Roshni Issue 88 January 2016

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informed his-SW troops that AllaahSWT had Commanded him-SW to

fight. Immediately, Hadhrat Abu
Bakr Siddiq-RAU and Hadhrat
Umar Faruq-RAU announced
Jihad. Hadhrat Miqdad declared
that they would never behave like
Bani Israil, who when called upon by
Prophet Musa-AS to fight had said:
"you and your Rabb-SWT go and
fight the enemy, while we sit and
wait here" He further assured the
Holy Prophet-SW that they would
accompany him-SW even to Barq al
Ghama (a place in Abbysinia) if heSW so desired. On behalf of the
Ansar, Hadhrat S'ad ibn M'az-RAU
announced that if the Holy ProphetSW intended to plunge into a river
they will do the same, displaying
such courage and valour as would
please him-SW. The Holy ProphetSW was immensely pleased and
declared that Allah had given himSW the glad tidings of victory over
one of the two, the trade caravan or
the Makkan Army. He-SW swore by
Allaah-SWT that he-SW could see
the very spots where the infidels
would be done to death.
So, the Will of Allaah-SWT was to
prevail. It was His-SWT Will to root
out the evil and uphold the truth and
to teach the infidels a lesson by
punishing them severely on the
battlefield. This was the first
auspicious day in the history of the
world when the oppressed stood up
to fight their oppressors for their
rights. This great task could only
befit the greatest Prophet-SW of
It was proved on the battlefield of
Badr that to Allaah-SWT belongs all
Glory and Magnificence while all
human beings are equal. Their
status only varies according to their
rights and duties. Therefore,
mankind must be governed only by
Allah-SWT's Commands no matter
how much the oppressors dislike
the idea. If only the Muslims of today
could realise the sacrifices and
hardships endured by the Holy

ROSHNI Issue No.88

Prophet-SW and his-SW

Companions-RAU for the
deliverance of the ailing mankind
from oppression! And if only they
could celebrate the day of Badr as
the day of the poor and the down
trodden instead of celebrating the
May Day in memory of the eight
American workers killed in Chicago!
When both the armies
confronted each other on the
battlefield, the infidels presented an
outward display of power and might,
while the Muslims only banked on
Divine Support and Pleasure.
The Holy Prophet-SWs Prayer
Although victory had already
been promised, the Holy ProphetSW prayed to Allaah-SWT with
utmost humility and devotion. Thus
it is evident that pleading before
Allaah-SWT has its own merit and is
essential for its own sake. But the
rules thereof must be followed,
namely: (1) all means within one's
power must be employed and (2)
obedience to Allah-SWT must be
thorough. If these rules are
f o ll o we d , t h e in v o ca ti o n i s
answered immediately, as in this
case. It was revealed to the Holy
Prophet-SW that Allaah-SWT would
depute a thousand angels, for hisSW support, who would descend in
formations against the thousand
warriors of the infidels, though the
deputation of a single angel would
have been sufficient, as previously
recorded in case of punishment of
the people of Prophet Lut-AS
Sincerity and Devotion to AllahSWT
The Battle of Badr gives a Divine
L a w. W h e n e v e r a t a s k i s
undertaken in compliance with
Allah-SWT's Command with utmost
sincerity, there is nothing to worry,
as Allah-SWT assigns that task to
His-SWT Angels whereas the credit
for its completion and the rewards
go to His-SWT servants. Here, the
descent of a thousand angels took


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place, while in Surah Al-'Imran

Allaah-SWT promises aid through
three and five thousand angels in
response to the reinforcements
expected by the infidels. He-SWT ,
Who-SWT is capable of doing
everything without having to employ
any means, deputes His-SWT
Angels to reassure the Muslims that
the victory will be theirs.
Composure of the Heart
Besides, the descent of the
angels was also meant to be a
source of satisfaction for the
believers. The composure and
satisfaction of the Qalb stems from
the development of angelic qualities
as well as an association with the
angels. This is why Zikr is said to be
a source of satisfaction of the Qalb
because perpetual Zikr is a quality
of the angels. Negligence in Zikr
paves the way for Satan to
communicate with the heart,
causing listlessness and anxiety.
Moreover, it is entirely upto
A l m i g h t y A l l a h - S W T, t h e
Omnipotent, to manifest His-SWT
Succour the way He-SWT wants to,
through the angels or without them.
It is He-SWT Who-SWT prevails,
the Wisest, Knowing exactly when,
where and how succour is to be
provided. It also indicates the level
of Fana-fi-Rasul enjoyed by the
Companions-RAU; for Allaah-SWT
Co m ma n d e d t h e a n g e l s t o
accomplish the mission undertaken
by them, to an extent that they
witnessed the angels mounted on
horsebacks with white turbans
joining the battle. Many a Ahadith
corroborate this fact.
As a result of this battle seventy
chieftains of the enemy were killed
in action and seventy were taken
prisoners. The Makkans returned in
humiliation with their entire
leadership almost collapsedn
To be continued next month
new Surah At-Taubah

January 2016

Asrar At-Tanzil

The English Tafseer of Quran

By: Ameer Muhammad Akram Awan

Translation and Tafseer Surah Name: Al-Anfaal Meaning: The Booty

Continued from last month

The Execution of Command and

its Rewards

llah-SWT s Commands are

absolutely true and must be
obeyed regardless of how
such acts of obedience may
outwardly appear. To fight the
Makkan s at Badr with out
manpower, weapons and logistics
during the scorching summer and
the month of fasting was apparently
suicidal. It was at this time that the
Holy Prophet-SW was informed
about the trade caravan of the
Makkans, headed by Abu Sufyan,
returning from Syria richly laden.
This caravan was a joint venture of
the infidels to raise funds in order to
fight the Muslims. So important was
this venture that the caravan was
escorted by seventy mounted and
armed men of which forty were the
chieftains of Quraish. Allaah-SWT
Commanded the Holy Prophet-SW
to go forth and foil the evil plans of
Quraish and its accomplices. Thus
the Holy Prophet-SW announced
the departure for the mission
assigned by the Almighty. Many did
not have any means of travelling,
while some had other reasons for
not being able to go. Nevertheless
the Army of Islam, comprising three
hundred and thirteen noble souls,
seventy camels, two horses and six
armours and approximately eight
swords set out, in execution of
Allah-SWT's Command. When they
arrived near Badr informers were
sent to get an update on the enemy
caravan. They found that the

ROSHNI Issue No.88

situation had radically changed.

