Aapg Meeting Minutes 2-8-16

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UTEP AAPG Student Chapter Meeting Minutes

February 8th, 2016

UTEP Geology Building Rm. 318
Call to Order:
By President Matt Hiebing at 2:05 PM MST
Meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM
Officers present:
President Matt Hiebing
Vice President Allison Mast
Treasurer Eric Bergersen
Members present: 9
Fluvial Stratigraphy Short Course (April 10, 2016 in Abilene, TX)
o AAPG Southwest Section is offering another short course this spring in
conjunction with the SWS AAPG Annual Convention in Abilene, TX
(April 10-12, 2016).
o Short course details: April 10, 2016 from 8am-5pm
o The course will be offered for free for the first 200 registrants (with a $20
fee for lunch), so register soon! $100 for everybody after 200.
AAPG/SEG Spring Break Student Expo (March 11, 2016 in Norman, OK)
Check the chapter website (http://utepaapg.weebly.com/) for registration links for
both the AAPG SWS Short Course and AAPG/SEG Spring Break Student Expo!
Project Move (February 27, 2016 at 9:30am-12:30pm)
o We hope all AAPG chapter members will participate in the Project Move
event again this spring to work with others at UTEP in serving El Paso!
AAPG Student Chapter will be offering an online carbonate short course for
anyone interested. We have purchased the course and will be selling individual
episodes for $10/piece or the whole course for $100. The original cost of the
course was $900, so its worth it.
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew Hiebing
UTEP AAPG Student Chapter

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