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Treat yourself

Catherine Kanaley

English III Standard Pd. 2/6

Mr. Piatak
February 26, 2015

Catherine Kanaley

English 11
Period 6
Michael Piatak
February 26, 2015
Treat yourself

Cosmetology, a career focus established for the creative, visionary, and social types.
However, Cosmetology cant be as easy as many would think. It requires patience, artistic ability,
and an open mind. In order to get the job done right, one must willingly place themselves into the
mind of the client. However, a true beautician does not limit themselves to hair. Whether it be
hairdressing, hair styling, cosmetics, skin care, or nail care, there are certain steps that must be
taken in order to get the specific field in which students want to be in. There are hours upon
hours that must be spent in order to become a certified Cosmetologist. Students must know the
requirements needed to enroll, the training classes that are necessary to take, and what schools
best fit your interests and personal needs.
There is an extensive history on Cosmetology, and the specific fields within it you can pursue.
With taking a class for Cosmetology, students may need to choose a specific path. This
includes hairdressing and styling, nails, skin care, and oral care. There are many different ways
which a Cosmetology student can pursue a field. Apprenticeships for example, offer hands on
activities in which all students subjected to real world obstacles and objectives.
Cosmetology school requirements are somewhat minimal, most states require a GED.
This includes a High School Diploma whereas other states do not require future Cosmetologists
to have one. Cosmetology schools also look for things such as clubs that may have been created

or joined during their high school career. For example, if a student were to have their own
Cosmetology Club, the more appealing the resume will become. Cosmetology schools are not
always for after graduation either, some schools offer classes for ages sixteen and up. And
although rare, some schools offer a class while the applicant still attends school. All depending
on the school of choice. Cosmetology schools, like others, also offer Scholarships.
Depending on what career field the student is looking to go into, hours of training are
necessary before the student can become certified. Take hairdressing for example, in order to
become certified, the student must have to a years worth of hands on experience before taking a
certification test. During this time period, students will be learning to cut and dress both men and
womens hair, color hair, and manage difficult varieties of hair. Students will also be expected to
work properly with styling tools and products, as well as know how to sterilize these tools. As
the student makes progress throughout the years of training and gaining more experience, the
career itself is expected to grow in demand and by other means as well.
By the year 2020, hairdressing job demands expect to grow by 16%
( Due to this rising demand, the salaries also expect to rise. Not
only that, but the cost Cosmetology school textbooks and tools, and the schooling itself are
expected to rise if not drastically. The average salary for a hairstylist is between $25 and $26
thousand, depending on multiple factors. This includes years of experience, level of education,
location, and the company of which the student decideds to work for (
If hairdressing and styling is the career path the student is introduced to a career they
want to pursue, they can choose from two different options. Apply to either a Cosmetology
school, or a school specifically geared towards hair design. The only differences between the two

includes overall school amount, tools, and different textbooks which are specific to the career.
There are also more programs in which you can get involved in than a regular Cosmetology
school, such as hair texturing, business development, and retail training (
The different programs offer a variety of unique and individual tasks, take cutting
hair for example. Many would think that itd be simple to cut a few inches of locks off of
someones head, but the techniques and different tools and their uses says otherwise. Not only are
the techniques difficult to master, but hair stylists also have to keep the clients personal
appearance in mind as its a huge factor in how to approach the cut. For example, the clients head
shape can be a big indicator of where and how to make the first snip. There are different things
that hair stylists can and cannot do when it comes to texturing hair, and overall communication
with your client is key to a successful cut (
Hair styling can be different than hair cutting in many ways, as it also applies to the
shampoo, conditioner, and products used and are necessary for the clients specific hair type.
shampoos for example, are meant for thick and dry hair. Using that kind of shampoo on someone
with frail and oily hair may not be the best idea, because will cause all of the oils to
progressively build up and cause the clients scalp and eventually produce dandruff. Students will
learn differences between all sorts of hot tools, including flat irons and curling irons. They will
quickly discover that the styling of the hair can either make or break the cut itself, and if the cut
meets the clients wants the student will know that they have had a successful run.
Hair coloring is by far the most innovative way to show off and express yourself in the
most unique way, besides other means of self expression. From bright intense colors, to the dark

warm colors, there is a variety of colors to choose from. Hairdressers can agree that the bright,
intense, and unnatural hair colors are the most fun and quirky to create as they are out of the
usual norm and tells a lot about the persons personality. Apart from the haircut and
coloring, texturing plays a big role in the type of mood the person is trying to create.
Texturing hair can be tricky, as it includes different kinds of chemical processes to change
the overall makeup of the hairs follicles and each and every hair strand. The hairdresser needs to
be extra careful with the kind of texturizer they use on the clients scalp as many different kinds
of texturizers can cause allergic reactions, They may also have a long lasting and damaging
effect on the clients hair. The big thing to remember about texturizers is that they are not natural,
and with a bad combination things could go sour for the dressers reputation and client. Apart
from hair, cosmetologists also deal with a far different kind of personal hygiene, dental hygiene.
To become a Cosmetic Dentist, beauticians must first complete a Doctor of Dental
Hygiene Science program. In order to practice afterwards, they must then become certified. Not
only do they require certification, but the cosmetologist must be able to recognize and properly
use new and advanced tools and systems within the cosmetic dentistry industry. Cosmetic
Dentists deal with things such as teeth whitening, cosmetic bonding of the teeth, as well as tooth
removal. A Cosmetic Dentists main concern for their clients are oral hygiene and a perfect smile.
The student may look for internships when starting out, or if theyre interested in starting their
own business, there are steps they are able to take in making their dream a reality.
If a students looking to start an entrepreneurship, Cosmetology schools also offer a
business curriculum in which certified cosmetologists can learn how to market themselves and
their future dream business. They will learn a magnitude of things, such as business

