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What you need to know:

Zika Virus Infection

Zika is a type of virus. It is spread through mosquito
Zika has occurred in Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. Since May of 2015, there has been an outbreak happening in Central and South America. The virus has also been found in Puerto Rico.
So far, this has only happened to people who have
traveled to countries where the virus is found.
As per DOH Statement made on January 30, 2016.
The Philippines remains free of Zika virus.(

What are the symptoms of Zika?

Many people infected with Zika have no symptoms, or
only mild symptoms. If there are symptoms, they usually happen 2 to 12 days after being bitten by a mosquito that has the virus.
Symptoms might include:
Pain in the joints, especially in the hands and feet
Red eyes
In some areas where there is Zika virus, there have
also been more cases of a disease called Guillain-Barr syndrome. This is a condition that causes muscle
weakness. Experts dont yet know if it is related to Zika.

Can Zika be prevented?

The best way to prevent Zika virus infection is to
avoid the mosquitoes that carry it. Not all countries where Zika is common control mosquitoes
well. But you can lower your chances of getting
the infection if you live or travel there. You can:
Stay inside during the day, when the mosquitoes that carry Zika are most active. Buildings
with screens and air conditioning are safest.
Wear bug spray or cream that contains DEET when
you are outside. Check the label to make sure.
Drain any standing water if possible, such as wading
pools and buckets. Mosquitoes breed in standing water.
Its also important to try to avoid mosquito bites if
you have already gotten Zika. Thats because during
the first week of having it, the virus can be found in
your blood. If a mosquito bites you, and then bites
another person, that person could then get Zika too.
There is no vaccine for Zika virus infection.

Should I see a doctor or nurse?

+-If you live in (or recently visited) a country where Zika

is found, see a doctor or nurse if you have symptoms.

If your doctor or nurse thinks you might have Zika, he
or she will order a blood test to look for the virus. He
or she might also do tests for other diseases that have
similar symptoms.

How is Zika treated?

There is no specific treatment for Zika virus infection. If
your symptoms bother you, you should rest and drink
plenty of fluids. You can also take acetaminophen to
relieve fever and aches.
Do not take aspirin or NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen or
naproxen, unless your doctor says its okay. Thats because they can cause bleeding in people who have a
disease that is similar to.

What if I am pregnant?
If you get infected with Zika while you are pregnant,
you could pass the infection on to your baby. If you
are pregnant or trying to get pregnant, experts say you
should avoid traveling to countries where there is Zika
virus. If you do visit these countries, its especially important to try to avoid mosquito bites.
If you are pregnant and recently traveled to one of the
countries where there is Zika, tell your doctor or nurse.
They might want to test you for the virus. They can do
tests to see if your baby is likely to have it, too.

Prepared by: M.L.J. Relleve RN,

February 2016|

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