Martin Eng120 Sp10 GunControlLaws

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ENG 120 / T.

Martin / Spring 2010

Assignment: Gun Control Laws / Second Amendment / Supreme Court

Locating Books – Search the Pace Library System Catalog (includes Pace Law Library):

Conduct a Keyword search for topics such as…

 gun control
 gun rights
 second amendment

Conduct a Subject search using the following Subject Headings:

 Gun Control United States

 Firearms – Law and Legislation United States
 United States Constitution 2nd Amendment

Locating Articles in the Databases:

 Academic Search Premier or Research Library

o Includes journal articles and news articles

 Also look at CQ Researcher for pro/con information on an issue

Locating News Sources in the Databases and Online:

 Lexis-Nexis
o Includes Newspapers, Wire Services, some Broadcast Transcripts and Press
o Make sure to limit the search to source and time frame.

 New York Times Archive: Make sure to limit to a specific time frame

 Google News - Advanced: Include a News source (CNN, Wall Street Journal, etc.)

Searching Google - using .org domain - for non-profit organization websites:

 Go to Google … click on Advanced Search

 Search within a site or domain: .org

Mortola Library: Reference Desk: 914-773-3505

Douglas Heimbigner:,

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