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wa016 ‘Succeehd Visa stamping deta has boon confirmed = Gobal ferry @qgnaicom - Gmail High Commission of Canada, New Delhi anes to globattentry, me 10, Mr RAVL clo~ GLOBAL ENTRY . IN 'No.14 and 1S/F,Ub City Mal, Vital waliya Road, ~ $8000, india Mobile +(91}:9008242777 ear SirfMadam, ‘This mail is to inform you that we haxe processed the 4 Applcantions fer workpernit fom outside ‘Canada mentioned below wo have submitted the Passpor's and documents attached tothe visa process through your Representate Ramkissoon Lisa - 061685 .Kindly send the recent Photos as per specications scanned and sent fo your Representative and also complete the booking ofthe Flight tickets scheduled for 21/01/2016 s0 that we shall confi the positive status for stamping (mutiple entry) 2 year “Temporary Resident Visa fr the said 4 applicants, 1.INDERPAL SINGH PP NO.-.J0584530 2. ETAKALA MANI RAM REDDY PP NO.-- 66782360 3, VEERA RAMALINGAM VISHNU PRIA PP NO... 67551583 4, THAKUR GUNJESH PP NO.-Mi621257 We trust that this information will be of assistance Also please note the Registered Regards, High Commission of Canada, New Delhi ‘718 Shantipath, Chenakyapuri New Delhi 110 021, India Telephone: 91 (11) 4178-2000 Fax: 91 (11) 4178-2020 Immigration related faxes to this nuiber wit rot be revewed. you wish to contact immigration please use the following email ‘address:deli@intemationa.oc.c8 tates hucharsot=ut 8 %9C AV %20class%ID% 229% 2520.22.20 le% 30 %22pad Sng -IA%2O1 OD NER 2OGENSE OCUSOHAN. uw B= = @ ptraesgo8 Oyen Koes "aa Branch a —— a /Branch “maaan Revie /oare 25 [08 [ols erdendt /aneetsitea/ NEFT/ RTGS eres sareeeenee erate Ae /siarr era) xe a (4 /eank.C. Va @e andta ee ta EON, Pris/ome I Jlofaots. [Date aots vergundt /srrtoter/ WEFT / RTGS rind /aredrotee LEFT Res. hacen a Re: Refund Global Entry ann to vishnu Hi, Priya Compliment of the Day! as discussed | was trapped in this problem and now i compensated with the passport money too and now | don’t know when i get this payment settled from this recruiter but still as per his debit note he says | can debit the following amount as per his credit note. The breakup is CAQ payment 630 $ and his expenses 2350 $ high commission DD and processing fee 655 $, Lawyer 2508 total aggregates to 3885 $ which in INR is Rs. 2,48,640/- balance payable Rs. 2,53,2101- | hope this is clear for you once this is acknowledged | will start remitting payment time to time as committed. ‘Thank you for understanding my situation and being mankind Regards B Ravien Kumar e vishnu priya en7n 5 to Anand, me Hsin, ‘Thank you for your email, can you please confirm one single final amount payable to me?? é vishnu priya 713 tome Hi, can | have the status of my money, nobody seems answering ma call too, vanre016 ‘Re: Carvaletion of Roprecentative for withtrawing Passport- labalenry8@ gmail.com - Gmail vishnu priya 40/5 tome Dear Sir, Please fri attached signed copes. ‘Thank you, Regards Priya (On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Global Entry wrote: tacts charset

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