The caravan, getting a wind of the
approaching Muslims, had changed
its course and had got away safely
by moving along the coastline, while
an army of one thousand warriors
from Makkah were heading towards
Madinah on receiving a request for
help from the caravan.
Du rin g consu ltatio ns t hat
followed the new development,
some of the Companions-RAU
suggested that since the caravan
had escaped, a clash with such a
big and powerful army from Makkah
should be avoided. They tried to
convince and persuade the Holy
Prophet-SW to avoid fighting not for
reasons of their own safety but for
the apparent threat to the mission
that was held so dearly by the Holy
Prophet-SW as well as out of
considerations for his-SW personal
safety. This apprehension was later


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endorsed by the Holy Prophet-SW

when he-SW raised his-SW hands
in prayer in his-SW Command Post
at Badr. After arraying his-SW illequipped and thoroughly
outnumbered Army for the battle, he
implored: "O Allah-SWT ! I have
brought forth with me the entire
Islam in Your-SWT Cause. If today
they are routed, there shall never be
anyone to bow his forehead in
prostration before You-SWT ." The
Holy Prophet-SW improvised a flag
for his-SW Army from the scarf of
his-SW beloved wife 'Ayeshah-RAU
putting his-SW honour at stake in
the Cause of Allah-SWT, with a trust
that. He-SWT would never permit it
to be trampled over by the enemy.
The Companions-RAU suggestion
to avoid the battle has been
criticized by some out of sheer
However, the Holy Prophet-SW

January 2016

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B. (F2B) Unmarried Sons and Daughters
(21 years of age or older) of Permanent
Residents: 23% of the overall second
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Third: (F3) Married Sons and Daughters

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oversubscribed (see paragraph 1); "C"
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for all qualified applicants; and "U" means
unavailable, i.e., no numbers are
available. (NOTE: Numbers are available
only for applicants whose priority date is
earlier than the cut-off date listed below).

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23,400, plus any
numbers not required by first and second
Fourth: (F4) Brothers and Sisters of Adult
U.S. Citizens: 65,000, plus any numbers

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Areas Except
Those Listed

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number (if any) by which the worldwide
family preference level exceeds 226,000,
plus any unused first preference numbers.
A. (F2A) Spouses and Children of


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ROSHNI Issue No.88


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January 2016


"Who's There?"
"See, you forgot me

Shady Dog -Riddles

Q: Why did the dog sit in the
A: Because he didn't want to be a
hot dog!

Will You Remember Me

Bob: "Will you remember
Bob "Will you remember
next week?"
Bob: "Will you remember
next month??"
Bob: "Will you remember
next year?"
Bob: "Knock Knock"





Student: Can I use the bathroom?
Teacher: Okay but first say your
Teacher: Where's the P?
Student: Its running down my leg!

Inner Beauty
Personals Ad: "Physician, 35 Desires to meet that special
woman with real inner beauty.
Send X- rays to: Dr. Mellonchop,
BOX 67."

Skydiving Lesson
My skydiving instructor would
always take the time to answer
any of our stupid first - timer
questions. One guy asked, "If our
chute doesn't open, and the
reserve doesn't open, how long do
we have until we hit the ground?"
Our jump master looked at him
and in perfect deadpan and
answered, "The rest of your life."

Peter and Jack

on Holiday
Two friends Peter and Jack are
leaving for the holiday on the
same airplane. Peter was sad
when he couldn't meet Jack
before they get in to the plane.
After some time he sees Jack
coming up down the aisle and
Peter shouted, "HI-JACK!"

Actual Product Instructions

ON A HAIRDRYER: *Do not use while sleeping.

ON A BAG OF FRITOS: *You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
ON A BAR OF DIAL SOAP: *Directions: Use like regular soap.
ON TESCO'S TIRAMISU DESSERT: *Do not turn upside down. (Printed on the bottom of the box.)
ON MARKS & SPENCER BREAD PUDDING: *Product will be hot after heating.
ON PACKAGING FOR A ROWENTA IRON: *Do not Iron clothes on body.
ON BOOTS CHILDRENS COUGH MEDICINE: *Do not drive car or operate machinery.
ON NYTOL (A SLEEP AID): *Warning: May cause drowsiness.
ON A KOREAN KITCHEN KNIFE: *Warning: Keep out of children.
ON A STRING OF CHINESE MADE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS: *For indoor or outdoor use only.
ON A JAPANESE FOOD PROCESSOR: *Not to be used for the other use.
ON SAINSBURY'S PEANUTS: *Warning: contains nuts
ON AN AMERICAN AIRLINES PACKET OF NUTS: *Instructions: open packet, eat nuts.
ON A SWEDISH CHAINSAW: *Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands.
ROSHNI Issue No.88


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January 2016

as the Titanic".
Michael Henderson of the Times
in London maintained that "an era
came to an end, beyond all
argument", adding that it ended with
a submission so feeble that "the
years of West Indian domination
appeared to be a trick of the light".
"The only thing the West Indies
n ow re qu ire is a comp lete
overhaul," was the advice of Samiul
Hasan of Pakistan's leading English
newspaper, Dawn. "If the team
remains as disparate as it currently
is, they may be up for greater
"Humiliation" is a word
repeatedly used since in reference
to West Indies cricket, not least
following the defeat in Hobart,
officially by an innings and 212 runs,
in truth by considerably more.
In contrast to the star-studded
squad in Pakistan, seven of the
West Indies XI decimated in Hobart
were on their first tours of Australia,
four were under 25, among them
trainee captain Jason Holder, five
others under 30. Only five had 30 or
more Tests to their name. The team
is eighth on the ICC Test rankings.
They were reminded, time and
again, by the Australian media that
West Indies teams hadn't won a
Test in Australia since 1997, a few
months before they had been swept

clean by Pakistan. It was made plain

that, in the circumstances, it was
better they weren't there. As Adam
Voges and Shaun Marsh powered
to their record 449-run partnership
in Hobart, Greg Baum wrote in the
Melbourne Age that they were
"bowling, instead of dot balls, slot
balls, rot balls and feed lot balls".
It was browbeating enough to
test the toughest of characters. The
involved support of the experienced
few was essential; in Hobart it
wasn't evident. Ian Chappell
described the performance as a
"disgrace", the body language as
"terrible", and spoke of a few easily
identifiable players who needed "a
kick up the backside".
Michael Holding was on the
same page after the Pakistan
series, where he was a TV
commentator. "Some of the players
I watched in Pakistan did not have
the right attitude or commitment," he
wrote in his column in the Caribbean
Cricket Quarterly. "They didn't seem
to understand what it means to the
people of the West Indies to have a
team that is playing proper cricket
and they weren't prepared to put in
the effort."
The row over the captaincy was
the troubling backdrop in Pakistan.
The selectors nominated Lara
instead of the incumbent Walsh; the

