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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: 4/5 Art

Unit: Artist Study

Lesson Duration: 45 minutes x3 days


General Learning Outcomes:
Level 2
o Component 3: Appreciation
Students will interpret artworks by examining their context and less visible characteristics
o Component 6: Qualities and Details:
Students will refine surface qualities of objects and forms
o Component 10-3: Media and Techniques
Students will use media and techniques, with an emphasis on mixing media and perfecting
techniques in drawing, painting, print making, sculpture, fabric arts, photography, and
technological arts.
Specific Learning Outcomes:
Level 2
o Component 3, Concept A: Contextual information (geographical, historical, biographical, cultural)
may be needed to understand works of art.
o Component 3, Concept D: Out associations influence the way we experience a work of art.
o Component 6, Concept A: Texture can be represented from a range of different studio techniques
o Component 6, Concept B: Colour can be made to appear dull or bright.
o Component 10-3, Concept B: Painting
o Component 10-3, Concept C: Print Making

Students will:
1. Learn about two different Canadian artists and their respective styles. Observe different styles through different
artist work.
2. Critically analyze and appreciate artistic works and identify key words associated with the different artistic styles.
3. Recreate one work of one of the two artists discussed using watercolors, pastels, or paper ripping.

What artist is being chosen more? Less?
What medium is being used more? Less?
Which students are understanding the
differences and similarities between the

Key Questions:
What do you notice about Harrisons work? Carrs?
What are some keywords about each artists style?

Written/Performance Assessments:
Final, polished piece of artwork to be displayed on one of the bulletin boards.
*Students will write a response about the piece that they chose to recreate, what medium they used, why they
chose that artist, what they like about the style or the artist, etc.* (Not included in this lesson plan will be a
follow up activity to the third lesson/work period).


Resource #1: Alberta Program of Studies Fine Arts; Elementary
Resource #2: Ted Harrison Website:
Resource #3: Emily Carr:



Lesson Plan
Powerpoint Presentation (Lesson 1) + Timed Powerpoint Lesson to run during work time
Visual Journal for Document Display Reader example
Art Materials (Paper [8x11], Watercolors, Pastels, Construction Paper, Newspaper for covering)
Paper with 4 Harrison works (x2) and paper with 4 Carr works (x2) cut individually for student choice and in color
2 exemplars one of Harrison, one of Carr (one with watercolor, one with pastel)


Lesson 1 Thurs. Afternoon Week 1

Ted Harrison vs. Emily Carr
Powerpoint Presentation

Briefly outlines the biography of Canadian artists Ted Harrison and Emily Carr

Through images of artwork, display and describe the styles of Harrison and Carr and how they differ

Have students describe the art, what they see, how it makes them feel?, what the differences are between the two different
artists, how the art differs in the artists own style

Describe the days art assignment using the document reader

Art Assignment

Everyone get their Visual Journal

Divide page in half show using document reader

Label the top half Ted Harrisons Style

Label the bottom half Emily Carrs Style

Draw a box on the left side of each half dont tell them what for yet
o For keywords about that artists style (ex/bold, bright, colourful, nature, aboriginal people, Yukon landscapes,
strong, abstract, experimental, etc.)

Try to draw in Harrisons style and Carrs style

Quiet art time, put on soothing music, keep students from looking at each others answers, no talking, just art.

Pencils, pencil crayons, crayons, no paint yet.

When students are finished drawing one picture, explain the keywords box. Or with 10 minutes left in class.
This is part of an Artist Study Project. Next art class with me you will pick a painting from either Ted Harrison or Emily
Carr and you will recreate it. You will have two afternoons to work on them, so lots of time, and you will have a lot of
different kinds of materials available (paint, pastel, construction paper, etc.)

Lesson 2 & 3 Recreating and Appreciating Art (Thurs + Fri Afternoon Week 2)
Set up During Lunch (get materials and cover tables)
Review how to use watercolors and pastels for prime use (not so much water for darker colours, pastels start
in the corner so it wont smudge demo using the document display reader.
Show 2 exemplars one with watercolor, one with pastels (one of Carr, one of Harrison) to give the students
an idea of what to aim for decide on whether or not they should be finished or use them to demo the prime
use of the watercolor or pastel mediums using the document display reader
Explain to use a pencil to sketch out the image, but write lightly so that they lines wont show when its all
Picking a Painting
Have 4 paintings (in color) on one page - 4 of Harrison, 4 of Carr (2 copies of each page)
Students pick a painting to recreate and will do so on a standard 8x11 paper using the materials available and
the materials that best match the keywords and style of the artist chosen.
Have 2 afternoons to work on it (two 45minute classes), will be polished and will be displayed on one of the
bulletin boards
During another lesson, will have students write a short response explaining what artwork they chose, how
they recreated it (what they used), what they liked about the artist and the style, how the art made them feel,
etc., using proper keywords and vocabulary.

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