8th Grade Social Studies: Room # Phone # Email

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8th Grade Social


Welcome to Ms. Buttners learning center!

Room # Phone # Email

Spring 2016
Mansfeld Middle School

This document is going to familiarize you and your parents/guardians with what
our class will be like including what we will be learning, how I will assess
learning, class agreements and expectations, as well as how to contact me with
any feedback or questions. I look forward to a fun and learning-filled semester!


We will be learning about some exciting moments in American history this year
that will be connected by some overarching themes.
The units we will cover are: Me!, the American Revolution, American
Government, World War II, the Cold War and the Presidency.
The themes that will connect our units are: identity, change, responsibility and



Students will be assessed regularly through class check-ins, daily work, projects,
quizzes and unit exams. The overall grade earned is based on a 200 total point

In class we will develop together what we all feel respect looks like. The 3 main
agreements I hold myself and students accountable to are:

1. One mic: One person speaks at a time.

2. Step up, step back: If you participate a lot, step back and let others. If you dont,
step up and share.
3. Each one teach one: We are all responsible for helping each other.

I expect myself and students to come to class ready to learn. This means:

1. Arriving before the bell rings. If you are late, turn your note in on the door and

sit down quietly. Tardies will be made up at lunch.

Cell phones off unless I give you explicit permission to turn them on.
Homework is turned in at the beginning of the period in the class bin.
Late work is turned in the late bin for 1 point less each day late.
School uniform regulations are to be followed in our class.

I utilize the school-wide Positive Behavioral Intervention System in our class.
Bulldoggers will be given to students who show positive behavior. Verbal
warnings, yellow and red cards, as well as calls home, action plans, detention and
referrals will be utilized for negative behavior.
In class warning

Yellow Card

Red Card

Verbal Warning

Non-verbal warning

Reflection filled out

Given by the teacher

Given by the teacher

Conference with teacher

Start fresh each day

Start fresh each day

3 cards become referral

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Email is the
Ms. Buttner

Students: Please review this syllabus with your parent/guardian, sign and return
the following page. Their signature indicates that the information has been read
and understood.
Parents/Guardians: Thank you for your support. I look forward to working with
you this year.

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