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Age of Exploration

Exploration Jumble

7th Grade

NCSCOS: 7.H.1.1 Construct charts, graphs, and historical narratives to explain

particular events or issues over time.
7.H.2.3 Explain how increased global interaction accelerates the pace of innovation
in modern societies (e.g. advancements in transportation, communication networks
and business practices).
7.E.1.1 Explain how competition for resources affects the economic relationship
among nations (e.g. colonialism, imperialism, globalization and interdependence).
NC Technology Standards: 7.TT.1 Use technology and other resources for
assigned tasks.
7.RP.1 Apply a research process to complete given tasks.
Product 1: Using resources given in class, as well as researching online
information, select at least 20 different components to represent a designated
European empire during the Age of Exploration to create a collage with the online
software tool known as Pic Collage. These need to include people, places, events,
and ideas that were influential in the Age of Exploration. You will search for images
online that can be placed on your collage.

Pictures should be various shapes & sizes. (i.e. Not all rectangular.)
There needs to be title text somewhere on the collage. However, this should not

block out entire images placed in the collage.

The image may be saved as a file in your Google Drive for you to share. This may be
done as a direct save or a screenshot.
(2/9- 2/11)
Product 2: To coincide with the collage, create a descriptive summary and
reflective response of selected Age of Exploration components that you have
represented on the collage. In the summary about each component give a detailed
description of the specified component and how it impacted exploration of the time.

Tony Blair 2016

For the reflective response: why did they/it have such an impact in connecting the
Old World to the New World? Discuss the effects of their contributions then. Explain
any lasting effects for modern times.
These should include:

2 people
2 major events
2 major ideas (This would be the why people did what they did. You will also need

to cite examples from the information to support the idea you choose.)
These need to be a Minimum of 2 pages typed as a Google Doc. (1.5 spacing, 12

font, Tahoma)
The filename needs to be the same as the assignment name along with your name.

For example: Blair, Tony - Exploration Jumble

The collages will be presented to your peers for a presentation assessment.
Completion Date: 2/11/2016

Tony Blair 2016

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