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Date: ________________________________

Assessment 13

Class: Form 2 ______________

1. Write down the most appropriate answer/s, showing clearly your

calculations for the questions below:
a. Three common instruments used to measure length are:
A. stopwatch
E. balance

B. ruler

C. measuring tape D. metre rule

b. When measuring the volume of a larger irregular solid, we make use of:
A. measuring cylinder

B. displacement can

C. equation


c. What is the density of osmium if 2 cm3 of osmium has a mass of 45.2 g?

A. 45.2 cm3/2 g

B. 2 g/45.2 cm3

C. 45.2 g/2 cm3

D. 2 cm3/45.2 g

d. Wood has a density of 0.25 g/cm 3. State this density in kg/m3.

A. 25

e. Two possible units are:

B. 2.5

C. 250

D. 2500


A. square foot
E. metre

B. cubic foot

C. square metre

D. cubic metre

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