Vocab Untuk Jurnal

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These five schools were considered to sufficiently represent all the public schools because it

was believed that the amount of data obtained had reached the level of saturation

Much has been written about..

Higher education is interested in motivation and its effect on human
behavior because there is a need to know more about why students
strive and achieve.
As shown in the background development there are problems in higher
education that require attention. Also shown was evidence that
increasing the motivation of the
student body could be a positive way to attack these problems. Much
research has been done..
Increasingly the literature highlights the importance of having ethics
and values taught at all levels of the education system
If the children draw upon value by their culture society, then does the
society develops in a proper way further?

spells out: menerangkan dengan hati2

The theory identifies ten basic
The article elucidates (menerangkan) the psychological
suffered from the absence of an agreed-upon conception
transcend kkt. melebihi, lebih penting dari. National interests t. personal feelings
Kepentingan-kepentingan nasional lebih penting daripada perasaan-perasaan
impulses likely to (terdorong untuk)
benevolence kb. kebajikan, perbuatan baik.
that conflict with some values but are congruent with others
is likely to undermine (merusak) preserving time-honored customs (tradition values).
Because norms prescribe (menentukan) behaviors with specificconsequences
inclination, more or less inclined to, kecendrungsn (cenderung) - predisposition kb.
kecenderungan. He has a p. to minor ailments Ia mudah kena penyakit ringan.
Traits vary in the frequency and intensity
In virtually any : pada hamper semua

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