Events Leading To The Rapture of The Church

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Have you ever heard pastor Chris saying that we are living in
the last days, and you wonder why he said so, well In his
message the kingdom, the power and the glory he said that all
events which were predicted to occur by Jesus Christ have
already occurred, these events eg a nation rising up against
another nation,kingdom against kingdom,earthquakes,rumours
of war etc ,we find in Mark 13vs 3-10.
From now on ,we are waiting for the rapture of the church.We
find the teachings about the rapture in the word of GOD ie,John
5vs 28,29,this verse lets us know that all which are in graves
at that moment they will hear his voice,and all that have done
good unto resurrection of life,and they that have done evil unto
resurrection of damnation.If we open 1 Thessalossians 4vs17,it
says that then we which are alive shall be caught up to meet
the lord in the air and we shall forever be with him,in the
eighteenth verse it says wherefore comfort one another with
these words which means all our labouring is not in vain.Pastor
Chris said this is why he preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In 1 Corithians 15 vs 52,it says that we shall be changed and
this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal must
put on immortality,thus we shall put on celestial bodies,you
know Elijah was caught up with the chariot of fire with his
body,Moses also though God buried him he has his body and
they appeared on the mountain of transfiguration,so we shall
put on celestial bodies.
Christian judgement will be for reward,this judgement which is
for the souls,will take place in heaven after the rapture,
(Romans 8vs1,1 Corithians 3vs11-15).Everbody will be
thanked ,praised for whatever he or she would have done for
the kingdom of God
On the other hand,judgement for unbelievers will be for
condemnation,Rev 20vs 11,the book of life there, pastor Chris
said contains all the names of everybody who was ever born

into this world and if anyone is not found in that book,it means
he or she will not have been born again coz,its our spirits which
receive eternal life,so soon after death there will be no
salvation and this is why we need to preach the message of
salvation ,thats why we do such programs as Reach Out
Zimbabwe coz we know soon after death no matter how good
the person is,it will not be good enough coz Jesus said to
Nicodemus on one occasion that unless a man be born again,he
cannot see the kingdom of God,and the name of Jesus is the
only name given under heaven and earth where man must be
saved,Acts 4vs12
You know pastor Chris once said that if you truly love your
friend,sister,brother or mother etc,instead of giving them
money,introduce them to Jesus coz money cannot bring about
salvation and the bible says in 1 Timothy 2vs 6 that there is one
mediator between God and man which is Jesus.Brothers and
sisters heaven is real and so is hell and fortunately as we speak
you are already justified ie you are already in the kingdom of
God,seated with Christ at the right hand of the father ,far above
all principality,and power,and might and dominion,and every
name that is named,not only in this world but also in that which
is to come,(Ephesians 1vs 20).
As he is so are we in this world,so we are given the authority by
Jesus to win souls ,in John 20 vs 21,after his resurrection,Jesus
said to his disciples,as my father has sent sent me ,even so l
send you,to preach the message of salvation,that is why we are
superior to angels.You are not ordinary being coz as people see
you thats their contact with heaven.
In John 15vs 16 the lord has himself chosen you and ordained
you,that ye should go and bring forth fruit,and that your fruit
should remain,that whatsoever you shall ask the father in the
name of Jesus,he may give it to you.So the lord is counting on
us for his mission and the good thing is that we are also
equipped for his mission coz he said whatever we ask in his
name will be given to us.

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