Technology Component: Scratch App Inventor Alice Python Other

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App Inventor




Center for Creative Learning

Technology Component
Teacher: Aron Blanke

Kaleidoscope Topic


Big Idea (coherent through

essential question, KUD and

How can technology (computer programming) and problem solving be combined to

create new solutions to complex problems?

Essential Question/s

How do you determine the appropriate media (touch screen, keyboard, mouse,
joystick) needed to best address a complex problem?
While working on a complex problem, how do you determine appropriate problem
solving strategies for the task?
How can we set criteria for ourselves to check the efficiency of our
solution/strategies for the complex problem that we are trying to solve?

CCL Core Skill to be

What new
knowledge/content will you

(Big Idea)
Culminating activity/


How can we combine programming and problem solving to create

How do you determine whether a problem needs to be solved?
How do you determine the effectiveness of the tool in solving the
How do you determine appropriate problem-solving strategies for a
particular problem?
How will a flow chart help you plan for and solve programmatic
Why do you need to assess your solutions thought
flow before executing your solution?
Technology and problem solving can work together to create new solutions to
complex problems.
Students will determine the most appropriate tech tool to solve a
specific problem.
Students will use a flowchart to map the solutions to their selected
Students will design and program their solution using the
appropriate platform.

Reviewed by CWC

Comp Sci Component

Grade Level


Unit Rationale (Why is it

important now and in 20

Unit K.U.Do

Looking back 27 years ago, PowerPoint (formerly Presenter) opened the doorway
to a new way to communicate. Since the introduction of PowerPoint, there have
been many technological innovations in the realm of technological communication.
Whats next? Looking into the future, who will be the creators of the next
language/platform to revolutionize the way that humans interact with technology?
Whatever they create, problem-solving will be at the heart of the creation process.
The problem-solving process used to create PowerPoint hasnt changed, but the
lens with which we view technology has. We need to equip our current generation
of students with the tools and experiences necessary to help them be successful in
our quickly evolving landscape.

How can we combine programming and problem solving to create
How do you determine whether a problem needs to be solved?
How do you determine the effectiveness of the tool in solving the
How do you determine appropriate problem-solving strategies for a
particular problem?
How will a flow chart help you plan for and solve programmatic
Why do you need to assess your solutions thought
flow before executing your solution?

Technology and problem solving can work together to create new
solutions to complex problems.

Students will determine the most appropriate tech tool to solve a
specific problem.
Students will use a flowchart to map the solutions to their selected
Students will design and program their solution using the
appropriate platform.

Description for the database Have you ever played a videogame and felt immersed in the world it created. How

do programmers decide the best suited media (platform and control mechanism) for
a game ? In this class you will learn this by diving deep into the relationship
between the input, platform, program, and problem. The technology may keep
improving and changing every year, but the strategies programmers use are still
important in creating a successful program.


Define a simple design problem reflecting a need
or a want that includes specified criteria for success and constraints
on materials, time, or cost.
Generate and compare multiple possible solutions
to a problem based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria
and constraints of the problem.
Plan and carry out fair tests in which variables are
controlled and failure points are considered to identify aspects of a
model or prototype that can be improved.
Develop a model to generate data for iterative
testing and modification of a proposed object, tool, or process such
that an optimal design can be achieved.

Unit Pretest

Final Project/Outcome

Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to
each input exactly one output

1. What is a variable?
2. How can you use a variable in a program?
3. Why are random values useful in programming?
4. How does an if/else decision structure work?
5. What problem solving strategies do you think would be useful in the
programming process? Why?
After evaluating a problems need, students will determine the appropriate platform
to express their solution, and create the program.

Unit Scoring Guide

Areas that Need

Meets the Standard

1 ___ I defined the problem,
investigated the parts, and
prioritized the different
2 ___ I designed/created a plan
for my potential solution.
3 ___ I used feedback (from the
teacher, fellow student, my own
reflection) to revise the
strategies specific to solving my
4 ___ I effectively justified my
solution to make sure that it is

Week #
Lesson Overview




ory of Coding

do you
determine the
oller for your

ts a decisionmaking

Evidence of
Exceeding Standard

is a decisionmaking matrix
used while

the matrix to
help you
determine the
platform to
address your

e a rationale
to justify the
platform that
you have
chosen for
your solution.


t is

from your life.

ate a flowchart
that works
through the

and work
through the
problem using
the tool that
best fits the

Week 1

Pre Test

K: How is hardware/software used to control the actions of machines.


U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving

be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

Programming Languages
Do: Students will describe some of the similarities and differences
between various programming languages and programs.

Low Level

High Level

Machine Language




Level 2Describe


Technology/ Materials
Video Links
Why Program?
Brief History of Computers and Programming
How Computers add Numbers

History of programming languages

1. Have students come in, have a seat. Go around the table introducing yourself and
sharing your favorite video game.
2. Discuss, What made that your favorite? What was good about it? What problems
did those programmers have to overcome?
3. Hand out and have students complete the pre test. Go over pre - assessment.
4. Watch the history of programming video together.
5. What Do You See? How have programming languages changed over time?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of different programming languages.
(ie high level versus low level languages)
7. Quick overview of programming platforms we can use (self train packets, so you
can choose whichever platform is best for you)
a. Scratch
b. App Inventor
c. Alice
d. Python
Closure: What problems do you think creators of different program languages encountered?
How does the programming challenge vary for each language? How does it make you feel to
know you can create your own program?


