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The first test of English

:Read the text carefully,then do the activities

E-mail in computer science,abbreviation of the term electronic mail,method
of transmitting data,text files,digital photo or audio & video files from one computer to
another over an intranet or the internet.E-mail enables computer users to send
messages & data quickly through a local area network or beyond through the
internet.E-mail came into widespread use in the 1990's & has become a major
.development in business & personal communication
A shortened form of internet text communication known as instant messaging
was introduced in the late 1990's.Unlike e-mail,instant messaging correspondence can
take place in real time.Text messaging is distinct from instant messaging & e-mail.Text
messages are usually sent using handheld devices such as cell phones & personal digital
assistants & consist of very short text messages,often written with abbreviated spelling
.& symbols
Ex1/ The text is: a)a letter b)a report c)a web article d)an extract from a book
:Ex2/ Say whether these statements are (T) or (F) according to the text
.a-E-mail is a superb development in personal communication
.b-E-mail is the same as instant messaging
.c-Text messages often written with full words
.d-The e-mail appeared during the 20th century
:Ex3/ Answer these questions according to the text
?a-What are the different types of messages mentioned in the text
?b-What can we send by e-mail
?c-Could cell phones send short text messages
:Ex4/ Fill in the table with information from the text
Adverbs of frequency



:Ex5/ Re-order these words to get meaningful(coherent) sentences

.often James to other Ann - & - emails each send -1
.messages never I received 've instant -2
:/:Ex6/Classify these words according to what do you hear /I/ or /I
.Big feet turnip beat tea in
:Ex7/Classify these words according to their number of syllables
Data digital internet become symbols phones correspondence computer

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