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Job satisfaction has been a topic of interest not just academically but also by

researchers and the practitioners in the past years. Spector (1997) says this subject
has been one of the most frequently studied variables in organizational behavior
research, human resource theory and practices. This study adopts a global
approach over faceted approach, conceptualizing job satisfaction as a degree of
positive emotions towards a work role (Sarwar and Abugre, 2013). Job satisfaction
has been defined pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the
appraisal of ones job and job experiences. Satisfaction is all about what the
organization does for employees to make them feel good about being there. Thus,
satisfaction conveys fulfilment of needs, situation and even contentment (Macey,
Schneider, Barbera and Young, 2009).
Job Satisfaction is a workers sense of achievement and success on to job. It is
generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction implies doing a job enjoy, doing it well and being rewarded
for ones work. Job satisfaction is the key ingredient that leads to recognition,
income, promotion and the achievement of other goals that lead to a feeling of
fulfilment (Kaliski, 2007).
Job satisfaction can be defined as the extent to which a worker is content with the
rewards he or she gets out of his or her job, particularly in terms intrinsic motivation
(Statt, 2004).
According to Fichter (2011) job satisfaction has been defined as feelings or
effective responses to facets of the work place situation job satisfaction can be
influenced by a persons ability to do task or complete a required task. The feeling is
based on individual perception since there are two different levels of job
satisfaction, cognitive (thoughts) and effective (feelings).
According to Evans and Lindsey (2012), researchers have repeated demonstrated
that when service worker job satisfaction is high, customer satisfaction is high when
the job satisfaction is low, customer satisfaction is low. Since the employees are the
front lines of the company, they are the one who is taking and dealing with
customers. This shows that employees job satisfaction is inter-connected with
customer satisfaction. A person who is satisfied with this work has a big effect on
his performance. It can affect physical appearance physique the tone of voice, how
to deal with problems that will occur inside work, being productive and efficient as
all times that have an impact on serving customer. Being satisfied can give a
customer quality service thats the reason why customer meet their satisfaction.
Job satisfaction as mentioned by Abariz, et al (2012) is an attitudinal behaviour
which reflecting individual assessment of his or her job. Also, it is affective states
and thoughts about the job and organization. As defined by Newstrom and Davis
(1997), job satisfaction is a set of favourable or unfavourable feelings and emotions

with which employees view on their work. Moreover, it is affective attitude, a feeling
of relative like and this like towards something.
Abraiz et. Al (2012) explained that intrinsic job satisfaction as satisfaction is valued
by the individuals in terms of creativity, availability of resources and future
development. It also includes the overall job content.

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