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Course Outline

2016, Term 3
Course name: Core French
Course Code: FSF1D
Teacher: Sarah Bracken
Department: Modern Languages

CourseDescription/Rationale/Overview:This is an introductory course for students who have little or no knowledge of French or who
have not accumulated the minimum of 600 hours of elementary Core French Instruction. Students will begin to understand and speak
French in guided and structured interactive settings, and will develop fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing through
discussing issues and situations that are relevant to their daily lives. Throughout this course, students will develop their awareness of
diverse French-speaking communities in Canada and acquire an understanding and appreciation of these communities. They will also
develop a variety of skills necessary for lifelong language learning.
Term work will be based on Key Curriculum Expectations: from The Ontario Curriculum, Grade 9 to 12: French as a Second
Language- Core, Extended and Immersion, 2014
o Listening to Understand; Listening to Interact; Intercultural Understanding
o Speaking to Communicate; Speaking to Interact; Intercultural Understanding
o Reading Comprehension; Purpose, Form and Style; Intercultural Understanding
o Purpose, Audience and Form; The Writing Process; Intercultural Understanding

Required Materials:
- Textbook: Sans Frontires 9e
- Workbook/Cahier: Sans Frontires 9e
- French/English dictionary
- Binder, paper, pens/pencils, etc.
- Computer and charger


MISSED TESTS/SUMMATIVES: It is the students responsibility to make
arrangements, ahead of time, for any summative evaluations that are missed. If a
student misses an evaluation for an unforeseen reason such as illness or family
emergency, the student must bring a note signed by a parent or guardian and be
prepared to write/make-up the evaluation immediately upon return to school.
MISSED EXAMS: Students are required to write all scheduled examinations. A
student who misses any examination due to illness must present a medical note,
stating that the doctor was aware that a medical reason prevented the student
from writing the exam.


Assessment for learning (Diagnostic): Occurs before instruction begins to determine student readiness and to obtain information about student interests
and student preferences.

Assessment as learning (Formative): Occurs frequently and in an ongoing manner during instruction, to enable students to monitor their own progress
towards achieving their learning goals (self assessment)
Assessment of learning (Summative): Occurs at or near the end of a period of learning, this summary is used to make judgements about the quality of
student learning using established criteria, to assign a value to represent that quality and to communicate information about achievement to students and parents.
Evaluate on a report card as E(excellent); G(good); S(satisfactory); N(needs improvement)
1) Responsibility

2) Organization

3) Independent Work

4) Collaboration


6) Self-Regulation

TERM WORK: ACHIEVEMENT CATEGORIES (to be reduced from 100 to worth 70% of overall mark)

2) Knowledge and Understanding

Term Work /70% + Final Summative Evaluation /30% = /100%

3) Communication

4)Thinking/ Inquiry

Course Evaluation & Outline

Course Outline: This course draws on a variety of themes to promote the development of French Language skills.
Students will complete assignments focusing on reading, writing, listening and speaking and study French culture,
grammar, vocabulary and literature. Emphasis will be placed on communicating in French throughout the class.
Unit 1- Cest moi
Unit 2- Lenvironnement et la nature
Unit 3- La culture franaise
Unit 4- La littrature qubcoise
ISP- La cuisine franaise
Late Policy: All assignments are expected to be handed in on the day that they are due. If a student has a problem with
a due date, it must be discussed ahead of time with the teacher. Late assignments will be deducted 3% per day.
Plagiarism: Cheating and plagiarism are serious issues. Teachers will clearly define and discuss consequences each
term. Any cheating or plagiarism will result in serious consequences. Plagiarism includes: improper citations, wordfor-word copying, theft of anothers words/ideas, etc.
Course Schedule: Please follow the course schedule. It outlines all due dates, test dates and what to expect on a
weekly basis. Homework will be discussed in class, it is your responsibility to write down any homework you have.
Course schedules are subject to change. Any major changes will be updated in advance and a new schedule will be
issued. All changes will also be updated on the course website.
Important Notes:
o Each unit will conclude with a unit project and quiz.
o Please refer to the course website at for daily schedule, due dates, assignments
and outlines and Moodle.
o It is your responsibility to come to class prepared. Any class time wasted will result in an email home and loss
of class privileges.
o All students must bring an French-English dictionary daily, the use of Google translate will be stricly
Achievement Categories:
Knowledge & Understanding: 30%
Thinking & Inquiry: 20%
Communication: 30%
Application: 20%
Term Work: 70%
Assignments: 35%
Class work/Homework: 10%
Participation/Class Discussion/Moodle: 15%
Tests/Quizzes: 10%
Summative Evaluation: 30%
Culminating Activities: 20%
Final Exam: 10%

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