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Unit: Friday Night Lights - H.G.

Week: 1/25/16 - 1/29/16
Lesson/Date: Lesson 10 - 1/25/16
CC Objectives:
Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
a. Use parallel structure
Do Now - 5 mins.
In your composition book, answer the following question: how important is sentence
structure and sentence fluency to a reading? Can a text or reading be worthwhile
without it? After answering, discuss quietly with your shoulder partner before we come
back together for a class discussion.
Intro to New Reading/Author/Common Conventions - 10 mins.
Today well be transitioning into a new reading, an excerpt from Friday Night Lights by
H.G. Bissinger. Well be reading Chapter 4, which is about a high school football team in
a small town in Texas that deals with complex race relations and tension. Our focus will
be on the style of Bissingers writing, looking at how he uses common conventions such
as parallelism, metaphors and similes to describe and explain ideas in the text. The
most important is the authors use of these three, which well break down together right
now with a one-sheet I drew up.
Small Group Reading - 30 mins.
For this first day well read the first few paragraphs together, but then will be break into
small groups to finish the rest. Our assignment is to read from paragraphs 1-18. We will
be annotating for any examples of character development like always, but well also be
looking for examples of parallelism, metaphors and similes to help highlight the authors
choice in sentence structure.
Class Discussion - 10 mins.
Lets come back together and answer some DOK questions together, to ensure
comprehension of the text:

What can you infer about what Mikes fathers hopes for his sons future based on what
he wants to make sure his son hears?
How does Joe Bills conversation with Mike after Billys death develop Joe Bills
expectations for Mike?
How does Bissingers use of parallel structure on page 75 develop the relationship
between Mike and Billy?
How does Billys illness affect Mikes beliefs about himself and his athletic abilities?
What do details about Mikes economic circumstances suggest about his identity?
Exit Ticket - 5 mins.
Answer the following in your composition book before leaving for the day: How does
Bissingers description of the Mikes relationship with his father develop a central idea in
the text?
Objective of Lesson:
To introduce students to complex conventions such as parallelism in an easily readable
and relevant text.
Changes in Materials:
Targeted Students:
10-2 Section.
Differentiation Strategies:
1-sheet with expanded definitions and examples of parallelism handed out before the
reading, retain 10-2 in a whole class reading instead of breaking into small groups

Lesson/Date: Lesson 11 - 1/26/16

CC Objectives:

Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse
Apply knowledge and language to understand how language functions in different
Determine or clarify the meaning of multiple unknown words or phrases
Do Now - 5 mins.
Please answer the following question in your composition book: why does Hissinger
use parallelism in the paragraphs we read yesterday? Why is this important to the text?
When youre done, discuss quietly with your shoulder partner.
Recap of Yesterdays Reading - 10 mins.
Lets breakdown what happened yesterday and make every effort to pull out the main
idea and examples of common English conventions as we recap the text. Do you enjoy
the text so far, and if so, what do you like about it? If not, what do you dislike about it?

Small Group Reading - 30 mins.

Today well continue reading in small groups from paragraph 19-35. This next section
of the text is vastly important to uncovering key details about the main character, the
overall plot and how the author uses parallelism to make the reading easier and more
pleasant to digest. As your reading, continue to work on annotations together as a
team-- everyones packet should be perfect!
Class Discussion - 10 mins.
Lets break down the text together by answering a few DOK questions to ensure wwe :

What are some examples of parallelism used by the author in the text?
What does Bissingers report of the fans responses to the team on page 78 suggest
about what the Permian Panthers represent to their community?
What can you infer about what Don represents to Charlie Billingsley, based on what
Charlie sees on the field?
Changes in Materials:
Targeted Students:
10-2 Section.
Differentiation Strategies:
Expanded lesson on parallelism, retain 10-2 in a whole class reading instead of
breaking into small groups

Lesson/Date: Independent Lesson - 1/27/16

CC Objectives:
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse
Intro to Lesson/Brief Class Discussion - 5 mins.

