Certified by Attorney General On January 21, 2010

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Certified by Attorney General on January 21, 2010.

Assistant Attorney General


Amends Constitution: Requires voter approval of taxes and fees on motor

vehicle use, ownership, fuel; limited retroactivity

Result of “Yes” Vote: “Yes” vote requires voter approval of taxes and
fees on motor vehicle use, ownership, and fuel enacted on or after January 1,
2009; some exceptions.

Result of “No” Vote: “No” vote does not require voter approval of taxes
or fees on motor vehicle use, ownership, and fuel; retains constitutional provision
in its current form.

Summary: Amends Constitution. Current law does not require voters to

approve fees or taxes on motor vehicle use, ownership, or fuel. The Oregon
Constitution allocates those taxes to highway funds; current law does not apply to
“fees.” Measure requires voter approval at an election of the “levying
government” (undefined) of motor vehicle use, ownership, and fuel taxes and fees
enacted on or after January 1, 2009. Applies retroactively to taxes and fees that
were enacted on or after January 1, 2009. For taxes and fees enacted by a political
subdivision of the state, measure takes effect on January 1, 2013; requires voter
approval at an election of that subdivision. Effective January 1, 2013, allows
exception for legislatively enacted statewide increases that meet specified criteria.
Other provisions.

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