Technology Component Pre-test

1. What is a variable?

2. How can you use a variable in a program?

3. Why are random values useful in programming?

4. How does an if/else decision structure work?

5. What problem solving strategies do you think would be useful in the

programming process? Why?

6. How do you decide what programming language to use for your program?

7. How do you decide what control/input method is best for your program?

Week 2

How do you determine the
proper platform for your
Whats a decision-making

K: How can control methods be used to control and interact with what
is on the screen?
Level 2U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving
be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?


Do: Students will describe some of the similarities and differences

between various programming languages and programs.

How is a decision-making
matrix used while problem

Keyboard Mouse
Game Pads
Motion Control
Touch Control
Specialized Controls: Instrument Control, Voice Control, Dance Mats, Steering Wheels
Technology/ Materials
retro video game systems
Hmm Question
No matter how correct a mathematical theorem may appear to be, one ought never to be satisfied
that there was not something imperfect about it until it gives the impression of also being
beautiful. - George Boole How does this relate to programming?
The Evolution of Game Controllers
1. Set up stations with games that use examples of the different types of control
mechanisms. Also discuss examples of good games for each control.
a. Keyboard Mouse
b. Paddles - Pong
c. Joysticks - PacMan
d. Game Pads - Mario
e. Motion Control - Wii Sports
f. Touch Control - Angry Birds
g. Kinect (body movement) - Kinect Sports
h. Instrument Controls - Rock Band
i. Dance Pad - Dance Dance Revolution
j. Steering Wheels - Any racing Game
k. Other
2. Have students evaluate the strengths, weaknesses and best uses of each input
mechanism using their Control Log.
3. Discuss which input methods are available to each platform.

Control Log




Keyboard & Mouse










Motion Sensors

Body (Kinect)










Game Pad

Specialized Controls
Instrument / Steering
Dance Pad

Touch Screen










4. Closure Discussion Questions

Touch Screen - Angry Birds
Would the game even exist if it had to be joystick controlled?
Joystick Control - PacMan
What about this game makes it well suited for a joystick?
Keyboard and Mouse Control - Wolfenstein FPS
Motion Control - Wii
What makes this control mechanism work well for these games?

Extension How do the advancement of graphics and control methods relate?

Black and White - Pong - Paddle Controls
4bit - Atari - Joystick
8bit - Nintendo 1st game pad
16 - SNES Sega
Development of 3D games how did that affect game design.
(Compare original Mario to 3D version) gamepad with analogue control
The future Beyond 3D - New immersive technology like oculus rift.

Closure: How do you feel when youre in control of a game. What control method do you like
the most. Why do you like this method? My son prefers mouse and keyboard over control pad
for FPS games. Is he correct? Why or Why not? What type of controller do you think gives you
the most control. What future types of controls can you imagine being invented.

Week 3


K: How can we decide the best combination of input devices and

programming platform to create the best program.

Use the matrix to help you

determine the proper
platform to address your

Level 2U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving

be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?
Do: Students will use the decision matrix to determine the best platform
and controller for their game

Write a rationale to justify

the platform that you have
chosen for your solution.

Input Method
Weighted Criteria


Decision Matrix


Technology/ Materials
Hmm. Question
In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the
wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. Theodore Roosevelt
Why do you think the decision making process is important to a successful program?
Choosing your platform and controls
1. Discuss the possible platforms for developing from the first week as well as the
control options from the second week.
2. Should we do the decision matrix before the plan? What is a decision matrix?
3. Use decision matrix to help decide which platform and control mechanism is best
for your program then create a plan for your program.
4. Now we are going to come up with a plan for a program or game. This plan
should include a platform choice that takes into account the strengths and limitations of
that platform as well as
Closure: How can a decision matrix apply to decisions in your everyday life. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of using a decision matrix. How does breaking a complex problem
down into one step at a time help you more successfully solve problems. If a big problem makes
you feel overwhelmed, how can breaking it down into smaller problems help?

Name: ____________________________________________ M T W TH F
Struggling with a tough decision? Wavering back and forth, unable to make up your mind?
Very likely your frustration results from thinking about a complex problem one factor at a
time. To attack a complex problem and keep track of its multiple factors, create and use a
decision matrix.


App Inventor




1. Down the left side, enter your options. Across the top, list your decision criteria. A
criterion is an objective test upon which a judgment can be made.
2. Assign a weight to each criterion to indicate its importance to a good decision.
The weight can be a number between 1-10 with the sum of the weights equaling 10.
(1=low importance; 10=high importance)
3. Then, one column at a time, ask: To what degree does option 1..2..3 contribute to
the first criterion? Use a simple scale where 4 = Highest Contribution and 1 = Lowest
Contribution. Repeat for each criterion. Place number on top of diagonal.
4. Multiply the score in each cell by the criterions weight placing number in bottom
of diagonal.
5. Then add across the rows to determine a total raw and weighted score for each
option. (Raw is the top number and weighted is the bottom.)

You should now have a deeper understanding of the relative value of each option. Hey, maybe
youll even be able to make the decision!
Summary of Decision: Use evidence from the matrix, conversation, and research to defend
your decision for your final project problem to solve. (You may create a Google Doc if you
prefer. This Doc can be created within your group folder.)
SELF-CHECK: Use the following tool to improve your work. Mark the elements of the standard that is
shown in your work in the Meets column. Use the side columns as necessary.
Areas that Need Work

Meets the Standard

Critical Thinking
___ I can use a combination
of evidence (matrix,
conversation, research) to
defend my decision.
___ I provided evidence to
demonstrate the importance
of the criteria I considered.
___ I recognized strengths
and weaknesses of my
___ I thought from other
points of view or
perspectives and showed
evidence why your decision
is better.

