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Brianne Graham, Maygen Harder, Katie Perlich, Travis Rapuano, Shelby Karas, Nicole Sommerfeld,
Lauren Smith
Education 3501: Section PQR
Curriculum and Instruction
Professional Semester 1
Curriculum Overview Handout: Thursday, October 8 2015
Summary of the Language Arts POS
The Language Arts Program of Studies is designed to prepare students for present and future
language requirements. The ability to use language effectively enhances student opportunities to
experience personal satisfaction and to become responsible, contributing citizens and lifelong learners.
With that, Language Arts aims to encourage an understanding and appreciation of the significance in
artistry of literature as well as enable each student to understand and appreciate language; to use it
confidently and competently. Language development is a continuous and recursive process. Positive
learning experiences enable students to leave school with a desire to continue to extend their knowledge,
skills, and interests.
Philosophy of Language Arts POS
The aim of English language arts is to enable each student to understand and appreciate
language, and to use it confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication,
personal satisfaction, and learning. All of the language arts are interrelated and interdependent; ability
in one strengthens and supports the rest. The Language Arts program of studies believes that language is
the basis of all communication and the primary instrument of thought and learning.
List of General Outcomes for the Language Arts POS (K-12)
Students will listen, speak, read, write, view, and represent:
To explore thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences
To comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts
To manage ideas and information
To enhance the clarity and artistry of communication
To respect, support, and collaborate with others.
Senior High School ELA Course Sequences
Senior high school ELA has two course sequences (10, 20, 30 -1/2) to accommodate a diverse
range of student needs and interests. The two course sequences are similar as they both maintain high
standards to meet graduation requirements, feature the six language arts, have the minimum
requirement for Canadian content, encourage student metacognition, and much more. The differences
between the two are specifically outlined in the POS (Pg 6). Essentially, the biggest difference is the
minimum requirements in text study and text creation. The minimum requirements for both sequences
are described in more depth in the ELA POS (Pg 10-11).

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Graph of General and Specific Learning Outcomes (K-9)




Students will listen, speak,

read, write, view and
represent to explore thoughts,
ideas, feelings and
experiences. (Pg. 4)

1.1 Discover and explore

1.2 Clarify and extend
(Pg. 4)

Grade 3, SLO 1.1: Students bring in

a book related to the class theme
theme and reads a section to the class
or group. (Pg.2/38)
Grade 6, SLO 1.2:
Students make a story frame to
represent the key elements of the story
theyre reading.(Pg. 3/37)

Students will listen, speak,

read, write, view and
represent to comprehend and
respond personally and
critically to oral, print and
other media texts. (Pg. 4)

2.1 Use strategies and cues

2.2 Respond to texts
2.3 Understand forms,
elements and techniques
2.4 Create original text
(Pg. 4)

Grade 2, SLO 2.1:

Students use punctuation to help with
intonation, pace, and expression
during oral reading.
Grade 8, SLO 2.2:
Students choose one of their own
stories and redraft it from another
characters perspective

Students will listen, speak,

read, write, view and
represent to manage ideas and
information. (Pg. 4)

3.1 Plan and focus

3.2 Select and process
3.3 Organize, record and
3.4 Share and review
(Pg. 4)

Grade 1, SLO 3.3:

Students arrange pictures in sequential
order to show the growth of a plant.
Grade 9, SLO 3.4:
Students produce a comic strip based
on one incident in a novel.(Pg. 19/35)

Students will listen, speak,

read, write, view and
represent to enhance the
clarity and artistry of
communication. (Pg. 4)

4.1 Enhance and improve

4.2 Attend to conventions
4.3 Present and share
(Pg. 4)

Kindergarten, SLO 4.1:

Student draws a picture of a house and
family and label My Home
Grade 7, SLO 4.3:
Students use a variety of computer
software programs to prepare
presentation. (Pg. 25/33)

Students will listen, speak,

read, write, view and
represent to respect, support
and collaborate with others.
(Pg. 4)

5.1 Respect others and

strengthen community
5.2 Work within a group
(Pg. 4)

Grade 4, SLO 5.1:

Following a presentation students
write short notes of congratulations to
the presenter.(Pg. 34/40)

*All GLOs and SLOs are taken from Alberta Education English Language Arts Program of Studies (K-9)
*All examples are taken from Alberta Education Illustrative Examples for English Language Arts (K-9)

Graph of General and Specific Learning Outcomes (10-12)

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Students will listen, speak, read,

write, view, and represent to explore
thoughts, ideas, feelings, and
experiences. (Pg. 12-13)

1.1: Discover
1.2: Extend awareness
(Pg. 12-13)

Grade 11, 20-1/SLO 1.2.1:

Compare own ideas,
perspectives, and interpretations
with those of others. for
example, pro/con charts, think,
pair, share. (Pg. 17)

Students will listen, speak, read,

write, view and represent to
comprehend literature and other
texts in oral, print, visual and
multimedia forms, and respond
personally, critically and creatively.

