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Atcheson Spring 2016 (CJHS)

Due: Friday, February 26, 2016 by 1:10 P.M.

Assignment: Research-Based Problem / Solution Essay
Environmental/Social Issues
Santosh Kalwar once stated, We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if
we cannot change our thinking. A problem / solution essay does just thisit attempts to
inspire a shift in the readers thinking that will in turn inspire him / her to take some sort of
action. You analyze a problem and propose a method for solving it. A problem / solution essay
should have the following characteristics:

a problem that needs to be solved,

a thesis statement that identifies the problem and points toward the solution,
identification of several possible solutions with a focus on the one that is best,
an analytical tone,
and specific facts, details, examples, and reasons indicating why one solution is

Your task is to write a 3-4 page typed research-based problem / solution essay. This
assignment requires you to identify an environmental/social issue that could be solved. YOU
MAY CHOOSE FROM THE TOPIC LIST! A social problem affects many people. An
environmental problem affects the land, air, and water. In some cases, you might need to
persuade your audience that something is a problem before you can argue for a solution. Take
care to select a problem that is specific enough that you can deal with it within the confines of
this assignment, but big enough that you can do research on it. World peace is out, sorry. So
are your personal gripes with cafeteria food or that annoying guy in the librarythese are
personal nuisances, not problems.
Dont jump to conclusionsany. We all think we have the answer to lifes problems.
Unfortunately, in our rush to judgment, we often miss key details that would help us make
better decisions. The same goes for a problem / solution essay: those who establish their

solution first and remain steadfast to it tend to demonstrate a limited understanding of both the
problem and logical solutions. In other words, they dont do well on the assignment. Its okay to
brainstorm initial ideas, but set them aside until later: the most informed decisions come when
youre well-informed. Wait until youve researched the topic and fully defined the problem
before finalizing your call to action. Research, research, research!
In your essay, you need to describe the problem and convince your readers that the topic you
have selected really is a problem. Next, you need to propose a solution for it and argue for that
solution. It is usually necessary to argue for one solution (or solutions) while also arguing
against another solution. In other words, your task is to convince your readers that the solution
that you propose is the best one. Your essay should also take counterarguments into account.
In order to produce a successful essay, you should follow the proposed essay outline
provided on pg. 4 of this document.
Essay Requirements:
Your formal essay should be 3-5 typed pages in length. This
length does not include the Works Cited page at the end.
Your formal essay should be double-spaced according to MLA
It should be 12 pt. font.
It should be in Times New Roman.
You should use a minimum of 4 quality sources and no more
than 6 sources to add credibility to your essay.
The essay should be well organized and be free of
plagiarism. The essay must be your own work.
The essay should not contain any first or second person
language (I, me, us, you, your, etc.).
The title of the essay and proper heading should be included.
There should be 1-inch margins all around.
Each paragraph should be indented and NOT labeled.
You must have a separate last page which will be your Works
Cited page. It should be formatted correctly with the appropriately numbered
header, title of Works Cited, sources listed in alphabetical order, and hanging
indention. (While I do feel it is critical to understand HOW to do this, use the
add-on in Google DOCS to help you with this.)

This paper must also have in-text citations corresponding to the

sources on the Works Cited page. Remember that citations back up what you
say, they do not say it for you! The in-text citations must match up with the
Works Cited page and vice versa.
Your essay should be virtually free of all spelling, grammatical,
punctuation, and usage errors. is a great FREE website to
help edit and revise your essay.
Daily Work:
The daily assignments are especially important for this essay. It is through these assignments
that you follow a process that will result in a successful essay. You cannot do well on (or, in
fact, even pass) this assignment by simply handing in what you think might be a researchbased problem / solution essay. I need to be able to see the process that you followed in order
to produce this final essay. This, the final version of the essay must have the supporting daily
assignments in order to be acceptable. The following are assignments specific to this essay
that must be submitted:
1. Research Proposal: This will be your formal proposal for the paper and should be a welldeveloped paragraph (5-10 sentences). I will need to approve your proposal BEFORE you can
proceed with research. (Due no later than Thursday, February 09, 2016 / 1.0x in PS)
-Within this proposal, you should:
-Identify what your problem is.
-Develop a rationale for the problem:
-Why does it matter? Why is it a problem? Why can it be solved?
-Determine what you need to learn in order to develop a solution.
-Develop questions to help you begin your research or writing.
-Design a research plan.
-What type of sources do you think will be helpful during your research?