WICB directors knocked them back

and returned to Walsh. Duly
angered, the Trinidad and Tobago
Cricket Board passed a strongly
worded resolution that wa s
presented to the WICB's general
meeting at the start of the tour.
"Examining the evidence, we
have come to the conclusion that
there is a calculated plot to tarnish
the image and international
reputation of Brian Lara, using his
past indiscretions as the basis for
sowing the seeds of destruction," it
read. "The Trinidad and Tobago
Board stands in defence of its
national hero and its world-class
Fazeer Mohammed, in Pakistan
for Caribbean press and radio, as
he now is in Australia, reported that
"persistent newspaper reports in
Pakistan of Lara-inspired rifts within
the squad succeeded in throwing
him off his game". His returns in six
innings were 129 runs at 21.5. By
the time England arrived in the
Caribbean three months later, he
had taken over from Walsh as
captain, leading West Indies to a 3-1
series triumph.
Since being installed as chief
selector in 2014, Lloyd has
repeated a comment he made in
1997, almost word for word. "Our
cricket has been going down for
quite a while and urgent action is
required to arrest the slide," he said
back then. "We have to look closely
at our structure and see how our
players develop from an early age."
In his present role, he has opted
for youth and pleaded for time for
the policy to bear fruit. Since 1997, it
has become increasingly clear that
time is not on the side of West Indies
Tony Cozier has written about
and commentated on cricket in the
Caribbean for over 50 yearsn
Courtesy: Cricinfo

ROSHNI Issue No.88


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January 2016

Time is not on West Indies' side

Tony Cozier

ighteen years on, West

Indies' thrashing by Australia
in the first Test in Hobart last
weekend bears uncanny similarities
to their predecessors' routs in all
three Tests in Pakistan in November
and December 1997. It is a case of
the more things change, the more
they remain the same in West Indies
Even several of the
We st Ind ie s' m ain
characters from the
Pakistan whitewash are
still involved. Clive Lloyd,
then manager, is now
chief selector. Courtney
Walsh, the captain at the
time, is selector on tour in
Australia. Curtly
Amb ro se , Wa lsh' s
fearsome partner in pace,
is the team's bowling
consultant. Head coach
Phil Simmons batted in
the middle order in
Pakistan, Stuart Williams
opened. They were in
Hobart as head coach
and his assistant.
Grenada prime
minister Keith Mitchell
remains in the thick of
things. After Pakistan, he
was concerned enough to
(Caribbean Community)
governments to discuss the state of
West Indies cricket. He now heads
the CARICOM sub-committee on
cricket and is the prime mover
b eh ind t he re cen t da mn ing
Barriteau report on the governance
of the West Indies Cricket Board.
The teams in Pakistan and
Australia both went into their
assignments unsettled by off-field
upheavals. The issue prior to

ROSHNI Issue No.88

Pakistan was the captaincy; it was

never far below the surface. The
problems leading into Australia
were the confusion over the
suspension and subseq uent
reinstatement of head coach
Simmons, a matter initially triggered
by the contentious omission of the
e ve r-d e p en d a b le S h ivn a rin e
Chanderpaul from the two Tests
against Australia in the Caribbean in

with a 2-1 coup in the Caribbean,

Pakistan delivered the first inkling of
the dramatic meltdown to follow. In
spite of the presence of Brian Lara,
Shivnarine Chanderpaul, Carl
Hooper, Ambrose and Walsh, all
established among the game's
foremost players, West Indies were
beaten by an innings and 19 runs in
Peshawar, an innings and 29 runs in
Rawalpindi, and 10 wickets, when
Pakistan were left 12 to win in

Phil Simmons, Courtney Walsh and Clive Lloyd

The media attention on the highprofile West Indians who are in
Australia for the Big Bash T20
tournament has been a further
distraction, a constant reminder of
the lingering rift between the players
and the WICB. Counterbalancing
the parallels are obvious
Two years after Australia ended
15 years of West Indies invincibility


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Karachi. Shortly after lunch on the

first day of the series they were 58
for 7. Although they rallied to 151 all
out, the pattern had been set.
The repercussi ons were
immediately spotted by observers
outside the West Indies. Under the
headline "The Titanic is sunk",
Sportstar magazine of India said
that West Indies cricket eventually
"may well be as much part of history
January 2016

lucky, you can find that one shade that

is perfect for your skin tone. If you're
like me, you might have to experiment
a bit and find your perfect shade. Use a
yellow base concealer on top of the
orange corrector for a better and
natural coverage. It will also help
brighten the eye.
My favorite concealers:

By Anam Afaq

ark circles are every woman's

nightmare. They can be
caused by many factors, such
as inadequate nutrition or sleep. But
whatever the reason may be, there is
a solution to help you conceal them.
Many of you have asked me how to
cover your dark circles. So here is my
step-by-step method:

Step 1: Color Correction

You must have heard the term
"cor rect or" use d in ma ke-u p
terminology. What does it mean?
Color correction has to do with color
theory. You use one shade to
compliment or neutralize another. In
this case we need to neutralize the
problem areas. Applying a lighter
shade on a dark spot without using a
corrector will give you an ashy look.
When neutralizing, you want to use a
shade opposite on the color wheel. To
neutralize the blue/gray areas, you
need an orange color. For fair skin, a
light peach or salmon color will work.
For a medium to dark skin tone, you
will need a dark peach or orange
color. This color needs to be darker
than your skin color to actually cover
the dark circles. Don't get concerned if
it looks too orange; the next step will
take care of this!
Using your ring finger, apply the
shade all around your eyes (you can
also apply it anywhere else you might
have dark spots, like around the
mouth area). If your dark circles are
really deep like mine then you might
need a couple of coats of the orange
My favorite color correctors are:
w KryolanDermacolor (really highly
pigmented, more for professional
w Mac Pro Conceal and Correct
w Mac Dual Corrector (sheer

ROSHNI Issue No.88

w Eve Pearl Salmon Concealer.

