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4: World War I

Standards: AH2.H.1 (1,2,3,4), AH2.H.2 (1&2), AH2.H.6 (1&2), AH2.H.7 (1&2)

Day 1
Part I: Simulation
Chunk #1
Simulation Instructions
Chunk #2

WWI Simulation

Day 2
Chunk #3

Part I: Simulation
WWI Simulation

Day 3
Chunk #4

Part I: Simulation
WWI Simulation

Chunk #5

Part II: Causes and Technology of War

Whole Class Discussion: World War I Simulation Debriefing
1. What did you find to be frustrating and confusing?
2. What went well? What went wrong?
3. Why did it go well or wrong?
4. What would you do differently next time?
5. What would you change to improve the simulation?
6. What did you learn about Alliances?

Lecture: World War
What caused the war in Europe?
Where America stands as the war begins.

ONLY watch the first 5 minutes

World War I Map
Students will need to label the following on a map:
o Allied Powers (ONE Color)
o Central Powers (ONE COLOR)
o Neutral Countries (ONE COLOR)
o German U Boat Activity
o Atlantic Ocean
o North Sea
o Mediterranean Sea
o Ottoman Empire
o Italy
o France
o Austria-Hungary

Chunk #6

Chunk #7

Chunk #8

10 Minutes

70 Minutes

80 Minutes

15 Minutes

15 Minutes

10 Minutes

5 Minutes

15 Minutes

o Russia
o Germany

Day 4
Chunk #10

Research and Presentation Gallery Walk
Technology of War and the Hazards of War

Technology of War and Hazards of War Topics
1. Mustard Gas
2. Trench Warfare
3. Airplanes
4. Tanks
5. Shell Shock
6. Trench Foot
Presentation Requirements
1. Youtube video (1-2 minutes long)
2. Pictures
3. Information on the weapon or war hazard
4. Be presented on the i-pad

Part I: Causes and Technology of War
Unit 7 Quiz #3

Chunk #11

Technology of War: Presentations

Chunk #12

Weapons Discussion
1. What caused the advancement in weapons?
2. What impacts did the weapons have on the war?

Part II: The United States Enters World War I
Individual Reading
Germanys warning to the United States

Lecture: Why does the US start fighting?

Tea Party
1. What impacts do you think the warning from Germany had on the
United States?
2. What impact do you think propaganda of the Lusitanias sinking had on
the US and Germany?
3. If the US still had citizens traveling in war zone locations, even after the
warning from Germany, does the US really still have a right/justifiable
reason to declare war?

Individual Reading and Whole Class Discussion
The Zimmermann Telegram

Now is it justifiable to declare war?

Chunk #9

Chunk #13
Chunk #14
Chunk #15

Chunk #16

20 Minutes

15 Minutes

25 Minutes

10 Minutes

5 Minutes
5 Minutes

10 Minutes

10 Minutes

Day 5
Chunk #17

Chunk #18

Chunk #19

Day 6
Chunk #20

Chunk #21
Chunk #22
Chunk #23
Chunk #24

Day 7
Chunk #25
Chunk #26

Part II: The United States Enters World War I

What the American soldier needed to fight in in WWI

Song Analysis: Over There
Students will individually complete the Thinking About Songs analysis
sheet in a Think-Pair-Share protocol

Historys Mysteries
Students will work in pairs to research and investigate the following
o How was a government agency able to successfully convince
millions of Americans to make voluntary changes to help the
war effort in WWI?
Students will look at several clues and enlightening information using
the class website.
Once students have looked through all evidence, they will answer the
question on an index card making sure to include as much evidence
and reasoning as possible.

Part III: The Wars End
Individual Reading
Wilsons Fourteen Points
Students will use the 6 Cs analysis strategy

Three Way Match
Wilsons Fourteen Points

Whole Class Discussion
Wilsons Fourteen Points

Lecture: The Wars End
Time of Crisis: Woodrow Wilson and the League of Nations
1. Define the problem
2. Find the key facts
3. Consider your options
4. Evaluate the options
5. Choose one option and defend your choice

Part III: The Wars End
Time of Crisis
Press Conference Presentations

Lecture: What actually happened with the League of Nations

5 Minutes

15 Minutes

60 Minutes

15 Minutes

10 Minutes
5 Minutes
10 Minutes

40 Minutes

15 Minutes
5 Minutes

Chunk #27

Chunk #28

Chunk #29
Chunk #30
Chunk #31

Chunk #32

Graffiti Walk
10 Minutes
1. Was Wilsons policy of neutrality one that could work in 1917? Why or
why not?
2. What were the consequences of the US not being a member of the
3. Should Wilson have compromised to save the treaty? Why or why
4. What relevance does Wilsons experience have four our own time and
place in the world?
5. Could World War II have been prevented if the US had been an active
force in the League of Nations?

Graffiti Walk Summary
15 Minutes
Students will chose a poster and work with other students to:
o Summaries the answers on the poster in 32, 16, and 8 words

Whole Class Discussion on Graffiti Walk Summary
10 Minutes

Lecture: America returns to a policy of Isolationism
10 Minutes

Individual Reading
10 Minutes
Returning Soldiers by W.E.B. Du Bois
o Students should complete the Four Questions Protocol during
or after they read

Four Questions Discussion
5 Minutes

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