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Novel for Vit Moby Dick By Herman Melville Chapter 4, What are the reasons that make Ishmael decide to go to sea, knowing how difficult and dangerous this can be? Ans) Ishmael needed to let go of the earthly worries that brought him anger and sorrow. Living on the land was beginning to take its toll on him. There were even times when he almost had to stop himself from picking a fight with someone in the street. Besides he believed that there was a kind of magic in water and it could be seen even in the works of great artists. Moreover, he was adventurous and wanted to earn money. Therefore, this made Ishmael decided to go to sea, knowing how difficult and dangerous that could be. 2, Do you think Ishmael is running away from his problem by going to sea? Why (not)? Ans) Ishmael certainly was running away from his problems by going to sea because living on the land he was unable to let go of the earthly worrles. The earthly worries brought him anger and sorrow and have begun to take its toll on him, He felt that he was gradually losing control over himself. 3, What do you think the necessary qualities are for someone to become a sailor? Ans) A person who wanted to become a sailor should learn to obey orders all the time and be at everyone's beck and call. There are times when the person ends up feeling like a grasshopper jumping back and forth in a spring ‘meadow but he should show patience during such circumstances. Moreover, he should keep in mind that there would be wild storms when his ship would rock and toss around so much that he might think he would never see home again. Chapter 2 11. What gloomy association does Ishmael make when he comes across The Spouter Inn? Do you think he feels, better when he is inside the building? Explain. ‘Ans) Ishmael had hoped that he would get a small boat over to Nantucket from New Bedford but he found that ‘no boats would sail to Nantucket until Monday. While looking for some comfortable place to stay in, he stopped outside an old, strange looking place called The Spouter Inn, whose title was followed by the words ‘Peter Coffin’. Ishmael associated the words in the title of Inn to his destiny that might wait for him at sea. Looking at the strange ambience inside the Inn he didn’t feel better. 2, Ishmael appears to be afraid of Queequeg. Do you think he is right to feel like that? Explain ‘Ans) Queequeg was Ishmael’s roommate. His face was decorated with bluish black marks. He held a tall black harpoon and a cloth bag. All this made him look fierce. Ishmael was sure that Queequeg would pull out a human head from his bag. However, he took out a small polished ebony statue, place it on a shelf above the fireplace on the opposite wall and began to pray it. after his prayer he grabbed his harpoon and spoke to Ishmael in deep threatening voice. On hearing Ishmael howling Peter Coffin came and Queequeg obeyed what he said. Chapter 3 1.1s Ishmael still scared of Queequeg? Explain. ‘Ans) Ishmael had one of the best night's sleep of his life. Next day in the morning he woke Queequeg who showed him with polite hadn movements that he would dress first, then allow him some privacy to get ready. This incident showed that he was not scared of Queequeg. 2. While Ishmael is watching Queequeg dressing, washing, shaving and eating, he comes to an important realisation about himself and all civilised people. What is this realisation? Do you agree? Why (not)? ‘Ans) While Ishmael was watching Queequeg dressing, washing, shaving and eating, he began to realize that he was nota savage in the true sense after all. He did do things differently from the rest of the people. Ishmael realized that he himself had ways of judging people. Similarly, Queequeg too had his own way of doing things. Being civilized he thought that he should have not criticized Queeauer. 4. What 1s Queequey’s impression of cllised people? Why do you think he feels like that? Ist easy to understand people of different nationalities and lifestyles? peg) queeques’s father was the High Chief in Rokovoko. Many years ago, a whaling ship from Nantucket came to Rokovoko, Queequeg, who wanted to sail to other lands, thought that he could learn things from civilized places that would help his people. He snucked onto that ship as a stowaway but the captain found him and threatened to send him to prison. Queequeg refused to leave and agreed to work on the ship. When he went to many faraway places on that ship, he discovered that many habits and ideas of civilized people were very strange and shocked him. They had a bad effect on him. chapter +1. Do companies, ship owners and agents see whaling the same way as ship crews? Explain ‘Ans) Companies, ship owners and agents do not see whaling the same way as ship crews. The former expect ship crews to fill the ship's barrels with the whale oil as itis the profit of the voyage. They are interested in making money from whaling. However, for ship crews itis more that a business. The chase and the experience of battling the largest creature on Earth give them a sense of adventure. 2. What do you think Ishmael means when he says that the ship is a floating community? Do you think itis necessary for this community to have an order of command? Why (not)? ‘Ans) Pequod, the whaling ship, had three harpooners ~ big foreign men, including Queequeg, The other was ‘Tashtego, an American Indian, with long black hair, a walnut complexion and a strong flexible body. Daggo Was the third harpooner. He was very large African who wore golden rings hanging from both earlobes. Most of the ship's general crew was made up of Islanders coming from places like the Shetland Isles, Greenland and ‘sometimes the Pacific Islands. Therefore, Ishmael said that the ship was a floating community and it was not necessary for that community to have an order of command. 3.What do you think Ishmael’s impression of Captain Ahab is? Justify. ‘Ans) Peleg told Ishmael that the ship's captain name was Ahab and described him as an odd but fearless character — uncommon and educated. He also told him that the captain had only one leg and the other leg had been torn off by a great white whale. Besides being feeling pity for him, tshmacl felt a sense of excitement about meeting him who had escaped a whale attack with his i hapter S 1. Describe Captain Ahab as a character. Do you think his personality is reflected in his appearance? ‘Ans) Captain Ahab had a deep white scar on the side of his face which ran all along his neck and possibly down the entire length of his body. The scar was so deeply cut into his skin that it seemed natural on him, He moved around on his ivory leg slowly but with firm paces. His eyes looked troubled and wild. 2. How is Starbuck contrasted to Captain Ahab? Who do you think is right? Why? ‘Ans) Starbuck had come to hunt whales for business and not for adventure or revenge. Whereas Captain Ahab considered white whales as his enemy and wanted to take revenge by killing it. 3, Comment on the positive influence gentle weather has on Captain Ahab. Do you think climate and weather conditions in general affect our psychology and behaviour? ‘Ans) The whaling ship headed southward, away from Nantucket’s Christmas cold to warmer, gentler weather that would continue for quite a while, This change of climate brought Ahab out on deck more. A calmer look, almost 2 smile, was noticed on his face once or twice, This weather seemed to awaken some gentler feelings hidden in him. He even helped the weary shipmates tow a roy i pe or line. Climate in general do affect the paicholopy and betwee people ate and weather conditions in general do at

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