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Trip Evaluation Form

Name__Barbara Perry___________________________________________
1. Are you glad you went on this trip? Why or why not? Yes, it was life
altering for me. I left part of my heart there. I was especially touched
by Korah and Return Ministries Uganda.
2. What was your favorite part of the trip? What was your least favorite
part? The hands on part of the Korah school and Return Ministries.
Least favorite was the amount of time we spent traveling. I
understand that it was necessary, but I would have preferred to have
spent more time in a couple of places making relationships.
3. What did Visiting Orphans do that was helpful in preparing you for this
trip? Now that the trip is over what would have been more helpful?
VO gave us fairly good information, but I do not think anything or
anyone could have prepared me for how incredibly touched and
impressed I would be. Maybe seeing some of the pictures from other
trips would have been a bit helpful.
4. Please evaluate your team leader(s). Please rate them from (1) being
poor and (10) being exceptional. Our team leaders were exceptional. I
felt that I connected with Jesse and Angela a more than with Chris, I
just think he was a preoccupied at times because of his relationship
with Hannah. This is not meant as criticism, just observation.
5. Did you find the in-country itinerary sufficient? What would you
change? Because of Jesse telling us over and over again in the
conference calls that we had to be flexible I was somewhat prepared
for the itinerary to be subject to change. I did feel that it could have
been a little more specific.
6. Evaluate your trip in the following areas:

Work Accomplished
Team Unity
Developing relationships





7. How could this trip have been improved? More time to develop
relationships. I felt we could have spent more time in a couple of
places and not so much time moving around.
8. What was the most impressive thing that God revealed to you? The
selfishness in my heart and the joy and unselfishness in the hearts of
the people we came into contact with. The Lord also revealed to me
that I had idols in my heart that needed to be dealt with. I was
especially inspired by the leadership at Korah and Return Ministries. I
felt that in both these settings, the leaders were completely committed
to the orphans and to making their countries and their people more
Godly and focused on becoming self-sufficient and productive citizens.
The comments I heard from both places from the leaders was that
without a relationship with Jesus, nothing worthwhile was going to be
accomplished. I could not agree more.
9. Has this trip inspired you to serve orphans in the future? If so, how?
Yes, as a beginning, my husband and I want to sponsor a young woman
to go to school from Korah.
What other suggestions, evaluations or comments do you have?
I am so in favor of indigenous ministries, and always have been, but
this trip confirmed that in my heart. I think that our focus should be to
go and train the people to teach and train their own people. I
definitely saw that happening over and over again. I was thrilled to be
a part of this trip and would love to go again, Lord willing. Even though
I am 70 years old, I felt very much a part of the team and they were all
so gracious and kind to me. I did not have any problems and anyone
who says that they are too old to go can talk to me. I LOVED IT!!!!!
Once again, I just want to tell you that our leaders did a fantastic job. I
hope this is helpful. The Lord bless..

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