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In the story of Alice in Wonderland, what stuck out to me the most was the theme of sense and nonsense and how Lewis Carroll consistently shues back and forth
between the two worlds.

along with the battle between sense and nonsense, Alice in Wonderland syndrome is a real thing which ive been researching a lot. There's only a few cases that are
reported of people who have it. Most of the time the people that have the syndrome experience altered perceptions of body image, objects in a room may appear
extremely small, small enough to fit in a doll house, or even episodes of epilepsy.

Using these two things, I thought it could lend itself to some interesting design elements such as altered typography, size and proximity alterations, and/or flashing or
alternating bright colors like the movie already showcases.

one idea I had was for the experience to take place in a funhouse/carnival setting. This would set the stage for what people are about to experience because the people
entering will already have some notion of what they are getting themselves into. The space could use reflective paper/concave mirrors and some optical illusions.

the other idea using the same sense and nonsense theme is to manipulate an everyday space which would be more of a surprise to the audience. They would walk into
the space and then start to realize some items are larger than others or smaller or not how they are supposed to be. This could be outdoors at something like a gas
station or inside a staged living room


art exhibit or actual everyday space

real space might be stronger - relate back to the story - scavenger hunt

write list of what spaces it could take place in


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