Reflection 3

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Reflection 3

{8/2/2016 Sport Day at AIS}

I went to AIS at 7:20 and I saw Ms. Chantel my MST
and her assistance, they were wearing sport clothes
because it was sport day in AIS. This day dont carry
that much of details. There were five houses Blue,
Red, White, Green, and Yellow each child should wear
a shirt depends on what house they are in like Marco
and Gassan were in blue house so they were blue
shirts. We started to draw on their faces, Ms. Chantel
was busy so Mr. Mathio stayed with us. After the first
meal time we went outside.
All the children on KG
1 and 2 were there to
play and do some
exercises, they but
the children in groups
each one on his/her
house. They played
some music and start
playing the games
that they put for them. We stayed outside till 10:30 then all
of them went inside to eat and get some rest because they
will went outside again. I was so happy and excited at the
same time because of that day. I wanted to stay there more
but because it was like an open day for them and MST was
busy I went home at 1:00 this time. It was a wonderful day
and usually we dont see those things on government
In my class I noticed that Mira need to feel cared about by
others, and able to influence people and events, because
she always try to get the teacher or others attention, and
when we give her something to do in a certain way she

want to do it on her own way. Also there is one child called

Ibrahim I saw that the teacher always keep him busy with
things to do as he had more energy and he want to lose it in
something interesting.

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