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Factors and Predictors of National Achievement Test Performance of Science II Secondary


It is highly recommended to secondary schools that operational and functional science

laboratory rooms will be available to be regularly used during science classes.
Procurement of additional laboratory materials, apparatus and equipment to cater to the
needs of all the students should also be given importance. Moreover, displayed animal
and plant species in the laboratory room should be properly labeled.
Students should make their time allocation and study habits. This will enable them to
schedule the daily tasks for them to allocate appropriate time for them to study their
lessons. They should also look for good quality of classmates and friends that will help
and guide them to attain their common objective, which is to pass the subject. In
conducting their experiments and other group performance tasks, they should
remember that cooperation, unity and respect among the members in the group are
highly important. Members in the group should cooperate in performing their
experiments. They should be empowered with initiative, thus, decreasing dependency
on their leaders.
The school should take into the account that learning environment can really affect the
teaching-learning process. This will definitely yield poor individual achievement test
performance and the school performance as a whole. Classrooms affected by noise
in the surroundings should be restructured to produce a sustainable conducive
learning environment.
To increase the National Achievement Test result for science subject, department
heads, subject area coordinators and master teachers should plan for intervention or
remediation programs for the least mastered competencies in the science II subject.
This should be properly and regularly implemented by the teachers in line with the
objectives and goals of the program. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of this
program will help achieve success.
Finally, it is suggested by the researcher that the action plan prepared in this study will
be utilized and applied by the teachers to increase the National Achievement Test
performance of students. Proper implementation and regular monitoring should be
conducted by the department head or subject area coordinator.

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