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Rau Le Creuset

Rau Le Creuset (??????? Rau Ru Kuruze?)[4] is an elite ZAFT commander, a skilled m

obile suit pilot, and an adept tactician, whose abilities are greatly valued by
the ZAFT leadership.[5] He always appears in public with his unique mask coverin
g his face.[5] He becomes famous early in the war during the Battle of Yggdrasil
, using his ZGMF-1017M GINN High Maneuver Type mobile suit to destroy thirty-sev
en Earth Alliance mobile armors and six warships.
His birth name is Rau La Flaga (?????? Rau Ra Furaga?),[6] the direct clone of Mu
La Flaga's father, Al Da Flaga. Rau possesses spacial awareness, a trait he appa
rently inherited from his "father" and shares with his "brother" Mu. However, Ra
u has short telomeres within his DNA that cause him rapid aging problems. This i
s done intentionally, so that Rau can catch up to Mu in age and replace him. Rau
takes a drug that stabilizes his aging; if he goes too long without taking the
medication, he suffers intense pain. Rau eventually decides that Naturals and Co
ordinators are both unfit to live, and plans the destruction of both.
In the final battle of the war, Rau pilots the ZGMF-X13A Providence, the final Z
AFT suit. He battles with Kira Yamato in the ZGMF-X10A Freedom, who manages to s
urpass him. Before being finished, Rau and his mobile suit are destroyed by the
self-destruction of GENESIS, dying with a smile on his face. In Gundam SEED Dest
iny, Gilbert Durandal, Rau's former friend and doctor, often imagines Rau conver
sing with him.[7] He also appears in the final episode to Rey Za Burrel, another
clone from Al who he was close with. He is voiced by Toshihiko Seki in Japanese
and by Mark Oliver in English.[2]

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