Step 2: Apply foundation
If you don't wear foundation, use a
concealer the same color as your skin
and pat it on the problem areas that are
color corrected from Step 1. If I'm going
to an event, I always apply foundation.
Using a stipple brush (I use Makeup
Forever), apply the foundation all over
the face including your under eyes to
blend the corrector.
Step 3: Conceal and Brighten
This step is optional and
depends on the occasion for
me. After your foundation
is on and you can still see
the dark circles, take a
little bit of concealer and
pat down using your ring
finger. For my daily
routine, I don't apply a
foundation. However,
because my dark circles
are a lot darker than my skin,I
use a couple different concealers
to get the right shade for me. If you're

w Mary Kay Concealer in yellow

w Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer
** Tip: Apply the concealer in a
triangular shape pointing down parallel
to the nose rather than a semi circle
directly under the eye.

Step 4: Set
Using a large fan brush, powder
a n d se t y o u r c o n c e a l e r a n d
foundation. Setting is important so that
your creams and liquids don't wipe off
or crease. You can use a sponge
to set your powder on but I
feel that the sponge puts
on too much powder and
can make your skin
appear cakey.
** Tip: Use a Kleenex
tissue and lightly wipe
across the face to
remove any excess
There you have it! My 4step method to hiding dark
circles. I hope this helps!




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January 2016

By M.A. Waheed
It is far better to live like a lion for a
day then to live like a jackal for a
hundred years" said a bold, brave
and brilliant son of Mysore in India
known as Tipu Sultan. Girish Karnad
a noted stage and film authority
hailing from the same State as Tipu
Sultan recently opined that if Tipu
Sultan was a Hindu, he would have
bestowed the same aura and mantle
as Shivaji in Maharashtra. Born on

November 20, 1750 in Devanahalli

(present day Bengaluru), Tipu hailed
as "The Tiger of Mysore" will always
be remembered as one of the most
powerful rulers India ever had.
Fascinated by Tipu's heroics in my
high school history class, I undertook
a visit to his summer palace in
Srirangapatnam. An amazing scholar
and a remarkably ambitious king his
heroics are written all over the
kingdom. As in life and after death,
Tipu is draped in viewpoints that
converge and diverge depending on
one's political prism or mental prison.
Collaborating with the French, Tipu
fought valiantly against the British rule
and was a thorn in their imperial
advances. Using rockets and naval
power he kept the British forces at bay
for a long time. His passion for
freedom from colonial rule is a well

ROSHNI Issue No.88

documented stanza of India's

playbook on emancipation. Eminent
historians have recognized Tipu
Sultan as an enlightened ruler in war
and peace. He always led from the
front and any number of his bravery
anecdotes generously inflate and
infuriate tempers even to this day. As
a Muslim king in a majority Hindu
state, Tipu practiced communal unity.
Only 10 percent of his officials were
Muslim and the rest
were from t he
Hindu majority. His
currency carried
images of Hindu
gods, like Shiva,
Parvati, Sharada
and Krishna. He
popularized "tiger"
as the motif of his
kingdom aligning
the mascot to
goddess Durga.
There have
been very few
examples of a soldier and scholar in
one person. Tipu is known to excel
with both qualities of brain and brawn.
Dignity, compassion and humanity
are traits documented by historians in
subjective frames. As a leading
i n t e rn a t i o n a l m a g az i n e o n ce
mentioned, "one man's terrorist is
another man's freedom
fighter"so is the case with Tipu
Sultan. Legend has it that Tipu was
hunting with a French friend when he
came face to face with a tiger..the
tiger pounced on him. His gun failed to
work but he killed the tiger with his
dagger thus earning the title of, "the
Tiger of Mysore". Emphasizing the
importance of communication and
connections, he introduced the postal
runners. He pioneered road building.
Constructed a dam over Cauvery,


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developed agriculture, established

trade routes overseas, supported
horticulture, nurtured sandalwood,
collected and treasured arts and
crafts. The personal sword of Tipu
Sultan was bought back from British
collectors by Vijay Mallya the
industrialist from Tipu's state. Another
showman Sajay Khan from Tipu's
state launched a magnificient TV
serial based on Tipu. I had the good
fortune of interacting with Sanjay
Khan while I worked with Lintas the ad
agency in Bombay on marketing of
the serial, "The sword of Tipu".
While there were rumours of
filmstar Rajinikanth, doing Tipu's role
in a a biopic, Hindu Munani leader
Rama Gopalan has expressed his
request to the actor from starring in
this role. Trumping against a secular
philosophy is a fashionable statement
in today's politics..and this
disease plagues the East and the
M.A. Waheed is a freelance journalist based
in Upstate NY and can be reached at


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January 2016

had eaten beef.

Senior BJP leader, Kailash
Vijayvargiya accused Shah Rukh,
one of Indias most recognisable
actors, of being anti-nationalist and
said the actors soul is in Pakistan in
a series of tweets he later retracted.
It is not the first time that Shiv Sena
is involved in anti-Muslim atrocities. In
the past as well, the party had been in
the limelight for its anti-Muslim
sentiments, attacking and targeting
Muslim artistes working in Bollywood.
Similarly, former actress, and now

the Human Resource Minister of

India, Smriti Irani rebuffed Aamirs
and Shah Rukhs st ance on
intolerance in India and defends Modi
and his partys policies by saying, I
am a living example of PM Modis
tolerance... he forgave me, though I
publicly attacked him. Whatever the
stance of Indian ministers, the
outburst of Shiv Sena and BJP in
response to Aamirs statements
regarding his insecurities, has shown
the real mindset that is working
behind maligning the Muslim force,

working day and night for an

incredible India.
Lets blame it on the fabric with
which the Indian diaspora is weaved
of. Extremism, anti-Muslim atrocities,
intolerance have always been
present in Indian traditions be it
demolition of Babri Masjid by Hindu
nationalist groups and riots that
followed the incident, Hindu-Muslim
riots in Gujrat or recent cold-blooded
murder of a Muslim man on eating
beef, history has so much to offer on
Hindu extremism towards Muslimsn