Evidence of Exceeding

Programming Project Packet

Why are you going to make a computer game?
Since the very first computers, there have always been computer games. Games are in many ways
the ultimate icons of computer culture. The computer excels at the kind of interactive simulation that
games require, giving the user immediate response to her actions. Games take user input, process it
against an internal model and output a visual (or multisensory) result in response.
Part A
Come up with a concept. Describe the game idea, explaining what the components are and how they
will interact. Also, describe programming problems and strategies you might use to solve them. Your
concept should include the following:
(a) What is your game about?
(b) What objects are included?
(c) How will these objects interact?
(d) How is your game controlled
(e) Programming problems and strategies

Part B
Create a flowchart of your game concept. (see example flow chart). Use rectangles for statements or
actions and use diamonds for if, then decisions.
Opening Screen

Part C
As you work on your program, your initial plan for Part A and Part B may change. When you submit
your project you should resubmit your revised Part A and Part B in your project documentation.You
need to have at least three people to field test your game and use their feedback to improve it.

Programming Scoring Guide

Making Progress
Toward the

Meets the Standard

Innovatively Exceeds the



The student
used problem
strategies to
create their

The student recognized

and defined problems
and used strategies
that helped them create
a successful program.

The student recognized

and defined relevant
problems and used
feedback to revise specific
strategies that helped them
create a successful


The student
explained how
affected the

The student identified

and expressed the
relationships among
programming methods
and, explained possible
consequences of
changes made to the
objects because of the
programming used.

The student identified and

expressed the
relationships among
multiple, complex
programming methods
and, explained possible
immediate and eventual
consequences of changes
made to the objects
because of the
programming used.

Week 4 Flow Charting Your Application Idea


Students will be able
to create a flowchart
highlighting their

KnowWhat is a flowchart, and how are they used?

What are the symbols of a flowchart and how are they defined?
What is an Input/Output, and how is it demonstrated in a flowchart?
What are linear systems and closed-loop systems and how are they different?
U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving be
combined to create new solutions to complex problems?
Do - Create a flowchart that explains the flow of thoughts through a real world
example, such as an alarm clock

Flowchart Symbols


Closed-Loop System

D.O.K. Levels-1
(Match, Identify,
Label, Describe), 2
(Infer, Cause/Effect,
Summarize), 3
(Draw Conclusions,
Construct), 4
(Create, Apply
Concepts, Analyze)

Linear System

Technology/ Materials

Work Binder
HmmQuestion Response Log (PLB)
Flowchart Help Sheet
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)
1 Droid tablet

New Learning: What are the following: Flowchart/Flowchart Symbols, Linear System,,,

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Which of the following images (Show a

linear and closed loop system example.) represent

systems and the way that they function? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Hand out the criteria sheet for today to each of the students and go over the
weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. When the students are done sharing their responses, explain the difference
between a linear system and a closed-loop system. Point out that our interaction with an
app is a linear system (for the most part), and that the app itself is a closed-loop system.
We will examine this in further detail with the next activity.

6. Ask the students: What is a flowchart? How could a flowchart be used to help
program an app or determine an idea for an app? Hand out the Flowchart Help Sheet
reference page to the students. Review the shapes of a flowchart and what roles the
shapes play. Ask the students to view the simple flowchart on the back of the page.
Discuss with them what the flowchart is about and how each of the shapes work together
as a system.
7. Tell the students that since they have now seen an example of a flowchart, they
are going to create a simple flowchart of their own to help them identify the systems
thinking within the first app they are going to design called Hello Purr.
8. In this activity, the students will practice how to click on a button to make a sound
match a corresponding image on the screen. Show the students a completed example app
of Hello Purr. Discuss with the students what components they observe on the tablet
screen. For example, the picture of the cat, the font on the button, and the non-visible
sound component. Ask the students, What do you observe on the tablet? Students
should be able to identify what action causes the reaction. Place the students into small
groups, and have them complete a flowchart for Hello Purr. After about 10 minutes,
call the students back to review their flowcharts together as a class. Their flowchart
should look similar to the following: (see diagram on next page)
9. Discuss with the students the following: Where in this flowchart do you see a
linear system? Where do you see a closed loop system? Why is it important to identify
these systems within the flowchart? Tell the students that since now they understand how
the system of the flowchart works; they will program this app on their own using the
flowchart as a tool. Remind the students that they need to think of their blocks
connecting together like pieces of a sentence or paragraph.
10. With 20 minutes left, have the students return to their tables to complete their
criteria sheets and closure. Ask the closure questions and let students participate in the
discussion. When approximately 10 minutes is left, allow the rest of the time for students
to reflect about their successes/areas of improvement from the day on their criteria sheets.

Closure: What are some positive/negative aspects of programming apps? Why? What type of
apps would benefit from the components that you worked on today, and how can that help the
world around us? How do changes within the event handler impact the outcome that you are
looking for? How do you feel about learning to create an app on your own? Why? Do you feel
that you will be able to design an app that helps others? Why/why not?
Differentiation: For students who want to move at an accelerated pace, they can access the
following activities on the classroom website:
Watch How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek. Try to identify the hooks that
Simon is using.

Week 4b
(will vary per child depending on how much self training is needed)

Give a quick overview of
available platforms and
discuss the self training
reference packets that can
be used as a tool in
developing your game.

K: How can we choose and effectively use the appropriate programming

platform to create the best program.
Level 2U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving
be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?


Do: Students will use training packets for their chosen platform to help
them implement their program.


