12NOV02 Min Amended

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224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
November 12, 2002

MEMBERS PRESENT: Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Richard Frith, Pam Feagle, Doug Everett

STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, Sarah Drawdy, Bill Blue and Annette

Mayor Frith called the meeting to order and led those attending the meeting in prayer. Mayor Frith led
the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was then called by the secretary.
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

At roll call, Councilmember Scott was not present but arrived at 6:06 p. m.



Mayor Frith presented a certificate of appreciation to Chief of Police Wayne Putnal for thirty
continuous years of service to the City Police Department. Employees Mike Anderson (Police
department) and James Brantley (Fire Department) were not present.


After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Everett made a motion to adopt the minutes of
October 22, 2002, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Feagle and upon roll call
vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X


Ms. Mary Ann Padgett addressed the Council to tell them she feels that street lights need to be installed
on Highway 27, especially in certain areas. Ms. Padgett referred to a tragic accident in which she was
involved and an individual was killed. Ms. Padgett told the Council she felt if the area had been more
lighted the accident may not have occurred. Ms. Padgett said she would help in any way possible to
help the Council accomplish this request.

Mayor Frith said the Council had discussed, in general, lighting in this area at a recent Council
meeting. Mayor Frith noted Public Works Director Barney Johnson was to provide some information
to the Council on this.
Page 2, November 12, 2002, Council Minutes-Regular Session

Another individual to address the Council was First Assembly of God youth pastor, Mike Carson. Mr.
Carson asked the Council’s approval of a solicitation permit to solicit funds for the TRAK youth
ministry. Mr. Carson funds would be used to purchase additional equipment and replace some
equipment. Mr. Carson said they would be soliciting at Hwy 27 and Jefferson and at U. S. 10 and
Jefferson November 22 and 23, 2002. Councilmember Feagle made a motion to approve the
solicitation permit. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

Councilmember Feagle said she wanted to publicly thank Mr. Carson and the group of young people
who cleaned the vacant property next to Foodland in time for the Florida Forest Festival.



Mr. Dunwoody was not present and Mayor Frith moved on to the next agenda item.



Mr. Mike Murphy, engineer with William M. Bishop Consulting Engineers, Inc., and the City’s
consultant on the Wastewater Facilities Plan addressed the City Council. Mr. Murphy reviewed the
Wastewater Facilities Plan with the Council. Mr. Murphy said the purpose of the Plan is to evaluate the
City’s wastewater system and to establish eligibility to get certain funding from the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP). Mr. Murphy said several options were looked at for the city’s
collection system and wastewater treatment system. Mr. Murphy said DEP requires a formal public
hearing on this issue. Mr. Murphy stated this public hearing was advertised in the local newspaper.
Mr. Murphy provided copies of the Wastewater Facilities Plan for the public.

Mr. Murphy explained the Plan consists of several elements. Mr. Murphy spoke about the new gravity
collection areas and upgrading to pumping sewer systems. Mr. Murphy said the environmental impact
would be relatively minor. Discussing the spray field site, Mr. Murphy said it was first thought to
utilize existing pine trees but the plan now is to clear the site and grow a crop such as hay. Mr. Murphy
talked about environmental sensitive areas in the sprayfield area, including wetlands and the need to
relocate gopher tortoises.

Mr. Murphy reviewed the funding for the project, noting the City has accumulated monies from sales
tax, is the beneficiary of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and has received an
obligation of appropriation of $300,000 from the Legislature. Mr. Murphy said the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) grant program consists of 85% funding with a 15% match from the
City. Mr. Murphy said the City could use the CDBG funds ($600,000), the Legislative appropriations
($300,000) and the value of the land (purchased by the Suwannee River Water Management District)
as the City’s match. Mr. Murphy said the maximum DEP would give in one year is $750,000 and the
City would have to fund the project and reimburse itself with the grant funds. Mr. Murphy said of the
$11 million project, $8.6 million could come from DEP and the $1.5 million local share could come
from CDBG funds and Legislative appropriations. Mr. Murphy noted the collection system would
have to come later.

Mr. Murphy said a public hearing and adoption of the following resolution (Agenda Item 6(C)is
required for submission to the Legislature for additional funding. Mayor Frith opened the public
hearing. Mayor Frith said the overall intent of the project plan is to have a spray irrigation system
rather than the current system of having effluent going into Spring Creek. Mayor Frith said a greater
percentage of the community would be served by sewer when the project is completed, helping
eliminate the need for septic tank systems.

Councilmember Everett had questions of extending sewer into certain areas, such as the Pine Ridge
area and in Quail Point, noting some residences are located just outside the city limits. It was
discussed that sewer would probably be extended to these particular areas.