2. Research Log: This will be your collection of research notes, citations, and any comments
during your active research. You should bring this with you to class each day. (Due with final
paper on Friday, February 26, 2016 / 1.5x in PS)
3. Rough Draft with evidence of revisions: This will be your rough draft with all revision /
editing marks included. This should be a complete rough draft reflective of your final product.
(Due on Thursday, February 18, 2016 / 1.5x in PS)
4. Final Research Paper with Works Cited page is due on Friday, February 26, 2016 by
1:10 P.M. (3.5x in PS)
**Please note that your daily participation, active engagement, research process, and
essay workshopping / revising will be included in your usual Active Academic
Engagement Grade (2.0x in PS).
February 8: Mrs. Lawrence comes to class to talk about evaluating quality sources and good
research tips.
February 9: Research Proposal DUE
February 10: Research Day #1 in Media Center
February 11:In-Class Work Day #1
February 15: Research Day #2 in Media Center
February 17-18: In-Class Work Day #2 and 3
February 19: Work Day #1 in Media Center
February 22:Work Day #2 in Media Center
February 26 (1:10 PM): Final Research Paper with Works Cited page due (research log and
rough draft should be on top)
**Tentative: Mrs. Atcheson will be available for extended help in the Media Center afterschool
from 3:00-4:00 P.M. on Tuesday, February 26, 2016. You must have a ride ready for pickup by
4:00 P.M. if you choose to stay. Also, please inform your teacher if you plan to stay.


Assignment: Use the following template to map out your research-based problem / solution
Introduction Paragraph
A. Attention Getter- could be a startling statistic / fact, an anecdote, quote, series of
examples, etc.
B. Transition- could be a startling statistic / fact, an anecdote, quote, series of
examples, etc.

C. Thesis Statement- Identify the problem and the proposed solution. For example, Schools
should require uniforms in order to minimize gang violence.
Body Paragraphs (evidence of research & in-citations should be here)
A. Section / Paragraph(s) #1: The Problem
1. Define the nature of the problem.
2. Establish its existence by explaining what has caused or led to the problem.
3. Explain the extent of the problem.

4. Explain its effects and why it is an issue that needs to be solved.

5. Finally, warn readers about future effects if no solution is offered. Apply prior
experiences perhaps from other communities to this section.
B. Section / Paragraph(s) #2: Common Ground
1. Show youve taken the concerns of others to heart. To do so, explain how
others view the problem and the concerns of those people when it comes to
trying to solve it.
2. Address opposing arguments, and anticipate your audiences questions and
3. Establish criteria for a good solution that will appease everyone involved.

C. Section / Paragraph(s) #3: Addressing Other Alternatives First
1. Show youve put some thought into your solution by acknowledging and
critiquing other possible solutions to your problem.
2. Explain your reasons for rejecting them.
3. Your goal: Make your solution appear to be the best solution.
D. Section / Paragraph(s) #4: Plan of Action
1. Make sure its clear to your readers not only what youd do but how you would
do it.

2. Clearly describe your solution so that your audience can imagine what it will be
3. Address the potential arguments your opposition might have to your solution.
Let your audience know why they would be satisfied with your approach.
Conclusion Paragraph
A. Restate your problem and solution.
B. Call to action- Encourage your audience to accept your views and join the cause.
Show your audience what your community / setting will be like if they do or do not
adopt your solution. Or ask them to take simple steps to bring about the change you


Final Tips:
Use visualization whenever possible. Detailed descriptions evoke strong emotions and help
your audience see the problem. You can do so with examples from your area or another area
with the same problem, or you can create hypothetical scenarios that scare or encourage your
audience. Make the problem and solution come alive.
Make your audience care about your ideas. As you read over your paper, ask yourself, Am
I connecting with those people affected by the problem? Address their needs and concerns.
Show them why your ideas matter.
Check over your paper to make sure your essay is supported by convincing reasons,
facts, and examples. Do you have quality research?