Technology/ Materials

Self training courses for each platform

1. In this class students will choose the appropriate programming platform for their
2. We will do a quick overview of each available program, but students will choose
one, possibly even one that isn't on our suggested list.
3. Students will first review some of the basics of their programming platform.
Students will then use the self training packet as one of their problem solving strategies
as they program their project.
4. Python and Java training courses online:

Final Project

K: By combining multiple solutions a complete program can be created.

Level 4-

U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving

be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

Conduct a Project,
Analyze, &

Do: Students will create a program that combines many of the previous
techniques into one functional program.

If/ Then Statements

Boolean Statements

Technology/ Materials
Program Platform\
Hmm Question
What is an input device? Discuss and look at definition below.
A peripheral used to transfer data from the outside world into a computer system. Some input
devices are operated directly by the user, e.g. keyboard, mouse, touch screen, joystick, digitising
tablet, microphone; others are sensors or transducers which convert external signals into data,
e.g. using an analog to digital converter (this would also be true of a microphone). Other kinds of
inputs are really one half of a bidirectional link with another computer or storage device, e.g.
serial line, SCSI interface.
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing, Denis Howe 2010
1. Discussion: Putting it all together:
The purpose of the programming concepts from the past weeks, was to enable
us to create a functioning video game. On the surface, a video game may seem
simple, but under the hood, many complex problems have to be solved in order
for the game to work at all. It is the job of the game programmer to work out the
solutions to all of these programming problems, so that it just seems like a fun
game. The player may not even be aware of what is going on behind the scenes.
They still can enjoy the game. Today we are going to walk through putting
together a full working example game called The Banana Snatcher
2. Here is an example of what the project planning sheet would look
(a) What is your game about? This game is about some aliens who crash landed on
Earth and now are trying to steal all of our bananas. Oh yeah, you are playing the alien.
(b) What objects are included? UFO, Aliens, Humans, Bananas
(c) How these objects will interact? Bananas pop up if the alien grabs one he gets a
point. If he gets to 5 points he wins.
(d) Instructions on how to play the game. Use the arrow keys to move the alien left

and right to quickly catch the randomly popping up bananas

(e) Programming problems and strategies. Key Event Listeners, Control Structures,
If then boolean statements, variables.
*Why use a flow chart? - When you have a complex problem to solve, creating a
flowchart is a valuable problem solving strategy that can help you foresee problems,
and begin to solve them well before you even encounter them.

Week 6 The Problem-Solving Process


Use the matrix to help you
determine the proper
platform to address your
Write a rationale to justify
the platform that you have
chosen for your solution.

What is Motivation?
What is Project/Product Quality?
What is Self-Assessment?

Level 2Describe

How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving be
combined to create new solutions to complex problems?
Identify how motivation, product/project quality, and selfassessment impact the components of and successful outcomes of a

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world problem.

Participate in accurate self-assessment their level of success.




Break -Out

Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

1. After taking part in breakout sessions related to app programming and receiving feedback on

their app design, students will create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world problem.
2. After analyzing the timeline that students created last week, students will determine whether
modifications need to be made or not to the timeline.

New Learning: What are the following: Motivation, Self-Assessment, and Project/Product

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Imagination is not only the uniquely human
capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation. In

its arguably most transformative and revelatory capacity, it is the power to that enables us to
empathize with humans whose experiences we have never shared.-J. K. Rowling
After reading the J.K. Rowling quote, why do you think it is important to empathize with others
about our own/their own experiences? Explain your thought.

Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the
smart board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.\
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. Ask the following questions: What is motivation? Listen to responses and ask
questions if needed to make sure that students understand what motivation means. After
they have defined motivation adequately, ask if everyone is still motivated to work
through this project. Where does motivation come from? Point out that motivation can
come from many sources (from inside themselves, exterior sources like successes or
others that they are working with, etc.). Where is the most important place to get
motivation from? Point out that it varies for every person and scenario. Explain that it
is important to figure out what motivates you for yourself and, remember, there is no
right answer.
6. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
7. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).

To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the

students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
8. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
9. Ask the students if they think that project/product quality is important? Why/why
not? What does it mean to be a product/project of quality? Listen to responses and
discuss what quality means with the students.
10. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
11. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
12. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How does the aspect of quality affect the system that we have in place to create our
apps? Justify your thoughts. What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses. Have any
other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does anybody have
any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? How do you judge your success while working
on this project? Is it important to think about your successes/setbacks while looking back on
your progress from the day? Why/why not? Do you feel that it is important to look back on
these successes/setbacks from week-to-week? Why/why not?

Week 7 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to
app programming and
receiving feedback on their
app design, students will
create an app that addresses
a self-selected, real-world
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students
created last week, students
will determine whether
modifications need to be
made or not to the timeline.
3. After learning 2
effective group member
traits (initiating and
mediating), students will
incorporate the traits into
their group interactions
(where applicable).


Know What is Initiating/Initiative?

What is Mediating/Mediation?
UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving be
combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-1
(Recall, Use,
Arrange), 2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world problem.
Analyze the roles that people take in group settings

Identify how the implementation of effective group member traits

(Initiating and Mediating) impacts the interactions within a system and
the outcome of the system.


Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Initiating/Initiative, and?

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): There is no 'i' in team but there is in win.Michael Jordan (Basketball Great)
After reading the Michael Jordan quote, what do you feel is more important personal accolades,
or group success? Explain your thought.

Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the
smart board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,

remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. Ask the students: What does it take to be successful in a group? Listen to
responses and write them on the Smart board. Do you feel that there are skills that can
be taught/learned to help you be more effective in group settings? Why/Why not?
6. Tell the students that we are going to focus on two positive impact skills today.
Ask the following questions: What is Initiate/Initiating? Listen to responses and ask
questions if needed to make sure that the students understand that to be an initiator means
to be a self-starter that looks for way to help. After they have defined initiating/initiate
adequately, ask if anybody feels like an initiator. What skills do you use to help you be
a successful initiator? Write responses as students share. Explain that you will be
looking for signs of effective initiating as they work on their app today.
7. Tell the students that our second group skill is mediation. Ask the students:
What does it mean to mediate something? Listen to responses and ask questions to
make sure that the students understand that to be a mediator means to look at
disagreements to find the root cause of the issues within a group and try to help your
teammates to move past them.
After they have defined mediation/mediating
adequately, ask if anyone feels like a mediator. What skills are important to be a good
mediator? Why? List the responses on the Smart board. At the end of the day, I want
to hear about how some of you successfully mediated issues within your group while
working on your app.
8. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
9. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by

having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
10. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
11. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
12. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
13. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: Can somebody remind us of the definitions of Initiator/Mediator? Were any of you
able to use these skills this morning? How? Why Not? Where did this happen in your group
today? Give examples. Do you feel that it is important to have people in a group to take on the
two roles that we just defined? Why/why not? How does this relate to improving the system
that is your development team? Explain. What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue?

Week 8 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to
app programming and
receiving feedback on their app
design, students will create an
app that addresses a selfselected, real-world problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether
modifications need to be made
or not to the timeline.
3. After learning 2
ineffective group member traits
participants and
digressions/tangents), students
will identify and work on
correcting the traits as they
interact with their group
(where applicable).

What are Dominating/Reluctant Participants?

What are Digressions/Tangents?

UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving
be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?
Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world problem.
Analyze the roles that people take in group settings

Identify how the identification of ineffective group member

traits (communication, dominating/reluctant particpants and
digressions/tangents) impacts the interactions within a system and the
outcome of the system.

Dominating/Reluctant Participants


D.O.K. Levels-1
(Recall, Use,
Arrange), 2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)


Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)
Google Organizational Video (found in the supplementary folder of this unit)

New Learning: What are the following: Dominating/Reluctant Participants, and?

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Any problem, big or small, within a family,
always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn't listening.-Emma Thompson

After reading the Emma Thompson quote, do you agree with what she is saying? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. Ask the following questions: Do you recall the effective group member traits
we discussed last week? Give time for students to respond.
6. Explain to the students that we are going to work on identifying 2 ineffective
group member traits today: dominating/reluctant participants and digressions/tangents.
7. Think about your group and how it has functioned through the first 3 weeks of
this process. Are there any attributes that may be hindering your progress? Explain. Try
to direct the students to think about interactions such as dominating personalities (the
person that has to control everything that happens in the group, or they talk over others),
reluctant participants (students that say their group members wont let them work, but
havent asked to do anything), and tangential remarks/storytelling (stories that get you
side-tracked or slow the group down).
8. Ask the students, Did you know that there are questions that you can ask in a
polite fashion to help people see that they are being counterproductive? Share the
following questions with the students:
a. Dominating personalities: How would we state the general
problem? Could we leave out the details for a moment? Could we structure this
part of the discussion by taking turns and hearing what everyone has to say?
b. Reluctant Participants: Let's check in with each other about how
the process is working: Is everyone contributing to discussions? Can discussions
be managed differently so we can all participate? Are we all listening to each
c. Tangential Remarks/Storytelling: Can we go back to where we
were a few minutes ago and see what we were trying to do? Is there something
about the topic itself that makes it difficult to stick to?
9. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
10. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to

guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
11. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
12. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
13. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
14. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: Were you able to observe someone else using any of the traits that we discussed today
(dont say names)? How were you feeling as this happened? Were you able to use any of the
questions that we talked about to help you? Why/Why not? How did you feel about being
equipped to handle situations within your group? Why? Do you feel that this helped/hurt your
groups productivity? Why/why not? Do you think that the skill/strategies we have discussed
relates to the quote that we read for the hmmquestion? Why/why not? What issues arose for
you today? Listen to responses. Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how
did you solve it? If not, does anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue?

Week 9 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to
app programming and
receiving feedback on their app
design, students will create an
app that addresses a selfselected, real-world problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether
modifications need to be made
or not to the timeline.
3. After learning 3
ineffective group member traits
(Honesty, Ability to Delegate,
Communication), students will
identify and work on correcting
the traits as they interact with
their group (where applicable).

Ability to Delegate

What does it mean to be a Leader?

Ability to Delegate

How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving
be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-1
(Recall, Use,
Arrange), 2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world problem.
Analyze the roles that people take in group settings

Identify how the identification of ineffective group member

traits (Honesty, Ability to Delegate, Innovation) impacts the
interactions within a system and the outcome of the system.



Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)


Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more you
sweat, the luckier you get. ~ Ray Kroc
After reading the Ray Kroc quote, do you feel that this applies to your situation? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. Ask the following questions: What is a leader/leadership? Listen to responses
and ask questions if needed to make sure that the students understand that a
leader/leadership is mobilizing people/companies to achieve a goal. After they have
defined leadership adequately, ask if anybody feels like a leader. What skills do you use
to help you be a leader or show leadership? Point out that leadership take many forms
(bosses at work, a teammate you look up to, parents, from within, etc.). Explain that
there are many different skills needed to be a good leader, and we will be looking at a few
of them as we work on our app.
6. Tell the students that we are going to work on 3 skills today: Honesty, Ability to
Delegate, and Communication. Ask the students what each skill means. After they have
defined the terms, work through each term and ask the students the following questions:
Why is this skill important to possess while working with others? How does this skill
help you demonstrate leadership in group settings? Do you feel that any one of the three
skills is more important than another when you are in a leadership role? Explain
7. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
8. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we

make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
9. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
10. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
11. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
12. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do good leaders help a group to achieve each persons goal within a group? Why
is it important to consider this while working within a group? Give examples. Do you think that
these roles show leadership? Why/why not? Do you feel that these skills contribute positively to
a system? Why/why not? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses. Have any
other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does anybody have
any ideas on how to go about solving this issue?

Week 10 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the
3. After learning 3 ineffective
group member traits (sense of
humor, confidence, and
commitment), students will
identify and work on correcting
the traits as they interact with
their group (where applicable).

Sense of Humor

Know What does it mean to be a Leader?

Sense of Humor


How can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-1
(Recall, Use,
Arrange), 2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world
Analyze the roles that people take in group settings

Identify how the identification of ineffective group member

traits (sense of humor, confidence, and commitment) impacts the
interactions within a system and the outcome of the system.



Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Leadership Traits (Sense of Humor, Confidence, and

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Individual commitment to a group effort that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. - Vince
Lombardi (Hall of Fame Football Coach)
After reading the Vince Lombardi quote, do you agree with what he is saying? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. Ask the following questions: How can you be an individual while still being in
a group? Listen to responses. Do you feel that this helps or hinders a groups
progress? Why/why not? Remind them that there are many different skills needed to be
a good leader, and we will be looking at a few of them as we work on our app. Ask them:
Do you remember the 3 leadership skills that we talked about last week? Help them
remember (Honesty, Ability to Delegate, Communication).
6. Explain to the students that we are going to work on 3 new skills today: Sense of
Humor, Confidence, Commitment. Ask the students what each skill means. After they
have defined the terms, work through each term and ask the students the following
questions: Why is this skill important to possess while working with others? How does
this skill help you demonstrate leadership in group settings? Do you feel that these skills
work with, or are part of, the 3 skills that we talked about the previous week? Explain.
7. So, what do you think; are the skills we are spending time covering important in
the real world? Lets watch this video link and see if you still agree with your answer.
Show Google Organizational Video. Do you see any similarities between our groups
and what they are doing and what you have seen from Google and Apple? Give
8. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
9. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their

progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
10. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
11. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
12. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
13. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: Were you able to, or did you observe someone else, use any of the skills/strategies that
we discussed today? How/Why not? Do you feel that this helped/hurt your groups
productivity? Why/why not? Do you think that the skill/strategies we have discussed relates to
the quote that we read for the hmmquestion? Why/why not?
What issues arose for you
today? Listen to responses. Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did
you solve it? If not, does anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue?

Week 11 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the
3. After learning 3 ineffective
group member traits (Ability to
Inspire, Creativity, Intuition),
students will identify and work
on correcting the traits as they
interact with their group (where

Ability to Inspire

Know What does it mean to be a Leader?

Ability to Inspire


How can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-1
(Recall, Use,
Arrange), 2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world
Analyze the roles that people take in group settings

Identify how the identification of ineffective group member

traits (Ability to Inspire, Creativity, Intuition) impacts the
interactions within a system and the outcome of the system.



Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Leadership Traits (Ability to Inspire, Creativity,

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Creativity requires the courage to let go of
certainties.-Erich Fromm (Famous Psychologist)
After reading the Erich Fromm quote, what do you think is meant by this thought? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. Ask the students for a definition of creativity (the use of the imagination or
original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work). Ask questions to get them to
the aforementioned definition.
6. Ask the following questions:
a. Do you think that creativity is playing a part in our process?
Why/why not? Listen to responses. What do you think is hindering your
creativity during this process? What can we do when there is something
hindering our creativity? Do you feel that this is an important piece in the
leadership puzzle? Why/why not?
b. What is intuition? Ask questions to get students to understand
the definition of intuition (the ability to understand something immediately,
without the need for conscious reasoning). After learning the meaning of
intuition, how does creativity work with intuition? Allow time for students to
discuss this concept.
c. What does it mean to inspire? Ask questions to get students to
understand the definition of inspire (fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do
or feel something, esp. to do something creative). How do the three skills that
we discussed today work together within the scope of leadership? Allow time
for students to discuss this topic.
7. Thinking back to our video clip about google from last week, are you able to see
how these skills are used on a regular basis in the real-world? How/why not? Do you
feel that the skills that we have discussed over the last three weeks have helped your
group function at a higher level? How/why not?
8. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
9. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the

a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of

their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects)
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
10. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
11. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
12. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
13. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: Were you able to, or did you observe someone else, use any of the skills/strategies that
we discussed today? Do you think that the skill/strategies we have discussed relates to the quote
that we read for the hmmquestion? Why/why not?
How were you able to use the skills
we discussed today to help improve your system? Do you feel that the skills we have discussed
are needed to improve the system within which we are working? Why/why not? What issues

arose for you today? Listen to responses. Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If
so, how did you solve it? If not, does anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this
issue? Think about the information that we have discussed and your groups progress. Can you
think of anything that I can bring up or discuss to help increase productivity/morale within your
group? Take note of suggestions from the students.

Week 12 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the
Students will look for
possible errors in their code that
may cause problems.