Were going to try something new today -- art in English class! But before we get there,
I wanted to have a quick conversation about art in general. Why is it important and how
does it help us as a society?
Small Group Work - 25 mins.
In small groups, you will work together to make a visual representation of parallelism
based off the definition written on the board. I will provide the chart paper as well as the
colored pencils/marker. Your art can be very literal, or it can be abstract. The goal is to
work together to present the idea of parallelism in a new and creative way -- it can be in
any format, in any way be creative! After youre done, groups will share out and
present their art to the class.
Objective of Lesson:
To allow students to work together in small groups in a creative way to bolster
understanding of parallelism.
Changes in Materials:
Targeted Students:
None. I feel that art is creative enough to the point that all students will be able to
engage and grapple with even a complex idea without scaffolding being needed.

Differentiation Strategies:
Lesson/Date: Lesson 12 - 1/28/16
CC Objectives:
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of the text

Demonstrate command of common English conventions in capitalization, punctuation

and grammar
Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and nuances in
word meanings.
Do Now - 5 mins.
In your composition book, silently and independently, answer the following question: is
writing a form of art? If so, why do you think so? If not, why not? After youre done,
share quietly with a shoulder partner. Afterwards, well come back together and share
out very briefly.
Recap of Tuesdays Reading - 10 mins.
Lets go over what we read on Tuesday and why its important. Keep in mind our
discussion and focus on parallelism as way to make writing more digestible. Think back
on how the author uses parallelism throughout Chapter 4 to help us as readers. What
are some other examples?

Small Group Reading - 30 mins.

Today well again be reading in small groups from paragraph 36-55. Well be constantly
annotating in teams for important details and facts, with an extra eye out for examples
of parallelism. Well be using our annotations next week to make a detailed t-chart of
main idea development, so its important that youre spending time on your annotations!
Class Discussion - 10 mins.
Lets answer some DOK questions to make sure we understand the reading:
What are some examples of parallelism in this section of the reading?
What relationship does Bissinger establish between football and the circumstances of
life in Odessa?
Why was Charlies life never quite the same after the high school?
How does a Permian Panther influence Charlies sense of self?

Exit Ticket - 5 mins.

In your composition books, answer the following question: How does the authors
description of the relationship between Don and Charlie develop a central idea in the
Lesson Objective:
To further students understanding of parallelism in the text while simultaneously
supporting knowledge of tracking the development of main ideas from the start to finish
of a text.
Changes in Materials:
Targeted Students:
10-2 section.

Differentiation Strategies:
Pre-filled t-chart mapping out the central ideas of the text, expanded lesson on
parallelism again, whole class reading for the 10-2 section
Lesson/Date: Lesson 13 - 1/29/16
CC Objectives:
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse
Do Now - 5 mins.
In your composition books, silently and independently, what is the importance of the
author using specific language to describe black players on the team? Why is the
description different than white players? When youre done, share quietly with your
shoulder partner before we share out as a class.

Recap of Thursdays Reading - 10 mins.

Lets breakdown what happened in yesterdays reading, being mindful to track the main
ideas that have developed throughout the text. Lets do a think-pair-share before we
discuss it as a class.
Small Group Reading - 30 mins.
Today well continue reading in our small groups using teamwork to annotate and
breakdown the story. Well finish the text today, reading paragraphs 56-81. Keep in mind
were still looking for parallelism and how main ideas develop throughout the text. This
will be the culminating reading, and its super important that we keep in mind why the
author writes and describes certain events and people, as it helps frame the main ideas
in the text.

Class Discussion - 10 mins.

Lets answer some DOK questions to make sure were understanding the reading:
How do Mike and Dons expectations of themselves/and or the expectations others
have for them factor into their actions and reactions at the season opener?
What do the coaches responses to success and failure suggest about their
expectations of their players? How do their expectations influence the events of the
season opener?
What does it take for Chris Comer to become the star running back of Permian High
School? What might Comers rise suggest about tradition in Odessa?
Exit Ticket - 5 mins.
Answer the following silently and independently in your composition book: how does
the authors account of the final events of the season opener refine a central idea in the
Objective of Lesson:
To ensure students full comprehension of parallelism and how to track a main idea as it
develops throughout the text.
Changes in Materials:

Targeted Students:
10-2 section.
Differentiation Strategies:
Pre-filled t-chart mapping out the central ideas of the text, expanded lesson on
parallelism again, whole class reading for the 10-2 section

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