Lamar Odoms Health Is Improving

opeful for the holidays. Lamar

Odoms condition has been
improving over the past few
weeks, a source confirms to Us
Weekly, explaining that the
progress is happening little by
He gets better a little bit
every day, the source says.
He took a few steps without
the walker. Its very slow and
hes supposed to go to the
rehab any day now.

was unaware of what had caused his

brain injury.
We tell him that he had a brain

The 36-year-old former

NBA star was hospitalized
back in October after he was
found unconscious in a
Nevada brothel. Toxicology
results later showed that the
athlete had traces of cocaine
and sexual performanceenhancing drugs in his system,
which led to his hospitalization.
Odoms estranged wife,
Khloe Kardashian, has been a
frequent presence throughout
Odoms recovery period, and
has given several updates on
his status over the past few
In November, she revealed
to Ellen DeGeneres that Odom

ROSHNI Issue No.88


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injury, but we cant tell him how that

brain injury was caused, because that
will set him back, she explained on
DeGeneres talk show. He
never asks why hes here. He
doesnt ask. Hes really
confused a lot sometimes
he knows who the president is
a n d h i s b i r t h d a y, a n d
sometimes he thinks hes 26,
and I say, I bet you wish you
were 26, so do I!
Later that month, she told
the Today show that doctors
initially warned her Odom only
had a few hours to live.
They told me that he had
four hours, Kardashian, 31,
told Todays Natalie Morales.
Its a horrible call to get.
Getting to the hospital and
knowing hes in a coma and
having to run these tests or
make medical decisions its
Kardashian and Odom
split in 2013 after four years of
marriage, but their divorce has
not been legally finalized, so
the reality star is still listed as
his health care proxyn
January 2016


By: Bushra Sehar

It is safer to be a cow in India than

to be a Muslim, said Indian
Congress leader Shashi Tharoor
while speaking at a parliament
session recently.
Modi government has been under
severe criticism from different circles,
especially the Indian opposition over
rising incidents of intolerance and
hatred in the country.
In his speech, Mr. Tharoor
accused Modi of encouraging
intolerance, communal hatred and
minority security in the country while
saying, You cant promote Make in
India abroad while there is still Hate
in India.
Vice President of Lok Sabha,
Rahul Gandhi has also been vocal
about growing intolerance and
showed his concern while speaking to
a full house of members at a
parliaments session.
He spoke about the safety of
Muslims, especially those who are
serving at important posts in defence
institutions. He cited the example of
M. Akhlaq, father of an Indian Air
Force pilot M. Sartaj, who got killed in
cold blood only for being a Muslim and
demanded Prime Minister Modi to
take note of brutalities of his party
The Prime Minister talks about
economic growth and progress and at
the same time his colleagues talk
about sending Bollywood stars to
Pakistan. Lets not do that. Till date
our strength has been our tolerance
where we give our people the space
to talk, said Rahul Gandhi in support
of some Bollywood Muslim stars who
have been under severe attack by
Shiv Sena.
Top actors, Aamir Khan and Shah
Rukh Khan were accused of being

ROSHNI Issue No.88

unpatriotic after suggesting Hindumajority India was becoming more

intolerant, with members of the ruling
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leading
the onslaught.
Aamir Khan, one of the highest
grossing Bollywood actors of all time,
provoked a furious response when he
said that a sense of insecurity and
fear was gripping India. Aamir, who
like many Bollywood stars is a
Muslim, also revealed that his Hindu
wife had even questioned whether the
couple should leave the country. BJP

he is proud to be an Indian. The brand

ambassador of 'Incredible India'
campaign also said that he is proud to
be an Indian national and does not
need anyone's permission to prove
his Indianness.
A week after Aamir Khan spoke
about the growing intolerance in the
country, Bollywood actor Shah Rukh
Khan has said that one does not need
to prove his patriotism, according to
Extending a hand of support to
Aamir, he also said that he will now be

spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain

warned Aamir that it was not all right
to malign India and told the actor,
Dont forget, India made you a star.
Television fo otage sho wed
dozens of activists burning posters of
Aamir in several Indian cities, while
police protection at his Mumbai home
was upgraded and social media was
awash with criticism of the star.
The 50 year old was the latest high
profile figure from the world of arts to
raise concerns about religious and
cultural intolerance since Hindu
nationalist Prime Minister Narendra
Modi was elected last year. However,
after two days, the actor clarified that
neither him nor his wife Kiran, have
any intention of leaving the country as

addressing only those issues on

which he has detailed knowledge,
You don't have to be proving your
patriotism in any other way, except for
thinking good for the country and
doing good. You have to work for the
benefit of the country. If I work for the
country in the kindest way in what I am
good at, my country is going to benefit
from that. But if I am corrupt, and
regional about it, I will be harming my
country, the report said, quoting
Shah Rukh.
Shah Rukh Khan sparked a similar
furore earlier in November when he
referred to extreme intolerance in
India after the lynching of a Muslim
man in October over rumours that he


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January 2016

By Mohiuddin Aazim
Happy new year to all readers!

am sure the world, in general, and

Pakistan and India, in particular, is
going to see good things coming in
2016. Sheer optimism, isn't it?
But, then, optimism is going to
keep us on track. Track three
diplomacy, I call it. We have heard
much of track two diplomacy and
we've seen it working in Pak-India
relationship in the past. But we
haven't heard of track three
diplomacy. At least not the kind I am
going to discuss here.
Close to 1.5bn people live in India
and Pakistan and most of them have
remained in the grips of fear and
tension for decades. There are
several reasons for this but the most
important one is that we have been
conditioned mentally, thanks to
typical Pak-India political and military
narratives, to doubt each other, to
negate each other, to fight with each
other and to make life hell for each
But 2016 is going to liberate us
from this mind-set, not once and for all
but slowly and gradually. That is the
word taking rounds in the spiritual
circles of the two sides that are bound
together with generational affiliations
of certain spiritual orders including the
most famous Chishtia Order.
My Shaikh, Huzoor Ahmed Shah,
used to say Pakistan and India would
come closer to each other and I'm
sure I'm going to see it. Why I see
signs of this happening now is that
people of both sides have suffered
enough and have gone through
enough troubles to afford further
deterioration in Pak-India
relationship. Far from the maddening
crowds of bustling towns and cities of
the two countries, there are noble

