How To Make A Chunky Snood

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How to make a chunky snood

Cast on
Slip, slip, knit (ssk)
Knit two together (k2tog)
Cast off
Mattress stitch

Finished measurements
68cm circumference at cast-on edge
58cm circumference at cast-off edge
28cm from cast-on edge to cast-off edge

What you need

Yarn: 2 x 100g Blue Sky Alpaca Bulky in Wolf (1007)
Needles: 12mm


8 sts and 12 rows = 10cm/4in square in stocking stitch

What to do
Cast on 56 sts
Row 1: K
Row 2: P
Repeat rows 1-2 five more times
Row 13: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 - 54 sts
Row 14: P
Row 15: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 - 52 sts
Row 16: P
Row 17: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 - 50 sts
Row 18: P
Row 19: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 - 48 sts
Row 20: P
Row 21: K1, ssk, k to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1 - 46 sts
Row 22: P
Row 23: K
Row 24: P
Repeat rows 23-4 three more times
Cast off all sts
Sew up seam using mattress stitch

Suggestions for adaptation

Plain stocking stitch is perfect for showing off this lovely chunky yarn but
for a more dramatic effect, try moss stitch (moss stitch uses up more yarn
so you'll need to buy an extra ball).
Or make the cowl double the length so that it can be wrapped around your
neck twice for extra warmth: cast on 140 stitches (standard straight
needles won't be long enough to accommodate this many stitches so you'll
have to invest in a 12mm circular needle and just use it as you would a
pair of straights) and knit in stocking stitch for 30 rows. You won't need to
bother with the decreases because the cowl doesn't need to fit snugly
against your neck when it's doubled over.

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