Sample Reports

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This quarter in Language Arts, students have continued to focus on the

research process. Students spent time learning each step of research

beginning with brainstorming and selecting a topic. Important
symbolism in Lord of the Flies was the subject of the group research
paper. Students brainstormed a series of initial questions to answer
through research. To begin the research process, students participated
in a lesson focused on evaluating sources and using online databases
to collect sources. Students were asked to research independently
from four sites including Ebscohost, Credo Reference, Gale Database,
and Sweet Search. Each student was expected to evaluate and collect
applicable sources. Collectively, the class read and analyzed two
sources, taking group notecards to model paraphrasing and selecting
relevant details. During the final stages of the paper students
practiced linking notecards together, accurately citing sources, and
editing the research paper. To complete the quarter, each student
selected an independent topic to research, and each was responsible
for managing their time to meet all personal deadlines.
Grammatically, students continued to work on elements of sentence
structure, compound sentences, and complex sentences.
X has continued to excel in Language Arts class. He maintains a strong
work ethic and is extremely consistent with his homework completion.
X has continued to work diligently through each step of the research
process. In the initial research, he actively participated and sought
support when challenged. X improved on his paraphrasing skills during
class and was often leading the note-carding process. In the
organizing process John showed great diligence. X worked steadily
through the writing process, sought extra support when necessary, and
achieved success on his research paper. Overall, X had a very
successful year in Language Arts and has experienced much
improvement on his composition skills.
X has continued to perform well in Language Arts class. He maintains
a strong work ethic and is consistent with his homework completion. X
has continued to work diligently through each step of the research
process. In the initial research, he actively participated and sought
support when challenged. X improved on his paraphrasing skills during
class, but struggled with this task independently. In the organizing
process X showed diligence and met his deadlines throughout the
process. X worked steadily through the writing process, sought extra
support when necessary, and achieved success on his research paper.
Overall, X had a successful year in Language Arts and has experienced
much improvement on his composition skills.

X arrived to class on time, but may not have been prepared with class
materials. Omar was inconsistent during this quarter with completing
homework. X often neglected to complete the expected work, and it
often took multiple days, or weeks for him to complete the assignment.
Specifically, both his research papers were handed weeks later than
expected. Furthermore, X missed each personal deadline he assigned
himself for his personal paper and did not ultimately finish the paper.
In respect to his paragraph writing and structure, X can continue to
develop transition words and sentences in his paragraphs to make
them more connected. X should pay close attention to his paragraph
structure, writing details and elaborations clearly, completing all edits
and corrections, and integrating quotations accurately.
X arrived to class on time, but may not have been prepared with class
materials. X was inconsistent during this quarter with completing
homework. X often neglected to complete the expected work, and it
often took multiple days, or weeks for him to complete the assignment.
Specifically, his Lord of the Flies research paper was handed in weeks
later than expected. Furthermore, X several of his personal deadline
he assigned himself for his personal paper, and when he finally
completed the paper did not meet the expected requirements for the
notecard amount. In respect to his paragraph writing and structure, X
connected and elaborated effectively within the paper. His details and
elaborations were stated clearly and he completed teacher edits and
corrections, but was unable to complete the paper with the expected
notecard requirements despite having an extension. Furthermore, X
did not complete or attempt the two-paragraph composition for his
final exam.
X continues to arrive to class on time and prepared with necessary
materials. Throughout the research process she has been consistent
with her achievement. In the initial research, accessing the online
databases challenged X; however, she was able to collect accurate
sources. During the paraphrasing and note-carding process, X was
able to follow class discussion, but was not an active participant in the
process. She did work consistently during the organization process.
During the writing process, X did not work effectively through her
paragraphs and missed most of her personal deadlines. She neglected
to complete her teacher provided comments and did not meet the
required amount of notecards for the final research paper. She can
continue to work on accurately and completely explaining her details in
paragraph writing. Overall, X has made progress on her writing skills.

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