ROSHNI Issue No.88


souls on both sides of the borders

who believe in the oneness of the
one-and these are the people whose
prayers are going to be answered
now. Or so I hope. By the time this
write-up is published tens of
thousands of newspaper pages
woul d have bee n fi lled w ith
information and analysis about the
developments in Pak-India
relationship centered mainly on the
historical meetings of the Indian
foreign minister with her Pakistani
counterpart and PM Nawaz Sharif on
the sidelines of the Heart of Asia
meeting in Islamabad. Thousands of
airwave hours of TV channels would
have been permeated with the
breaking news and broken analysis of
the events revolving around PakIndia relationship.
But my belief that Pakistan and
India would come closer to each
other, or at least they would begin to
coming closer to each other from
2016 is rooted in something else. It is
rooted in one simple thing: hundreds
of millions of innocent people in both
countries are earnestly looking for a
more peaceful region, almost all of
them are praying for it and some of
them are working behind scene to
make this happen. Among them are
not only track two experts but some
noble souls, let's call them track three
people-people who pray, people
whose job it is to pray and people who
never expect anything in return.
I know all of this sounds weird to
uninitiated ears. But for the ears that
are trained to listen to the voices that
remain unspoken in the ordinary
sense of the word, this is not a near
certainty; it's a reality! A reality at one
sphere of cosmic life, restless to
become the reality of the another


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So, let's pay our thanks to Allah

Almighty for all the blessings He
showered upon us in the year 2015
and let's prepare ourselves for
receiving the blessings that are ours
in 2016. But, in order to let those
blessings manifest in our individual,
social and political lives we'll have to
work upon ourselves. And all work
starts with belief. Mere actions are not
going to take us anywhere if they
remain off-colour in belief.
The world is going to be a safer
place in 2016 than in 2015 and
Pakistan and India are going to
behave in 2016 and our beloved
Karachi is going to see happiness
oozing from the hearts of people!
That's my belief and that I am sharing
with my readers. Some of you would
compulsively dismiss this mere
optimism. That I know. But what else I
know is that some of you, may be not
more than a few hundred, would
compulsively would say amen to my
prayers. That actually would set the
wheels of optimism in motion and that
alone is the purpose of this write-upn

January 2016

NY pediatrician gets 30 years

for child sex exploitation
By Ali Stewart


York pediatrician who
p lea ded gui lt y to
federal child exploitation
charges has been sentenced
to 30 years in prison.
Rakesh Punn was sentenced
Wednesday in U.S. District
Court in Central Islip.
Prosecutors say he
abused young patients,
photographed them and
submitted false insurance

claims for the visits.

Punn initially was charged with
abusing three children under the

guise that he was giving them medical

treatment. He admitted in April 2014
to sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl
who was a patient in his office
in Bethpage, Long Island.
Punn also pleaded guilty in
2014 to similar charges in
Nassau County. He has since
surrendered his medical
license and is scheduled to be
sentenced in that case next
H i s a t t or n ey d i d n o t
immediately respond to a
request for commentn

Former NFL Player Hamza Abdullah

Compares Trump To A Drunk Driver
Erick Fernandez
Hamza Abdullah, a former
defensive back who played in the
NFL for seven years, let us all know
how he feels about Donald
Trump during an "Outside
the Lines" segment
discussing Muslim athletes
in the U.S. on Thursday.
Abdullah, who is Muslim,
c ompa re d the c ur r ent
Republican presidential
candidates to people who
are leaving a party and have
the responsibility of driving
the car (aka America) after
they have been drinking.
You might be able to assume
who Abdullah thought was
the drunkest out of the
"I'm not a big politician
guy, I'm not really into
politics" he said. "But you

ROSHNI Issue No.88

have these guys claiming they know

about Islam, but I guarantee you
they don't know one Muslim, they've
never been in one masjid (Arabic for

This discussion was inspired by
Republican presidential candidate
Donald Trump saying that he didn't
know any Muslim
athletes, which of course,
is ridiculous considering
he met a number of them.
A b d u l l a h ' s
Tr um p /dr u nk dr i v er
metaphor might resonate
with people who aren't a
fan of his policy calling for
a "complete shutdown" of
Muslims entering the U.S.
The ex-defensive puts
things into perspective. If
we wouldn't let someone
who is drunk drive us
home, we might not want
to let someone who is
drunk with power lead the
Courtesy: Huffpost Sports


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January 2016

KSA celebrates womens

march toward progress
EDDAH: As soon as news of
some wom en ca nd i da te s
winning municipal council seats
from Makkah region came out, there
was celebration by voters on Sunday.
Saudi Arabians voted 17 women
into public office in municipal
elections in the conservative Islamic
kingdom on Saturday, the first to allow
female participation, a state-aligned
news site reported on Sunday before
all official results were announced.
Recognizing womens role in
decision making is a step toward
equality, said Ali, who congratulated
Salma Al-Otaibi for her election to the
council of the Madrakah region of
The other two women who won the
elections from Makkah region are Dr.
Lama Al-Sulaiman, vice-chairman of
Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, and Rasha Al-Hifzi. They are
among the 19 women who won in the
historic elections.
For the first time in the history of
Saudi Arabia, women were allowed to
vote and stand as candidates in
municipal elections on Saturday.
Such was the enthusiasm among
women that Naela Mohammad Salih
Nasief, a 94-year-old grandmother,
was among the women as young as
19 years old who exercised their
Salih Nasief said she is an openmind woman and that the election is
only the beginning for Saudi women
to get their rights.
Sahar Hassan Nasief, an activist
and retired lecturer from King
Abdullaziz Universitys English and
European languages department,
said women comprise almost half of

