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Chapter 5 TTBTTB
STEP 1: This book is set in China in 1911. (10 points)

At the beginning of the book, how old is Ailin?

o _____ years old
In what year was she born?
o ______________
Which Zodiac is she?
o _____________________

STEP 2: Identify the character traits associated with Ailins Chinese Zodiac: (10 points)


STEP 3: Read chapter 5 as a group stopping at the pages below to discuss. Change readers
after each question.
(10 points)

59 What can you infer about Chinese Culture if some families hire professional criers at

60 Why was it difficult for the Luis to break off the engagement with Ailin and the Tao

61 How does Grandmothers death impact the Tao family? What can you infer about the
role of women in Chinese culture in the early 1900s?

63 Identify and describe Ailins inner conflict. How do you think this will affect her as she
gets older?

64How would you feel if your culture was being criticized by a teacher?

67Why do you think mothers and grandmothers in Chinese culture insisted that their
childrens feet be bound if the process was so painful?

68 How does the last paragraph convey Ailins perspective on bound feet?

STEP 4: Does Ailins personality match the traits of her Chinese Zodiac? Why or why not? (20
- Respond using:
o Restate question
o Answer (in your own words YOW)
o Cite textual evidence (2 pieces with transition words)
o Explain (why does your evidence support your answer)

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