management, client and customer satisfaction, creating an appealing resume, and how to search
for the perfect job in their specific field of choice. Since the early times of Cosmetology
however, this was not available to students. The growing demand for cosmetologists however
now have this exclusive offer in most schools. Not only has the demand changed, but the
products and procedures themselves have changed drastically as well.
Through out the centuries, cosmetics have been used by both genders alike. From the
Egyptians and their mineral baths, to priests and nobles of the 18th century. It has since been
modernized and perfected for a much better outcome. The old native tribes would mashup berries
and plants of vibrant color to paint on themselves to intimidate other tribes, whereas Egyptians
would use lead and ash of different kinds to use as an eyeliner to prove their nobility.
Despite being able to enhance and change their look completely, Egyptians were one of
the first people to develop the idea of skin care. They would use goat and or cattle milk as a tool
for a milk bath, in which they would nourish their skin. They quickly began to notice the results,
and so they tried a various amount of experiments. For example, theyd use a variety of different
clay masks which gave their skin a healthy, radiant looking glow.
In the Chinese culture, theyd use powders of sorts to completely matte their faces to
which they were as pale as paper. They would then proceed to paint their faces as if they were
living dolls, as they hoped to achieve a look of eternal youth. The women would use this method
to their advantage when searching for a husband, as youth is a sign of beauty. In the times of
Native tribes, the women would use mud as a facial cleanser, seeing that the mud was easy to
find and would give their skin a natural glow. Toothpaste was also a big medium used for
personal hygiene, small rocks and clay of some sort would be used to brush teeth.

The chinese were the first known peoples to create the first toothbrush, made from
bamboo and bristles were made from the tough hairs of the wild boar. This idea quickly extended
its way to Europe. This is where the idea was perfected and was sold for profit. Since then, the
toothbrush has been modernized and perfected into what the toothbrush has become since, plastic
handles and nylon bristles. Unlike the toothbrush however, cosmetic facial brushes are an always
developing necessity when referring to cosmetics. Not only do the tools themselves change, but
the beautician does as well.
There have been famous brands of cosmetics since the beginning of cosmetology,
some however, are more recognized than others. John Frieda is an excellent example of a famous
cosmetologist. Dealing particularly with hair, Frieda has been recognized as the most intuitive
cosmetologist of 2014. Frieda has shown that the road to success is full of hardships, and as a
beautician people will face many obstacles, dealing with these issues are only a matter of
communication with the client.
Understanding the client is key to solving any issue any beautician may be
encountering with anything, whether it be the cut or even color. Whether the client seems
uncomfortable with whats going on, or physically speaks to the beautician at hand, being able to
understand the client is most important when preparing for the cut or styling. Apart from simply
understanding the client, listening proficiently will help any tension and feelings of being
uncomfortable for the client. A good relationship between beautician and client is a must for any
successful visit to the salon.
However, things will not always go as planned for the beautician. Whether they are
having a bad day, or a bad hair day, beauticians will always face a rude client. This, is where

communication comes in handy. Being able to assess the situation and carefully examine the
issue will not only allow the beautician to understand the clients needs more, but will help them
to understand the client. If the problem persists however, it may be time to confess to the error.
Waiting until the client themselves realize that their beautician slipped up will only proceed to a
more tensed visit to the salon. Showing honesty and care will help ease and relax the client. Not
only will they trust their beautician, but they will also have a sense of respect for them and how
they perceived and manage to handle the situation as well. Trust and respect for the client and
beautician alike make for a great visit to the salon.
The history and ever changing progression of Cosmetology is endless, and will always be
a forever developing career and hobby. This career choice will always enlighten the most
expressive of people into returning any favor. It will encourage those who pursue this
opportunity into lending a helpful hand to help change another persons life. All cultures alike
are in some way connected to each other due to the close bond of cosmetology. Whether that
change be a hair cut, a makeover, a brightened smile, a new and improved hair color, the
possibilities of expressing yourself is endless. Thus why Cosmetology gains all interest for the
creative, visionary, and social types.

Works Cited

"Cosmetologist Job Description." , Career Options & Cosmetology Salary. N.p., n.d. Web.
19 Feb. 2015.

"Beautician Job Facts." - Web. 2 Mar. 2015. <>.

"Cosmetic Dentists: Job Description & Career Info." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.

KNAPP, JOHN C. "For Liberal Arts Colleges, No Time To Be Content With The Status Quo." Vital
Speeches Of The Day 79.12 (2013): 397. MAS Complete. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
"Art Schools." Art In America 101.9 (2013): 186. MAS Complete. Web. 9 Dec. 2014.
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Persistent link to this record (Permalink):

"How to Handle Difficult & Unhappy Clients." The LAYER How to Handle Difficult Unhappy
Clients Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Mar. 2015.
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"Mirror, Mirror - The History of Makeup Brushes." My Brush Betty. 1 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Feb.

"Cosmetology." School. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

"News." Ancient History of Oral Hygiene. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2015.

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