Know What is debugging?

Project Determined Coding Needs

UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?
Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world

Design, and participate in, a process to test their app for

mistakes (debugging)

D.O.K. Levels-1
(Recall, Use,
Arrange), 2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Various determined coding

Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Debugging, Various determined coding (project

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt

After reading the Walt Disney quote, do you feel that this applies to your situation? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
6. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.

d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
7. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
8. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
9. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
10. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do you feel about your progress on this project thus far? How have you
monitored yourself throughout this project phase? How did you contribute to, or hinder, the
functionality of your system today? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? Can you think of a more efficient
way of producing this project? How? Why would this be more efficient?

Week 13 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the

Ability to Inspire

Project Determined Coding Needs
UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?
Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world

Identify how the implementation of leadership traits (Ability to

Inspire, determination, Effort) impacts the interactions within a
system and the outcome of the system.


D.O.K. Levels-2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)


Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Various determined coding (project specific)?

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): A dream doesn't become reality through
magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work. ~ Colin Powell
After reading the Colin Powell quote, do you feel that this applies to your situation? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
6. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.

d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
7. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
8. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
9. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
10. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do you feel about your progress on this project thus far? How have you
monitored yourself throughout this project phase? How did you contribute to, or hinder, the
functionality of your system today? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? Can you think of a more efficient
way of producing this project? How? Why would this be more efficient?

Week 14 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the

Ability to Inspire

Project Determined Coding Needs
UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world

Identify how the implementation of leadership traits (Ability to

Inspire, Creativity, Intuition) impacts the interactions within a
system and the outcome of the system.




Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Various determined coding (project specific)?
Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the
making something out of it after it is found. ~ James Russell Lowell
After reading the James Russell Lowell quote, do you feel that this applies to your situation?
Justify your thought.

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.

4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
6. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
7. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
8. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
9. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the

10. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do you feel about your progress on this project thus far? How have you
monitored yourself throughout this project phase? How did you contribute to, or hinder, the
functionality of your system today? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? Can you think of a more efficient
way of producing this project? How? Why would this be more efficient?

Week 15 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the

Ability to Inspire

Project Determined Coding Needs
UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world

Identify how the implementation of leadership traits (Ability to

Inspire, Creativity, Intuition) impacts the interactions within a
system and the outcome of the system.




Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Various determined coding (project specific)?

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't
used to an environment where excellence is expected. ~ Steve Jobs
After reading the Steve Jobs quote, do you feel that this applies to your situation? Justify your

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
6. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:

1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
7. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
8. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
9. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
10. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do you feel about your progress on this project thus far? How have you
monitored yourself throughout this project phase? How did you contribute to, or hinder, the
functionality of your system today? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? Can you think of a more efficient
way of producing this project? How? Why would this be more efficient?

Week 16 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the

Ability to Inspire

Project Determined Coding Needs
UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world

Identify how the implementation of leadership traits (Ability to

Inspire, Creativity, Intuition) impacts the interactions within a
system and the outcome of the system.




Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Various determined coding (project specific)?

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): People ask the difference between
a leader and a boss. The leader leads, and the boss drives. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
After reading the Theodore Roosevelt quote, do you feel that this applies to your
situation? Justify your thought.
1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
6. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:

1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
7. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.
8. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
9. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
10. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do you feel about your progress on this project thus far? How have you
monitored yourself throughout this project phase? How did you contribute to, or hinder, the
functionality of your system today? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? Can you think of a more efficient
way of producing this project? How? Why would this be more efficient?

Week 17 Programming and the Problem-Solving Process


1. After taking part in
breakout sessions related to app
programming and receiving
feedback on their app design,
students will create an app that
addresses a self-selected, realworld problem.
2. After analyzing the
timeline that students created
last week, students will
determine whether modifications
need to be made or not to the

Ability to Inspire

Project Determined Coding Needs
UnderstandHow can technology (computer programming) and problemsolving be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

D.O.K. Levels-2
(Modify, Organize),
3 (Construct,
Revise, Investigate),
4 (Create, Apply
Synthesize, Design)

Create an app that addresses a self-selected, real-world

Identify how the implementation of leadership traits

(Dominating/Reluctant Participants, Digressions/Tangents) impacts
the interactions within a system and the outcome of the system.




Technology/ Materials
Work Binder
PLB (found in the work binder)
App Design Criteria Sheet/Packet (found in the work binder)
Project Criteria Sheet
Project Timeline
Project Design Sheet
Project Scoring Guide
Reflection Sheets (found in the work binder)
1 computer per 2 students (found in all classrooms)

New Learning: What are the following: Various determined coding (project specific)?

Hmm Question (written on the board daily): No man will make a great leader who wants
to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it. ~ Andrew Carnegie
After reading the Andrew Carnegie quote, do you feel that this applies to your situation? Justify
your thought.