City Manager Bill Brynes asked Mr. Murphy to explain why pine trees as a crop would not work well
at the spray field area. Mr. Murphy said one reason is because of the application rate (putting more
water down) that would have to be used and the type of nozzles that would have to be used would
knock the bark off the trees and kill the trees. Mr. Murphy said another problem is the site is not big
enough to put in pivot sprinklers. Councilmember Feagle asked how much revenue another type of
crop would generate. Mr. Murphy said this isn’t known because the type of crop (hay or St. Augustine
grass) hasn’t been decided yet. Mr. Murphy said he has been told that 200 acres is about the minimum
to farm. When asked by Mr. Brynes, Mr. Murphy said if the City elected to stay with the pine tree
crop, the cost of the project could increase $1 million.

Councilmember Feagle asked how long before the project could be started. Mr. Murphy said the
surveying is being done and it would not take long to complete the design. Councilmember Everett
asked when the City would receive the grant funding. Mr. Murphy said the City has already received
the Legislative appropriation and CDBG funding and could receive funding from DEP in 2004. Mr.
Murphy noted that the 2004 date is not a fixed date because of other projects and it could be 2005.
Councilmember Everett asked what the City would be obligated to do. Mr. Murphy said the collection
system might have to be delayed. Mr. Murphy noted again that the maximum the City could get in one
year would be $750,000. Councilmember Everett commented this could be a ten-year project. Mr.
Murphy said DEP would like to have the City borrow the money from them at about 2% and use the
grant monies to repay the loan. Mr. Murphy said the City does not want to do this. Councilmember
Everett asked if the pump station, pipeline to the spray field site and the spray field site is anticipated
to be completed before 2005. Mr. Murphy answered yes. It was discussed that the City would pay for
this working out of its cash reserves. Mr. Murphy explained these are monies the City has to use for
sewer anyway. Councilmember Everett said this is also the same reserves the City would have to use if
there were a major (sewer) catastrophe. Mr. Murphy said once the City gets a letter from DEP, it will
be able to incur costs for the project. Councilmember Everett asked how much of the reserves would
the City have to use for the project. Mr. Brynes said most of it would have to be used.
Councilmember Everett questioned that DEP might force the City to have to borrow money. Mr.
Brynes said there is nothing in the rules today that DEP would force the City to borrow money for the
project. Councilmember Everett said if they can force the City to do the project, they could force the
City to find the revenue (to build) from somewhere, either by borrowing or getting it from somewhere
else. Mr. Murphy reminded the Council by building the collection system, the City would be
generating approximately $72,000 per year just in additional sewer revenue. Councilmember Everett
commented if the Council has an idea of these things, it can plan accordingly.

Resident Mike Carson asked if the City has a way to allocate money so that the extension of sewer
doesn’t cost the citizens more. Mr. Murphy said the collection project only ties into the property line
and property owners would be responsible for closing their septic tanks and connecting to the system.
Mr. Murphy said the City could apply for a CDBG Neighborhood Revitalization grant but only if the
particular areas were low-to-moderate income neighborhoods. Mr. Carson said homeowners should be
notified of possible costs. Mr. Murphy told Mr. Carson this particular project would not even begin for
several years.

As there was no further discussion, Mayor Frith closed the public hearing. Mayor Frith stated the
Wastewater Facilities Plan had been approved in part but the Coucnil now needs to adopt the
Wastewater Facilities Plan by resolution.


Councilmember Scott made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2002-19. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X



Mayor Frith stated this item would be tabled indefinitely at the request of the county.



Director of Community Development, Billy LaValle, told the Council Ms. Fannette Chesser had agreed
to serve another term on the City’s Tree Board. Mr. LaValle said member Dawn Taylor asked that the
Council replace her on the Board. Mr. LaValle told the Council the Tree Board Members would look
to find a replacement but if the Council knows of someone who would like to serve they might
nominate them. This item to be brought back at the next meeting. It was the consensus of the Council
to reappoint Fannette Chesser to serve another term on the City’s Tree Board.



Mr. LaValle told the Council, presently, there is a full Planning & Zoning Board/Board of Adjustment
but Ms. Nancy Taylor Geohagen has expressed her desire to be replaced on the Board. Mr. LaValle
explained that Ms. Geoghagen had been recently reappointed but no longer desires to be a member on
the Board. Councilmember Feagle said she would like to nominate Ms. Glennis Louck to the position
on the Board. Councilmember Feagle said Ms. Louck has expressed an interest in serving and wants
to get involved in community service. Councilmember Feagle said she has known Ms. Louck for over
20 years and knows her to be a responsible, honest and decent person. Councilmember Feagle said she
thinks Ms. Louck would make good decisions for the City. Councilmember Feagle then made a
motion to appoint Ms. Glennis Louck to the City’s Planning and Zoning Board/Board of Adjustment.
The motion was seconded by Councilmember Scott and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Feagle X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Everett X
Mayor Frith X

City Attorney Bill Blue said, in looking to place someone on the Tree Board, the Council might want to
consider someone with a real estate background, development experience or banking experience.
Councilmember Feagle asked about someone from the Garden Club being appointed because of their
dedication to such issue. Councilmember Everett said there needs to be a cross-section of members to
have a good board.


