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Shurangama Mantra Recitation by Qin Xian (translated by Yingru)

I started coming to GCDR in Sept. 2013. The Venerable Master (VM)

said that his disciples had to be able to recite two mantras: the Great
Compassion Mantra, and the Shurangama Mantra. I was able to recite
the former one already but not the latter one. At that time, I thought
there were more than 500 lines in the Shurangama Mantra, there was
no way I could memorize so many words without meaning.
Then, in the 2014 Shurangama Mantra retreat at GCDR, a lay person
Derek from the USA shared his own experience of reciting the Mantra
during lunch time. He said that at the time when he was able to
memorize most of the Mantra, his 3-year old child approached him
and said that there was a white canopy above his head while he was
reciting. She also said that a few Bodhisattvas were weaving a net
surrounding the house. He thought this maybe a protection net. So,
what the VM told us was true, when you recite the mantra, there
would a white canopy that purifies the space and protects us.
Wherever someone is seriously reciting the Shurangama Mantra, a
great white canopy will be there in the space above him. If your skill
in reciting the mantra is high-level and far-reaching, then when you
recite, the canopy will extend for thousands of miles, preventing any
disasters or difficulties. If you only have a little skill, then the canopy
will be right above your own head protecting you. If you have virtue
in the Way, if you are a High Sanghan, then when you recite, the
entire nation will be benefitted and no calamities will occur. Or if
disasters are unavoidable, big ones will turn into little ones, and the
little ones won't even happen. by the VM

So, I told myself, if the Mantra is so powerful, maybe I should learn to

recite the Mantra too. At that time, I could read the mantra fairly
smoothly but could not recite. So, I started the process of memorizing
the mantra. At first, I can only do 7 to 8 lines per evening, sometimes
more sometimes less. This continues for more than half a year.

Towards the last part, my progress was a bit faster. I was able to
recite the mantra after about 9 months, but still had errors. Now,
from time to time, when I am not concentrating, I would still fall into
loops and could not finish reciting even one time.

In August 2015, I joined the One Million Shurangama Mantra

Recitation Program. Each day, I would recite three times in the
morning and one time in the evening. Sometimes I was really tired
when I got home, I did not recite and went to bed right away.
Interestingly, I found that I was reciting at least part of the mantra in
my dream.

As for my own experience of the power of the Mantra, I have the

following story. Ever since I became a Buddhist, my Buddhist friend
told me that I should hang the Shurangama Mantra off the rear-view
mirror for protection, and I followed. Would you believe that one can
survive without a scratch from a sandwich-car traffic accident, that
caused total damage to the car? I did. One day in Nov. 2015, I was
driving my car and stopped for the traffic light. The car in front
stopped, my car stopped, but the car behind did not stop in time. So,
my car was hit from behind once and then hit the car in front
afterward. The damage was so severe that my car was written off.
Typically, people involved in this kind of accident would have
suffered from whiplash, but surprisingly, nobody involved in the
accident was hurt. I was so thankful to the Buddha and to the Mantra.
Then, I understood the meaning if disasters are unavoidable, big
ones will turn into little ones, and the little ones won't even happen.
Also, I notice one interesting thing. Although there is more and more
stress in my work environment, I find that my mind is relatively
peaceful, and my physical health is improving. Then, I recalled the
1. Shurangama" is translated as "Ultimately firm and strong.

2. If you continually recite the Shurangama Mantra, then you can get
rid of your karmic obstacles from last life and all past lives. by the
So, I think the Shurangama Mantra has helped me to be stable and
strong both physically and mentally. I am very thankful for the above
opportunities and experience I have at the GCDR.

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2013 ,



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2015 8

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