ROSHNI Issue No.88

the population in the Kingdom, so

the elections and their awareness
participating and winning in the
about the importance of the councils
election allows them to talk about
ensured that they voted for the best
womens rights and contribute in the
development of the country.
Even expatriates living in the
She said that winning the election
Kingdom praised the participation of
offers a good chance to women to
women in the elections. Jamil
raise their voice over issues such as
Rathore, secretary general of PJF;
divorce, marriage, womens
and Azmat Ali, head of the Global NRI
retirement and insurance.
group; said participation of women is
great news and its a new beginning
Wafa Abu Hadi, a Saudi writer,
for Saudi women and a significant
said: It reflects a broader change in
step toward having a more inclusive
Saudi Arabia regarding womens
society. Even if women dont win
rights and will stop those from
many seats, just going through this
commenting that the Kingdom is not
process is important as it will bring
giving rights to women.
positive changes, he added.
Maha Saeed Al-Faiz, a prominent
Judea bin Nahar Al-Qahtani,
Sa u d i f a s h i o n d e si g n e r a nd
spokesperson for the General
businesswoman, said the
Committee for Municipal Elections,
participation of women in the
said the citizens participated in
elections and their victory will pave
elections with enthusiasm. However,
the way for Saudi women to play a
235 candidates, nine of them women,
bigger role in society.
were stopped from participating due
They will be able to solve
to violations, and they were penalized
problems pertaining to women and
with SR50,000 eachn
suggest amendments to laws that are
unfavorable for
women. It will
particularly help
and Rural Affairs
Minister Abdul
Lateef AlAsheikh, who is
a l s o t h e
president of the
G e n e r a l
Committee for wheat and gluten free products
the Municipal
77 4th Street
644 Loudon Road
Elections, said
Latham, NY 12110
Troy, NY 12180
c i t i z e n s
interaction with

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January 2016

Christmas celebration in Capital District

starts with Roshni

Farooq John

Nadim Sadiq



Senior Journalist Mr. Shahid Bhatti

also expressed their views and
rightly stated that Christmas means
love and harmony with everyone,
even your enemy. These leaders of
the community stated that love,
peace and harmony should be
represented above everything.
They further emphasized against
hatred and said everyone shall
follow the U. S. constitution and law.
Miss NazishNaseem and Dr.
Haroon Choudry jointly were Master
of Ceremony, moving the event
along with poise. Pastor Farooq Jan
presented his book "Arz-eMuqaddasKiziarat" to Roshni Editor
Afaq Khan n

LBANY, NY The Pakistani

Christian Community in the
Cap ital Re gio n sta rts
Christmas celebrations early this
year as a result of the unification of
the various Pakistani churches
through Roshni's banner. In this
regard, this is the first celebration
held in New Revival Church, on
Western Ave. Roshni organized this
celebration, Duniya Supermarket
and All Nations Secular Association
jointly sponsored it making it a
successful event. On this occasion
Pastor Farooq John, Pastor Yousuf,
Pastor Johnson, Pastor Nadeem,
Pastor Azim, President of Pakistan
Association Mr. Akbar Khan, Editor
of Roshni News Afaq Khan and



Akar Khan

ROSHNI Issue No.88


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January 2016

perpetrated violent acts toward

Western targets in the United States
or abroad, a chorus of TV pundits
and politicians demand in earnest
that all Muslims take responsibility
for the actions of the terrorists, and
do something about it.
Notwithstanding that many
American Muslims opposed the Iraq
War, which arguably facilitated the
birth of ISIS, American Muslim
civilians are expected to now take
responsibility for the elimination of
ISIS in America. This expectation
implies that the local cardiologist,
grocery store owner and stay-athome mother in their mosque
basements, and not adequate gun
control, will somehow prevent all
future acts of mass shooting by
Muslims. My teenage daughter, with
her headscarf, is thus seen as not
doing enough to prevent the violent
acts of people she will never know.
As Muslims in America are being

assigned collective responsibility

for the violence of a few, looking
Muslim in America has become
increasingly dangerous since 9/11.
Sikhs have been targeted for hate
crimes because of their beards and
turbans; Muslims like the dental
student Deah Barakat and his hijabclad wife and sister were shot dead
in their home. Tashfeen Maliks
hijab-clad picture has become
ubiquitous, and to some, the face of
terror is now a brown woman in a
A mo n g my so ci a l me d ia
contacts, Muslim women are in a
frenzy as they exchange ideas
about what to do with their
headscarves in public. Their ideas
range from disguise, by wearing
winter hats at all time, to defiance,
by saying that they cant be
responsible for the acts of someone
they have never met, to the fatalism
of accepting that Gods will shall be

done. Some are planning to take off

their hijabs at least temporarily until
things settle down, erasing their
Muslim identity in public. Others
have compared their experience
with the headscarf to the experience
of Japanese Americans after Pearl
Harbor, who could not take off their
identities in the same way as one
can take off a piece of cloth.
I dont know what is right for each
individual Muslim woman; I only
know I want my daughter to be safe.
For that, leaders and the media
need to examine their hateful
speech and their false assumption
of collective responsibility. My
daughter, and the other millions of
Muslim American women, did not
participate in the San Bernardino
massacre. I want people to
remember that Tashfeen Malik, the
woman who is responsible for that
act, is deadn
Courtesy: SALON

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ROSHNI Issue No.88

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January 2016

My daughter is not Tashfeen Malik

I dont know what is right for each individual Muslim woman
in America; I only know I want my daughter to be safe
Aliya Saeed

y teenage daughters
headscarf, or hijab as she
calls it, announces her
religious identity as a Muslim. She
has had plenty of harassment by
strangers because of her Muslim
appearance, but has not
experienced physical harm, unlike
the sixth grade student in New York
citys PS 89 school who was
physically attacked by three boys
who called her ISIS, or the London
teen whose video of being brutally
attacked from behind as she walked
on a sidewalk was posted on the
Internet. But my daughter is getting
ready to leave for college soon, and
I am afraid for her.
In todays America, TV shows
like Homeland propagate wildly
popular caricatures of Muslims as
lurking threats, and well-funded
Islamophobic think tanks abound.
Right-wing politicians have made
Muslim bashing a competitive
spectator sport. As made clear
through various polls, islamophobic
statements carry little political price
within the conservative base, so
their leadership has done away with
the use of code. Their standard
mass shooting public messages of
thoughts and prayers quickly gave
way to declarations of war on Islam
when the identity of the San
Bernardino shooters was revealed,
even before the couples religious
extremism came to light. And
presidential hopefuls are not alone.
Jerry Falwell Jr. encouraged the
graduates of his Liberty College to

