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Q.1. An amount of money is to be divided among x,y and z in the ratio of 4: 9 : 16 .

If z get 4
times more than x .What is y's share in it?
01. Rs. 1600
02. Rs. 3600
03. Rs. 4200
04. Cannot be determined
05. Rs. 5000
Q.2. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'FINANCE' be arranged?
01. 5040
02. 2520
03. 1440
04. 720
05. 1920
Q.3. The difference between the SI and CI obtained on a principal amount at 5 p.c.p.a after 2
years 35.What is the principal amount?
01. Rs.14000
02. Rs.16000
03. Rs.15000
04. Rs.18000
05. Rs.17000
Q.4. In a school the ratio of boys to girls is 4 : 5. When 100 girls leave the school the ratio
becomes 6 : 7.How many boys are there ?
01. 1600
02. 1200
03. 600
04. 800
05. 1100
Q.5. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 525 is the same as the loss incurred
after selling the article for Rs. 335 .What is the CP of the article?
01. Rs. 490
02. Rs. 550
03. Rs. 495
04. Rs. 430
05. Rs. 500

Q.6-10. Answer these question based on the following infomation.

The average age of Rakesh ,Sujeet ,Vinay,Nilesh,Ajay and Radhey is 58 years.Ajay and
Vinay's total age is 124 years.Sujeet is thrice Nilesh's age .The average age of Rakesh and
Radhey is 52 years.Vinay is four years younger than Sujeet.The age of Rakesh and Radhey
are in the ratio 29 : 23.
Q.6. Who amongst the following is the youngest?
01. Ajay
02. Rakesh
03. Vinay
04. Sujeet
05. Nilesh
Q.7. What is the average age of Sujeet Nilesh Vinay and Ajay?
01. 64 years
02. 62 years
03. 60 years
04. 61 years
05. 58 years
Q.8. In how many years will Nilesh be exactly half of Vinay's present age?
01. 16 years
02. 13 years
03. 15 years
04. 12 years
05. 14 years
Q.9. How old is Vinay?
01. 86 years
02. 83 years
03. 85 years
04. 82 years
05. 80 years

Q.10. What is the ratio of the ages of Ajay and Nilesh?

01. 19 : 15
02. 5 : 7
03. 8 : 7
04. 7 : 5
05. 19 : 7

Q-2 2
Q-3 1

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