in the very near future in the vicinity of Concise Correction realize agree about experiment conserisus during, while, in, at although, even though. despite show, point out, show you, remind you because, because of, since, for. as during, while, when change unless too many invite for, to, of because, since, for for show, signal, hint, suggest consider besides, beyond, and, as well as, also ‘on time, at once, quickly, promptly to near with, and about, of, in, on, over, with ofien, mostly, usually to for has, have about, on, for about, for, on; about, in, with, toward, to, for, about, of despite, although in, with, for, at, by, about fot, of, the in, about, for during, while, in, at if near, about, nearly soon in, near, close to, about, around, round ession in view of the fact that in this day and age in view of the fact is found to be is in a position to is of the opinion it would appear that it is probable that limited number located in, located on made a statement make a decision make an application make reference to none at all not in a position to notwithstanding the fact that of major importance ‘ona daily basis, on a regular basis on behalf of | fone of the ‘on most occasions on the part of over the duration of realize a savings of refer to as regardless of the fact that regards to, with regard to relating to serves the function of being some of the Subsequent, subsequent to sufficient number of take action take exception to take into consideration toa certain degree toa large degree to whatever extent under the provisions of Until such time ‘was of the opinion that with a view to with reference to with regard to Concise Correction because, since today, nowadays, because, since can thinks apparently probably few in, on. found said decide, determine apply refer to none unable to, cannot although, even if, however, despite is important daily, regularly for aan, one usually by, among, for. of during save call, name although, despite about, as for for, in, of, on about. on is some afier, later, next, then, following enough, plenty act challenge, disagree (with), object consider in part, less often, less so, partially, some largely however under, by until, when believed, thought, said, think to about about, for, on Uniiomatic Expression Cometion: ‘Corect Idiom Form: ‘The problem develorad afer when the meting was ove | The problem developed afer the meting was ove. eb + afer Tastee woes dip nore ormnger | The each wana dip pn sr DERM [ray than he presen pol policy “The stds are heer sr Ucgling cal a seme “The sc ae er served Piping han Pe lene ‘er served by X than be ¥ “Theses argument here the wh wan el wih shone who wan be. “These i a armen nave ho who wank ond the who wan bie eracen Nam Y This testo wai a dog ear no pais tis Best ota dog eva rather thn punt ‘be Xrather than ¥ “The comcin of eight nd weigh nace we “The concn Pee bight and weigh BS swcigh tse camection hetconX and ¥ ‘Adam cmd education to 3 prt of he problem Adm consider eduction» pa of the problem “amsidere XY een om = ‘The doctors crate shaving cured pole “The doctors cre wih having cre pti. ered wth “The nowy heiched baie vara dp ow tan “The newly ated arti wavial dopo ow weer yt wings by nigral ‘can dy its wings by night al, See ‘The teams were determina rom random drawing. | The teams were determined a random drawing amine Brett has dowhle as many candy Bars as Rob. Brett has neice as mam candy bars as Rob. ice as many el alep de theft tha was ed ll asleep base I wa ed ‘cise ane ma Aer A ie wa rete for manioring cond teal AEs was created manitrcondact, so monitor > no “The naber of whuices nce bv mare ‘The number of volte mirth ded. ‘mor than debe Hei decide stad of tavig. eid decided eat rater han sae. her dh one ermal) “The gi was caused by he interacton whore peal cole “The ight was cased bythe atonal personalities. meracion of eae eerie | rie noncreilconinec many ite conieg ments. | ish coming mm The fn cision 0 eer ae “The fil decison wher ad denen se swhaher Sete pi ie per and pects ar pve | Schoo spin char apron pec are ons | SR Tat ismevi the ales poo in or fc “Tos preheat penn ino oie ve proahie enn te Hondas Tyee, Ne miso he Hen for a Tot. isnt KY Hi obese much wr comm amin gs | Hip polos mack arco among ip dos] mare common Smog ‘hana ee ‘han among sua ee than oma Manda phe mon pe han neve fre. Miranda sp mre pel ee fre ore tha er eine ‘The sears m made of wok rather cto Thenweweri mae mr of woo bart fesnon, | mor Xb rater? er ges of here hein 112 marbles in he jar was wrong Her guest tha 12 males were th jr was won {gee ane Tap can be plored by mama cco fing opie cannot bs explored by man Araneae oF ne = Pecane XY dep ce be prey man eee ong | Jape be cape yan cose RRC | pane py made of ~ ese ie 1 guest Chis ling the tah, 1 question whether Casting the th seston whet “Te asing of cine oF nomadic oweaip has ‘Te rising con of aomabile ownership has cominesdine |, convinced me 0 contin Fading my bike so comin dig my bike ‘Dave's musi ranges fom lial sounds Belong © another rund moder beat beard in mica ‘Dave's music rnges from lana sods thr Belong another ero moder beats ead in ihe anges from XY ‘Unidiomate Expression Coreton: “The cap has pssod a le requiring the wnceiicd ‘The camp fox passed a rae reguring the wcriicd _ounslos should complete CPR taining counselors compete CPR taining. The inary Peco the Boston Res Sox woh ihe Now ‘York Yances mnt prominent in October ‘The iar beven te Boston Red Sox andthe New York Yankees isnot romincat in Osta, ‘The powe ishing rom the employer wih the employes ‘The powers shin rum the employer othe emp. shin from XY The more you pacts typing. your il Dacomes sar The more ou pie tpg, We reer Yours becomes ‘heron X the sean ¥ 1 o ath of he tomato he a rt, 0 no iit of he mato a a rt. ink Xs ¥ +] The teacher er foi on ames ‘The teacher wa an ifn om James. as on cnce on ‘While tenga mil stent she perfor ft ‘Asa medial tude. she performed her Bt sage surg. “The barrens har pao are over Sigh ana ae ‘The bar rogues tht patons be over cighsen yeas of ae eqs that X he ¥ De Wats is wari ver the eat cone De. Wats is ried athe cat's recone ‘ward ant “The objet ate when we expected fr ink ‘The objet hated when we expected it snk, Xie expected to “The company proibis sakes representatives w wake © sumolicted cal ‘The company ois als represent rom making ensolict al Xprobibis¥ from ding 2 This chart represents the idiom errors that occur most frequ. Please see the appendix for an additional list of other idiomatic expressions, 1aD ently in The Official Guide to GMAT Review.

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