2.1: Construct meaning

from text and context
2.2: Understand and
appreciate textual
forms, elements, and
2.3: Respond to a
variety of print and
nonprint texts
(Pg. 12-13)

Grade 10-1/SLO 2.1.2:

summarize the plot of a
narrative(Wuthering Heights),
describe its setting and
atmosphere, describe
development of conflict, and
identify theme. (Pg. 23)

Students will listen, speak, read,

write, view and represent to manage
ideas and information.
(Pg. 12-13)

3.1: Determine and

inquiry or research
3.2: Follow a plan of
(Pg. 12-13)

Grade 12, 30-1/ SLO 3.2.1:

Identify and describe possible
biases and vested interests of
sources and explain how
underlying assumptions, biases,
and positive or negative spin
affect the credibility of sources
(Pg. 42)

Students will listen, speak, read,

write, view and represent to create
oral, print, visual and multimedia
texts, and enhance the clarity and
artistry of communication.
(Pg. 12-13)

4.1: Develop and

present a variety of
print and nonprint texts
4.2: improve
effectiveness and
correctness of
(Pg. 12-13)

Grade 10-12, SLO 4.1.4:

Develop and deliver oral, visual
and multimedia presentations,
using voice production factors
such as volume, tone and stress.
(Pg. 49)

Students will listen, speak, read,

write, view and represent to respect,
support and collaborate with others.
(Pg. 12-13)

5.1: Respect others and

strengthen community
5.2: work within a
(Pg. 12-13)

Grade 10-12, SLO 5.1.1:

Analyze and describe positive or
negative portrayals of characters
in literature and persons in life
and be sensitive to the feelings
of others. (Pg.64)

*All examples are taken from Alberta Education English Language Arts Program of Studies (10-12)

Additional Information:

Page 1
Alberta Education English Language Arts Program of Studies (K-9)
Alberta Education Illustrative Examples for English Language Arts (K-9)
Alberta Education English Language Arts Program of Studies (10-12)

Curriculum Overview/Summary of Program of Study: Presentation Lesson Plan


Program of Study Overview: Language Arts

Group Members

Lauren Smith, Shelby Karas,

Maygen Harder, Brianne Graham,
Nicolle Sommerfeld, Travis
Rapuano, Katie Perlich

What do you want
your classmates to

Date: October 8,

By the end of the lesson students will:

establish a comprehensive understanding of the five general outcomes and
six strands of the language arts program of studies.
become familiar with the course sequences of ELA POS
appreciate the philosophy of ELA, and understand how to apply it in the
six strands of language arts.

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How will you know
your classmates
have learned?

By allowing students the opportunity to voice/raise any questions about

the ELA POS, share their experience with fairy tales, and share their
storyboards, students are being formatively assessed throughout the

What resources will
you need for your

Program of Studies for K-9 and 10-12

Materials for storyboard - legal size paper, pencils/pens


Hand out the POS summary handout to each student

Go through the handout as a collective group
Encourage group members to voice any questions/concerns
Have POS outline handy for visual learners


Bring out fairy tale (each group member will have own choice of fairy
tale): Ask prompting questions about student experience (Question: Who
has ever read a fairy tale before? How was that experience?) GLO#1
Read up to a point where conflict has occurred in the story: conduct a
think, pair, share for students to discuss the questions (Question: What is
happening at this point of the story? How is the character(s) feeling?)
After students have shared their view on the story so far, have each student
create a folded storyboard that outlines the events that have happened
within the story and what they predict is going to happen (They can
brainstorm with a partner/creativity is encouraged). For the storyboard,
hand out a piece of blank paper to each student, and instruct them how to
fold the paper to have 6 squares. On those 6 squares, students can
draw/write what has happened in the story and what they predict/want to
happen for the rest of the story. GLO#3 and #4
After time has been given for each student to create their storyboard, bring
group together and allow each student to share what they have understood
within the story and what they have outlined will happen in the rest of the
story. GLO#5


Review the general outcomes of language arts as a group (connect each

outcome related to the body of the lesson)
Review the ELA philosophy and create a collective group discussion on
how the fairy tale lesson embodied the language arts philosophy.

Key Resources

Alberta Education English Language Arts Program of Studies (K-9)

Alberta Education English Language Arts Program of Studies (10-12)

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