1. Have the students come in, unpack, grab their work binders, check-in on the smart
board, and have a seat.
2. Allow 5-10 minutes for students to write an answer to the HmmQuestion in the
3. Go over the weekly KUDO.
4. After students have finished writing their response in the PLB, and you have
covered the KUDO, ask for volunteers to share their thoughts. As students respond,
remind the class that it is ok to disagree with the responses of your neighbor, but no one
is right, or wrong.
5. After completing this discussion, ask the students if they have any questions
before returning to their long term project? Answer questions as they arise. Have
students look at their timeline to get refreshed about their goal for today. Explain to the
students that they may need to modify their plan as they work through the timeline.
6. Remind the students about the structure of the class as we progress through the
a. Groups will be working at their own pace on the development of
their app, and it will be up to them to self-monitor their progress and adjust what
they need to know or what they need to accomplish. Ask the students if they
understand what it means to self-monitor. Listen to answers, and ask questions to
guide them towards the understanding that they will need to look over their
progress, and what information they need to determine when to ask for help
(either directly or by needing to learn how to program different aspects).
b. Explain to the students that there will be a great amount of
autonomy within this class structure. To make sure this can happen, we need to
think independently and be able to problem solve on our own. How can we
make sure to make this happen? Lead the students towards being able to pick out
appropriate problem-solving strategies. How do we determine appropriate
problem-solving strategies? Listen to responses as students give them. If
students appear stuck, name a few helpful strategies for this unit and explain why
to them (i.e.-Think of Similar Problems, Draw a Picture, or Break the Problem
into Smaller Problems).
c. To accomplish this, we will have break-out sessions. Ask the
students if they know what break-out sessions are. Listen to responses. If they do
not give you an adequate response, explain that break-out sessions occur by
having one person from the group break off from the group to learn the
information (in this case programming) that is needed to accomplish an upcoming
task. Tell the students that there are multiple ways to accomplish this in this class:
1. I can work with them. 2. They can find the resources that they need and teach
themselves. 3. Or, if available, they can skype with professionals in the field.
d. Explain that while the break-out session are occurring, the other
person in the group will proceed with the project, so the group must plan their
break-out sessions early enough that the person working on the app is not held up
waiting for the other partner to return with the information.
7. Ask if there are any questions about the structure of the class moving forward.

8. Tell the students that they will have the rest of this class period to work on their
9. Allow time for the students to work on this portion of their project (stop them
with 20 minutes left). Help students with content (programming) specific questions as
they arise and be available to help run a break-out session for students that need the
10. With 20 minutes left, have the students stop working. Ask the closure questions
and let students participate in the discussion. Have the students turn to their reflection
sheets. Ask them to reflect about the conversation and their learning that they
encountered today. Allow the rest of the time for students to reflect about their
successes/areas of improvement from the day.

Closure: How do you feel about your progress on this project thus far? How have you
monitored yourself throughout this project phase? How did you contribute to, or hinder, the
functionality of your system today? What issues arose for you today? Listen to responses.
Have any other groups encountered the same issue? If so, how did you solve it? If not, does
anybody have any ideas on how to go about solving this issue? Can you think of a more efficient
way of producing this project? How? Why would this be more efficient?



K: Debugging your program is an important part of the programming

U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving
be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

Level 4Conduct a Project,

Analyze, &

Do: Students will debug the program to fix any discovered problems.


Beta testing

Technology/ Materials
Program Platform
Beta test checklist
What is a computer bug?
A computer bug is a fault in a computer program which prevents it from working
correctly. It stops the program from solving the problem that it was designed to solve.
Bugs arise from mistakes in either a program's source code or its design. It is said that
there are bugs in all useful computer programs, but well-written programs contain
relatively few bugs, and these bugs typically do not prevent the program from
performing its task. Buggy programs are those which contain a large number of bugs,
and/or bugs which seriously interfere with the program's functionality.
Bugs can have a wide variety of effects, with varying levels of inconvenience to the user
of the program. Some bugs have only a subtle effect on the program's functionality, and
may thus lie undetected for a long time. More serious bugs may cause the program to
crash or freeze.
Beta Testing
By running your program and having others run it as well, you may discover some
errors or glitches in the program. This could be a problem if you are selling your
program to a customer. The customer would not be very satisfied with their purchase if it
doesnt work properly. If you first have a team of Beta testers put the program through
a testing process you can decrease the amount of bugs in your program.
1. Pass out Beta testing sheets.
2. Discuss positive feedback and constructive comment examples.
a. Comments should be specific
b. Comments should be constructive
3. Have students share what the intended solution or function or solution is
so testers can also determine if their solution remained focused on the intended
4. Have each student load their game on their computer.
5. Then have students rotate around the room trying out each others games

6. Fill out the beta testing sheets.

Why do we

need beta testing? What would happen if it didnt

Program Name:

Intended Solution:

When I

This Happened

When I

This Happened

When I

This Happened

Other Comments:

How well did the program provide the intended solution?

Program Name:

Intended Solution:

When I

This Happened

When I

This Happened

When I

This Happened

Other Comments:

How well did the program provide the intended solution?

K: Making changes based on feedback is an important part of the

programming process.

Revising and Sharing

U: How can technology (computer programming) and problem-solving
be combined to create new solutions to complex problems?

Level 4Conduct a Project,

Analyze, &

Do: Students will use feedback from beta testing and adjust the program
to fix any discovered problems.

Technology/ Materials
Program Platform
Beta test checklist (filled out week 8)
1. Last week we beta tested each others games and filled out bug report
sheets on each game.
2. How can we use these as a tool to improve our programs?
3. How did beta testing help us stay focused on solving our intended set of
4. Pass out bug test sheets and answer any questions.
5. Discuss problems that were found and possible solutions.
6. Discuss how well our projects remained focused on or problem solving
7. Students will take information from bug testing and use it to fine tune their
1. Locate your project i
2. Right click and choose send to DVD.
3. Click Next, give it a title and click finish to burn your project.
4. Create a cover (optional) Use File screen capture to get some
images from your program then paste them into the CD cover
5. How did your program turn out?
6. What was the biggest challenge you faced? How did you deal with it?
7. Do you think your program effectively used available technology and
programming to solve the complex problems that you intended to solve? Why or
Why not?

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