Regarding this issue, Mayor Frith said the contention was that the Council mentioned that the City
would pick up the increase in premiums of health insurance for employees. Mayor Frith said then it
came about that there was a disagreement as to whether this was said or agreed upon. Councilmember
Everett said he thought it was agreed that this was said in discussion but not as the City Council would
do this (pay the increase). Coucnilmember Everett said this is the way he remembers it.
Coucnilemmber Scott said, as it stands now, the City pays the additional cost of the insurance as last
year. Councilmember Scott asked about the increased amount of the plan’s deductible and co-pays.
City Manager Bill Brynes explained the City went from a plan of 90/10 with no deductible to a plan of
80/20 with a $250.00 deductible and this increased the premiums. Councilmember Everett commented
employees said the cost of the increase was “eating” the raise they received. Councilmember Feagle
said she has concern with other organizations thinking even with the 80/20 $250.00 deductible still not
a bad plan. Councilmember Feagle said if you compare the City’s plan with other plans in the
community, the City’s plan is not bad and to have a 90/10 $-0- deductible is unheard of.
Councilmember Feagle said she sympathizes with the employees about the raise and increase in health
insurance costs, but noted that it happens to everyone. After discussion, Mayor Frith asked then if it
was the consensus that the Council take no further action and leave the employee health insurance plan
as is with the amounts presently being paid by the City. Councilmembers agreed to leave the plan as


Mr. Brynes briefly reviewed a list of individuals who reside in the county who would like to have
water extended down Paul Poppell Road. Mr. Brynes told the Council two feasibility studies (by the
county and Michael Lynn) have been done and several of these individuals contacted. Mr. Brynes said
these individuals said their interest would depend on what the cost would be. Mr. Brynes said there is
no mandatory hookup (to water) for individuals residing in the county and there may not be much
revenue in extending lines to this area. Mr. Brynes said he would suggest telling the Taylor County
Board of County Commissioners they would need to have Michael Lynn to a study to see what the
feasibility and cost would be.

Councilmember Everett asked if those individuals on the list could be asked if they want to be annexed
into the City. Mr. Brynes said his concern is there would be no connections. City Attorney Bill Blue
said if they were in the City (annexed) they would have to comply to hook up. Councilmember Everett
suggested a letter be written to those individuals that the City doesn’t mind extending water to the area
but they would need to be annexed into the City to get hooked up. Mr. Blue commented there are other
residents outside the city limits who have sewer and water and suggested those residents be asked to be
annexed into the City. It was the consensus the letter be written.

Councilmember Everett informed Mr. Brynes he had received a call from an individual from the Glenn
Ridge area about his water being discolored and staining his clothes and asked Mr. Brynes to check on


Referring to a recent “letter to the editor” in the local newspaper regarding a suspended city police
officer, City Attorney Bill Blue explained to the Council there is a different standard of review in a
criminal court, which has the highest standard of process, than there is in a civil court. Mr. Blue
further explained that someone found not guilty in a criminal court could be found guilty in a civil
court and gave as an example the O. J. Simpson case. Councilmember Everett asked if there is any
legal action pending in regard to the police officer. Mr. Blue stated, “Not that I’ve heard of.”


Councilmember Feagle noted the “stop” marks at Center Street and Main Street are not very visisble.
Coucnilmember Feagle said someone had commented that a portion of Leon Street had been left
unpaved when the rest of the street had been repaved. Councilmember Feagle said there are still some
streets that look bad and asked the City’s plans. Mr. Brynes said all the streets the City was going to
have paved, have been paved but the Coucnil could add to the list of streets. Councilmember Scott
commented that Willow and the rest of Main Street needs to be paved.

Councilmember Feagle asked if something could be done about the street in front of Buck’s Paint Shop
(Buckhalter Street). Mr. Brynes said the road could be graded.

Councilmember Feagle asked if the City could cut out some of the shrubbery around Veterans’ Park.
Councilmember Feagle also noted the eaves of the pavilion are rotten. Councilmember Feagle said a
streetlight needs to be put up at Bishop Blvd. and Highway 27 and said the City needs to actively
pursue putting streetlights in the city limits. Councilmember Alexander said streetlights are needed on
Thomas Demps Lane also.

Councilmember Everett said he had received a call about the traffic light at Ellis Street and Jefferson
Strength regarding the length of time the traffic light (red light) stays red on the Jefferson Street,
especially during peak times. Councilmember Everett asked if the City could adjust the setting. Mr.
Brynes said he thought the City could do this. Coucnilemmber Everett asked that he be informed as to
what could be done so he could tell the individuals who brought this to him.

Councilmember Scott first apologized for arriving late to the meeting. Councilemmber Scott asked
about the cleanup of an area on Willow Street. Director of Community Development Billy LaValle
told her his office had already sent out a letter to the property owner.


There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 7:40 p. m.


_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard D. Frith, Mayor

Recorded in Official Minute Book:

___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date

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