Azzahra Afifah - Soal DR Arisman 2008-6-10

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Azzahra Afifah

6. The principle of obesity treatment are prevention the increase of body weight, promote the
decrease of body weight, manage comorbid factor and risk factors as well. Those included in
risk factor is
A. sleep apnea,
B. dyslipidemia,
C. bulimia nervosa,
D. gastroesophageal reflux.

Risk factors
By Mayo Clinic Staf

Genetics. Family lifestyle. Inactivity. Unhealthy diet A diet that's high in calories,
lacking in fruits and vegetables, full of fast food, and laden with high-calorie beverages and
oversized portions contributes to weight gain.. Medical problems. Certain medications.
Social and economic issues. Age. Pregnancy. Lack of Sleep. Quitting smoking.

7. Diabetes mellitus management principally based on reaching ideal body weight,

consuming a special diet for diabetic, and exercising regularly. The principle of foodstuff
selection in medical nutrition therapy is, at least, selecting foodstuff with the lowest glycemic
index, that is
A. honey.
B. Jam.
C. sucrose.
D. chocolate
Fajkusova, et al. Glycaemic Index Of Selected Foodstuffs In Healthy Persons. Biomed Pap
Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2007, 151(2):257261.

8. There are some way to lowest glycemic index , that is,

A. by cooking starch and keeping them hot
B. by cooking starch and cooling them down.
C. by cooking starch and adding some alkaline substance
D. by cooking starch and reducing organic acid content.

9. In diabetic patient, a high glucose level 280 mg/dl for a long periode will lead to glucose
toxicity. In such condition, most of trace element are becoming deficient. One of this trace
element classified as very important element to sensitize insulin receptor is chromium. One of
foodstuff below is the best source of chromium:
A. Brocolli.
B. Raw onion.
C. greenbeans
D. raw tomatoes


10. Magnesium and insulin are depending each other. Pancreas is unable to produce insulin
adequately without existency of magnesium, while kidney loose its ability to restrain
magnesium in case of severely hypoglycemia. Choose one of food below which has the
highest magnesium concentration.
A. Yogurt.
B. Brown rice.
C. Almond.
D. Avocado.

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