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Colegio Virgen del Carmen (Vila-real) / 5 Y 6 PRIMARIA



1-Classroom rules (Raise your hand for any question, wait for your turn, Do not speak Spanish, do
not talk while someone else is speaking, Be quiet, do not shout and disturb etc.) How to ask for
things in class (Can I have a paper please?). Asking for permission (Can I go to the toilet?). Likes
and dislikes (I like I dont like). Learn and practice. Songs and role playing.
2-The time. Regular and irregular verbs, (Simpsons board game / competition).
3-Whos who? Characteristics and adjectives, (Minions game/ competition): How are his eyes? How
tall is he? What does he love/hate?
4-Halloween videos, vocabulary and activities.
5- Choose a song. Songs: See you again / Uptown funk ft. Study, learn, understand, sing and perform
the song all together. Dance and practice on the playground. Hanged man with vocabulary learnt.
6- Values (We say sorry / We say thank you) / Routine situations.
7- Lets party (Whose birthday is it today?) / Role playing activity.
8- Christmas is coming (Christmas songs, games and workshops).

Structures: Asking for permission (Could I have, Could I go) and Likes and dislikes. Whats the
time? Present simple, Past simple, Have got, Regular and irregular verbs and There is/are.

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