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Quebec is a country with great culture of the French.

Before they
became a province they were a colony of the French. Because the French
culture is deeply woven into the Quebecois, I believe that they should live as
their own country that is still apart of France. Their culture is still alive and
they practice it, they lived well before the english took over Quebec, and that
they should be given the chance to have their own sovereignty.
Quebecois people have a lot of culture of the French still with them
today, over 80% of them have it as their first language. Just that fact proves
that they are very different than the canadians. They all also have French
traditions that they practice, including the religion, Catholic. Lots of the
Canadians actually practice the religion Christianity. This also puts them at a
difference of the Canadians. They do not practice the same religion. Because
of the culture of the quebecois who currently live in Quebec, I believe that
the Quebecois should separate from Canada finally going back to the culture
of their ancestors.
Before Quebec, the province was than called New France. They were
conquered by general wolfe of the english armies, to claim that land for the
English. Before they were conquered by the english they were a peaceful
colony of the france. Living with ease trying to create a new country where
frances culture could be upheld. Of course now the Quebecois are now not
able to complete their goal. I believe that the Quebecois should be given a
second chance so that they can try to finish what their ancestors couldnt. To
do this would be giving them a second chance to make a better country.
Quebec themselves have proved themselves worthy of a second
chance. They should be given the chance to try and govern themselves. I
believe that their pride lies within the differences of them and the Canadians.
They should be subject to there own laws so they can take pride in being
part of the French culture. the chance of having their own sovereignty giving
them more power will I believe fix the problem of the Quebecois thinking
themselves differently than the Canadians.
Obviously, Quebec should become separate from Canada because of
their culture, their history, and the chance they deserve to govern
themselves with their own sovereignty. Because of those reasons the
Quebecois should be separate from the Canadians.

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