ROSHNI Issue No.88

carry concealed guns as means of

ending those Muslims before they
walked in. Even President Obama
in his Oval office address after the
San Bernardino massacre called on
Muslim communities to do more to
root out extremism, as if the
couples intentions were known to
their community and it was the
communitys inaction that caused
the carnage. It is, then, no surprise
that there has been a surge in hate
incidents against Muslim women in
hijab who are easily identified
because of that telltale piece of cloth
on their heads.
While mass casualty attacks in
Ame ri ca ha ve u nf o rt un a te ly
become a regular occurrence,
women rarely commit these acts.
Tashfeen Malik, however, was not
the first. In June 2014, Amanda
Miller and her husband, Jared,
slaughtered two police officers at a
pizzeria, then draped a yellow flag
on their bodies, along with a
swastika-adorned manifesto. They
then burst into a Wal-Mart where
they killed a civilian before killing
each other following a shootout with
police. They are believed to have
been inspired by the Sovereign
Citizens Movement, described by
the Southern Poverty Law Center
as a fast-growing subculture with
anti-government beliefs. And yet I
doubt many white mothers worried
their daughte rs safety was
threatened by a violent backlash in
the months that followed.
One of the unspoken corollaries

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of being a member of a minority is

that one is judged by the acts of the
communitys outliers. While the
Oklahoma City bombing, the
Newtown massacre or the
Charleston church shooting did not
bring a spotlight on white men of
America, because we understood
the attacks to be the acts of outliers,
Muslim Americans have not
experienced such benevolent
treatment. Though the hate crimes
directed at Muslims are committed
by low-level, often marginal
characters, the rhetoric blaming the
community for individual acts is by
no means a fringe phenomenon.
Whenever Muslim individuals have


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January 2016

ATHAM, NY- Recent terror

attacks in Paris and San
Bernardino, California have
sent a ripple of fear across the country
and put national security at the center
of the presidential race.
But, controversial GOP
frontrunner Donald Trump's recent
comments calling for a total ban of
Muslims entering the United States

are scary for the local Muslim

Hundreds of people of all different
faiths -- Christian, Jewish and Muslim
-- came together under one roof of a
mosque (Masjid Al-Hidaya) in Latham
to support the Muslim community
during a time when they say hate
mongering and xenophobia is running

We as Muslims cringe when

terrorists say its in the name of Islam
because its not. Thats not what our
religion stands for, said Fazana
I think people are scared. They
feel this may escalate. This may get
worse, said Dr. Khalid Bhatti of the AlHidaya Center.
Rev. Christopher DeGiovine
attended to help spread a message of
unity and peace.
Together we can find a way to
compromise and move our country
forward especially in peace is what
we need to do instead of this divisive
rhetoric we continue to hear in politics
today, which I think is so destructive,"
he said.
Rabbi Deborah Gordon shared a
similar message.
Thats all any of us can do to fight
terrorism, bigotry, racism, etc. is to
keep our values when its hard to keep
them, she saidn

Choudhry Mohammad Sarwar

ROSHNI Issue No.88

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January 2016

Muslims gather to discuss

controversial Trump comments

OLONI E, NY - Donald
Trump's call for ban on
Muslims coming into the
United States sparked a firestorm
across the country.
Here in the Capital Region, the
Muslim community came together to
discuss their concerns over Trump's
comment and their strong
relationship with the area.
Albany County Executive Dan McCoy
organized the event at ICCD to
highlight his close relationship with
the Muslim community and to try to
turn what Trump said into a positive.
The fact that his numbers are going
up is disturbing. So as county
executive that we really need to get
out into the community that look
they're just like you and me, McCoy
ICCD President Dr. Tai made
opening remarks. Followed by Imam
Yaki's Tala wat an d welcome
comments. Then Co. Exec. Dan
McCoy stated his reason for reaching
o u t M u s l i m c o m m u n i t y. H e
denounced Donald Trump's remarks
and asked the audience what he can
do to combat anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Imam Yaki stated that this country is
their home and they love it just as
much as anyone. He added that

County Executive Dan McCoy and ICCD President Mr Tai

Muslims are not a threat to anyone.
Comments were made by Sr. Ilham
Almahamid, Dr. Mussarat Chaudgry,
Dr. Liaquat Hussins who all thanked
Mr. McCoy for reaching out to them.
Sr. Mussarat Chaudhry said, after
nearly 45 years in the United States,
personal safety has never been a
concern, until recently.
There's been many years since
I've been wearing my head scarf and I
feel no different going to work, going
shopping or anything else, she

President of t he Pakist an
Association Mr. Akbar Khan praised
Dan McCoy for taking this bold step to
speak out and meet with the Muslims
and in setting an example for rest of
the nation. He also pointed out the
long relationship between different
levels of government and the Muslim
community via ICCD and Pakistan
Association. In the end Imam Yaki
suggested to hold such meetings

Dan McCoy and Eqeel Bhatti

ROSHNI Issue No.88

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January 2016


A Monthly News Magazine

from the Capital Region to the South Asian Community

Publisher :

Waleed Ahmed Khan

Editor :

Afaq Ahmed Khan

Tel. (518) 596-6911

Layout Editor : Khalid Mirza

Telephone :

7-13 Oxford Drive

Latham, NY 12110
(518) 596-6911

Bureau Chief Karachi:

Karachi Office:
2nd Floor, Eveready Chambers,
Muhammad Bin Qasim Road,
Telephone: 0301236-0244


Mohiuddin Aazim
Amna Shams
Anam Afaq

Muslims gather to discuss controversial
Trump comments
People of all different faiths come together to support
local Muslim community
My daughter is not Tashfeen Malik
Christmas celebration in Capital District starts with Roshni
KSA celebrates womens march toward progress
NY pediatrician gets 30 years for child sex exploitation
By Ali Stewart
Former NFL Player Hamza Abdullah Compares
Trump To A Drunk Driver
Erick Fernandez
Happy New Year!
By Mohiuddin Aazim
Modis Not - So - Tolerant India
By: Bushra Sehar
Lamar Odoms Health Is Improving
By M.A. Waheed
Beauty Corner: Covering Dark Circles
By Anam Afaq
Time is not on West Indies' side
Tony Cozier
Funny Jokes
Immigration Corner: Visa Bulletin For January 2016
Asrar At-TanxilL The English Tafseer of Quran
Surah Name: Al-Anfaal

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ROSHNI Issue No.88

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January 2016

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