Medieval Superstitions 1

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Medieval Superstitions & Medicine

Use the following websites to start your research:

After skimming the websites above, choose the 1 superstition AND the 1 medical
practice that intrigue you the MOST. Continue your narrowed research to learn the
specific details of each. Compile a list of at least 10 facts about each. Bookmark the
website(s) where you found your information on your Pearltrees account.
Superstition: The Master and The Mistress of The Wild Hunt
1. They believed in certain in evil geniuses in the air
2. The first rank gods are Thor, Storjunkare, and the Sun.
3. Only Thor and Storjunkare offer certain sacrifices
4. Christmas sacrifices in honor of the Juhlian Company
5. On Christmas Eve they fast and dont eat flesh and small quantity
6. All the Bits they have preserved for these two Days, they put in a small Chest made of
the Bark of Birch
7. The popular imagination has given further development to an already existing germ.
8. Wild Hunt is at least frequently, directly connected with the god Wodan
9. Odin, as wind god, generally rode about on his eight-footed steed Sleipnir
10. Even after the introduction of Christianity the ignorant Northern people still
dreaded the on-coming storm, declaring that it was the Wild Hunt sweeping across the

Medical Practice: Hot Iron for Hemorrhoids

1. The disease of the hemorrhoids is formed in this way: if bile or
Phlegm be determined to the veins in the rectum
2. Hey squirt out blood, most frequently along with the faeces,
But sometimes without faeces.
3. Recommend seven or eight small pieces of iron to be prepared, a fathom in size,
In thickness like a thick speculum, and bent at the extremity, and
A broad piece should be on the extremity, like a small obolus.
4. You will recognize the hemorrhoids without difficulty,
for the project on the inside of the gut like dark-colored grapes
5. Having got the anus to protrude as much as
possible, foment with hot water, and then cut off the extremities
of the hemorrhoids.
6. The older it is, the more easy the
7. You need not be surprised that there
is no discharge of blood when you remove the condyloma
8. An hemorrhoid in a woman may be thus cured.
9. Having the preceding day first purged the man with medicine, on the day
of the operation apply the cautery.
10. Then
a thin smooth piece of cloth, of the same size as the sponge, is to
be smeared with honey and applied; and with the index finger of the
left hand the middle of the sponge is to be pushed as far up as possible;
and afterward wool is to be placed upon the sponge so that it may

remain in the anus.

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