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1. While writing your paper, what did you learn about the research process?

a. The research process was for me personally a little difficult.

Biometrics is a fairly new upgrade in the technology era. Finding the information
took a while because most of the information was just on the research of
biometrics. I needed the basics of how biometrics are used in fingerprint scanners,
facial and voice recognition.
2. How was the research related to your mentor hours?
a. The research was related to my mentor hours because for my
product I have made a biometric safe. The materials I used for my product consist
of the material you would find in a biometrics scanner.
3. Summarize the mentor hours that you completed.
a. When completing the hours with my mentor. The most difficult
thing for me was putting, preparing, and testing out my mechanism for my
4. How did working with your mentor affect your understanding of the topic
and your development of the product?
a. Working with my mentor affected my understanding of my topic
because within the actural product. The code is very complex. The hardware has
to be very specific or the mechanism will not work.
5. How did creating a product and completing the hours challenge you
a. The product challenge me because finding the materials was a little
challenging. The parts were from mostly china and a few in the states.
6. Do you feel prepared academically and emotionally for the presentation?
a. Academically I feel prepared for it. Emotionally I felt stress and
nervous because I do not like to speak publicly. Public speaking prepared me for
this presentation because that class taught you how to face your fear of speaking
7. How did the entire process stretch you as a learner and as an individual?
a. I learned that many objective can be accomplished by being
organized and productive. I learned new information about technology with
biometrics. As an individual this process has prepared me for assignment in the
future when I am at college.
8. Describe an obstacle you encountered and how you overcame it.
a. An obstacle that I encountered was when the LCD screen on my
mechanism was not lighting up. My mentor and I looked at what was wrong with
it. We even took it apart and started from almost the beginning. But later my
mentor suggested that we try a different way to wire it. I took his suggestion and
now the LCD works perfectly.
9. What life skills did you acquire and how will they help you in the future?
a. A life skills that I acquired was being productive, organized and
patient. These three skills help me before, during and probably after this
presentation. These skills will help in in college and in my career. With biometrics
you must be productive with your work. Organized with your equipment. Patient
when the mechanism will not work.
10. If you had to go back and do parts of the project again, what would you do

a. I would not procrastinate on the mentor hours. I would work
earlier on the pride product.

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