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History of America

Content by: Whitney Werdel

U. S.
Government Leaders

Template Design by: Mark Geary


Civil Rights History of

North America

Q $100

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Q $500

Q $500

Q $500

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Q $500
Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1

This is the important document
that contains the first 10
amendment of the constitution

$100 Answer from H1

What is the Bill of Rights?

$200 Question from H1

This is the three branches
of government.

$200 Answer from H1

What are Judicial, Legislative, and

$300 Question from H1

This is the amount of people
in the House of

$300 Answer from H1

What is 435?

$400 Question from H1

This is the leader of the
Executive branch?

$400 Answer from H1

Who is the President of the United

$500 Question from H1

The Judicial Branch is made
up of what kind of system.

$500 Answer from H1

What is the court system?

$100 Question from H2

This man is known among other
things for being the first to sign
the Declaration of Independence.

$100 Answer from H2

Who is John Hancock?

$200 Question from H2

This man is sometimes
referred to as the first
American as well as the
inventor of the lightning rod
and bifocals.

$200 Answer from H2

Who is Benjamin Franklin?

$300 Question from H2

This President is known for
abolishing slavery and
delivering the Gettysburg

$300 Answer from H2

Who is Abraham Lincoln?

$400 Question from H2

This was the 40th presidents first
lady who is also known for the
just say no campaign.

$400 Answer from H2

Who is Nancy Reagan?

$500 Question from H2

This is the nations first
African- American Female to
serve as secretary of state.

$500 Answer from H2

Who is Condoleezza Rice?

$100 Question from H3

This day is know as
Independence day .

$100 Answer from H3

What is July 4th 1776?

$200 Question from H3

The U.S. Constitution begins with
what words?

$200 Answer from H3

What is We the people of the

United States of America?

$300 Question from H3

What is the first draft of the
constitution referred to as?

$300 Answer from H3

What are the Articles of

$400 Question from H3

Who are three of the five
original writers of the

$400 Answer from H3

Who are:
John Rutledge, South Carolina
Edmund Randolph, Virginia
Nathanial Gorham, Massachusetts
Oliver Ellsworth, Connecticut
James Wilson, Pennsylvania?

$500 Question from H3

How many times can the
constitution be amended?

$500 Answer from H3

What is the limit does not exist?

$100 Question from H4

Who delivered the I have a
dream speech?

$100 Answer from H4

Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?

$200 Question from H4

This is the first African American
to join the major league baseball
in 1947.

$200 Answer from H4

Who is Jackie Robinson?

$300 Question from H4

This is the document signed into
effect by Abraham Lincoln that
brought freedom to all slaves

$300 Answer from H4

What is the Emancipation

$400 Question from H4

These laws were passed that were
heavily based on segregation
between Whites and African

$400 Answer from H4

What are the Jim Crow Laws?

$500 Question from H4

In the 1950s this young
African American lady
refused to give up her seat on
the bus to a white man and
started the Montgomery Bus

$500 Answer from H4

Who is Rosa Parks?

$100 Question from H5

This was the boat the Pilgrams
brought over to America.

$100 Answer from H5

What is the Mayflower?

$200 Question from H5

What year was Plymouth
established as a colony?

$200 Answer from H5

What is 1620?

$300 Question from H5

Soon after Plymouth was
established so were many more.
How many colonies were
considered original?

$300 Answer from H5

What is 13 original colonies?

$400 Question from H5

During the protests and boycotts of
1733 what party was held at the
Boston harbor?

$400 Answer from H5

What is the Boston tea Party?

$500 Question from H5

Who was the Revolutionary
War fought between?

$500 Answer from H5

Who is The United states 13

original colonies and Great

Final Jeopardy
Who is this president that brought
success to the war of 1812 with
the battle win at New Orleans in

Final Jeopardy Answer

What is Andrew Jackson?

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