Evaluating Sources
In addition to allowing a writer to gain additional information about a topic, the correct use of
outside sources lends credibility to any essay. Statistics, quotes, surveys, and other forms of
research can help a writer establish his / her point and ultimately influence the reader to agree
with him / her. If a writer uses credible sources and incorporates them well into the essay, the
writing becomes better and more credible. Additionally, the greater the amount and variety of
sources used in an essay, the more persuasive the writing can be. Ultimately, your credibility
as the writer is dependent on the sources you use.
Given this fact, here are a few questions to ask when evaluating any source:
Who is behind this source? Is the source well known and considered an expert in the particular
Has the information been reviewed by other professionals in the field?

Is the source comprehensive? Does it offer a variety of information on the subject?

How current is it? Generally, the more current the information, the better it is.
Is the source merely presenting information, or is it trying to sell something? (Is there a
financial incentive for providing certain information?)
Is there a bias behind the information? If so, how strong is this bias?
Is the information written in an objective manner or does it seem more emotional?
Are the arguments one-sided, or does the source acknowledge counter arguments?
When considering internet sources, it is generally best to stick with sites that end in .gov
(government), .edu (education), and, depending on the topic, .mil (military). These sites are
generally more credible than sites ending in other extensions, such as .com (commercial) or
.net (network). Due to the fact that .com sites are commercial-based, it is best to avoid these
sites unless they are credible news organizations (in which case the goal is to sell the news
rather than a particular product). Sites that end with the .org (organization) extension can be
good places to find information, but these sources are often biased and not comprehensive.
Always evaluate your sources before using them! Never use Wikipedia sites for
When researching, it is best to use primary sources when available. A primary source is
an original study, document, object, or eyewitness account. In other words, this is the source
where any given information first appeared. A secondary source is a document that is written
about the primary source. These are often documents that report, analyze, discuss, or interpret
primary sources.
Are you primarily concerned with finding a specific group of sites (such as .gov or .edu)
for your essay? You can limit your Google search by entering site: followed by the site
extension you want and the terms you are searching. For example, if you are writing an essay
on cell phone use in schools and only want to view sites that end in .gov, enter
cellphones in school

Advanced Google Search with Booleans, etc.: Go to
Good Galileo Databases
Current Galileo Password for CCS: ___________________________________
**1. Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost):**
2. Britannica School High:
3. New York Times Online:
4. SIRS Discoverer:
Using Quotations
Knowing how to incorporate quotes and paraphrases into an essay enables a writer to provide
support for his/her claims. While quotes are often helpful and can advance an essay, not all
quotes are of the same importance, nor do they provide the same level of advancement for an
essay. Quotations should be used sparingly and always with the goal of achieving a particular
Keep in mind that paraphrasing (putting original text into your own wording and sentence
structure) is often better than quoting. After all, most of the time it is the information that is
important, not the wording that is used to provide it.
Because of this, quoting should only be used under the following conditions:

A. The language is unusually vivid, bold, or inventive.


The quote represents and emphasizes the view of an important expert.


The original passage cannot be paraphrased without distortion or loss of

Furthermore, using too many quotes can overpower your own writing and introduce too many
different writing styles to a particular section. This leads to writing that seems unfocused and
disunited, so remember to use quotes sparingly so that they dont interfere with your content
and style.
Remember that when quotations are used, they must be integrated smoothly into the essay,
rather than simply being dumped in. To do this, introduce the quotation or paraphrased
information by giving the name and credentials of the individual you are quoting.
Example: Barbara S. Cain, clinical supervisor at the Psychological Clinic at the University of
Michigan, points out that
Original quote: Such slavish dependency on cell phones is accompanied by the demise of
common social courtesies.
MLA Example: To make his point, Fisher writes that, such slavish dependency on cell phones
is accompanied by the demise of common social courtesies (660).
Assignment Resources:

Student Name:______________________________Period: _____ Date Submitted: ______


__________ 30 points- Proper MLA Evidence

Internal citations

10 pts.

MLA set-up (title information, headers, spacing, etc.)

10 pts.

Works Cited page

10 pts.

__________ 60 points- Well-written (reads smoothly, good paraphrasing of information (no

plagiarizing), logical use of facts, etc.)
Introduction (thesis is evident)

10 pts.

Body- The Problem

10 pts.

Body- Common Ground

10 pts.

Body- Addressing Other Alternatives First

10 pts.

Body- Plan of Action

10 pts.

Conclusion (Call to Action)

10 pts.

_________ 10 pts. Proper grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, etc.

**Late papers- 5 pts. off each day / Parent Contact upon 3 rd day late**
Teacher Comments:

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