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° FINAL DRAFT EUROPEAN STANDARD wEN 122 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM ‘Aon 309 ca Descriptors, English version Weetanop fabricate ainel lane Part 1: Horizontal cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for the underground storage af flammable and non-flammable water polluting liquids Résarvory aciera fabriqués en atelinvs - Pata 1 Works gulattyta Tank au Stah) — Tall | Llogencia Resorvolre hofontaux oylindriguw A simala at sylindhieche site und Torna ouala parol pour ie sockage entered de kquldtes Uunteekdiscran Lagaring yon banner wna (nitarmabiag at Nor-intammablas palluant faa nictioresnbaren wasserpaiahidoncian Fisagksitar ee YON EN Ath af ep itatinsmeyHo ve ay sh tr ‘wurterde far CEN matin! Matar. ‘hia raft Ewepenn Standard i submitted ta CEN membare Yor formal vos has been drawn up by CEN/TC 221 ("hia dtalt becomes 2 Ewoneun Stuncara, CEN mambws are bound to comply with {be CEWGENELEC imarral Regulations which anpulate te cancion tor giving thin European Stardad Ube statis a natiora| standard without dry alteration. This amt European Standeid wes eatabiisned by CEN In tite alfllal yerpiona (English, French. Garman), 4 vaevion In any other languige moda by mamalibon lunder tha resparaibilty at a.2EN mambor nic itd owe Manpuage und hated In the (Gankral Sacrwbariat has the wae cian ay the 2000 mm ‘based on the calculated circurnterence af 0. 6.8 Shell plate arrangement Cross seams ara not allowed, Longitudinal welds are not allowed in the bottom hal! of the tank, minimum distance: 5 x watl thickness but not less than 25 mm Figure 2: Shelkplate arrangement for Inner and outer skin 6.9 Manholes and inspection covers Unless otherwise specitied by the purchaser, the tanks shall be equipped with at lenst one inspection cover per ‘comparument. In cases where inspection covers are not allowed. the tanks shall have ane manhole of at least ‘dq = 600 mm. No part af a compartment shall be more than 10 m fram a manhole. Single skin tanks shall always have 3 manhole. ‘The manutacturer shall decide whether manholes {inspection covers. nozzies) shalt be of set-thraugh or set-orr 1Vpé. Nozzles and flanges shall either be welded Inside and outside, or by full penetration. For tha dimengions of the manholes and its components see table 4. Po prEN 12385-11909 E Dimensions of manhole components ‘quiver! and na xpecifcaticn ik given bythe purchaser this darnotr shall be ued. = Far tains clave C nin dinmaters of the map Instead of tha manhole Covers shown in the figure 3 and dimensioned in table 4, ribbed or embossed covers may be used in class A tanks with a plate thickness atleast equal to the thickness of the inner tank #4, A ribbed or embossed cover shall withstand the test pressure Py. Inspection covers for tanks of olass A with dy ¢ 1250 mvp and tanks of classes B and C with dy < 1000 mm. The diameter of the inspection cover shall not be larger than 300-mm and not smaller than 120 mm, and the thickness of the inspection cover shall be equal to the minimum thickness of the inner tank, 6.10 Stuctural bolts ‘Structural bolts used shail ba in accordance with EN 20898-1, with s property class being at least 4.6, The ‘material chosen shal! be compstible with the tank material, 7 6.11 Tank fittings, pipes and nozzles Alltank fittings, pipes and nozzles. shauld be situated an the manhole caver oF in the single skin top of the tank. For tanks of class C only the set-through nozzles shall be used. A penetration of the double skin is not allowed exception; nozzles far leak detection systern). Fittings and all ather openings should have 8 minimurh distance of 50 ram to welded sears. Page 10 EN 12205-1: 1950 Figure 3: Examples for manhole 6,12 Stiffening rings The following mathads af construction may be used: ‘780 x 80-secording to EN 10058, or [—_] 10012. 1) Gaskets must be suitable tor purpose. 31 For set-through-nozzles a vent af 10 mm diameter or equivalent opening shall be provided in the manholeneck {tthe highest practical point. “Connection for earthing and use for cathodic corrosion protection It required Page 11 brEN 12285. > 1999 ‘Thenumbar of stiffening rings depends on tan to tan length lf) af each compartment aa shal be in accordance wrth tabi 5: Tabla 5: Number of required stiffening rings in accordance with the length of each compartment 15600 <1, [= tay Figure 4: Examples tor design dotails of stiffening rings ‘Apertures as shown in figure 4 should be located at the top and bottam of the stiffening rings ta allow un ‘obstructad flow of liquids, vapour or gases. ‘Where internal costing is asked for, continuous welding shall be used on stiffening rings, Alternatively, instead of using stiffening rings (i, = 7800 mm), the wall thickness of inner tanks may be increased. In this casé the wall thickness of the Inner tank shall be the greater of the following: 8) orinal wall thickness according to table 3 b) 5, 04+ a {rounded up t0 full mm} Page 12 prEN 122851: 99 E 819 Lifting lugs Each tank shall be provided with lifting lugs. The number of ittings lugs shall be at Hast 7 to¢ # tank up to 20 mm? nominal volume and not less than 2 above 20m. The lugis) shall be positioned taenabie the tank to ba lifted in norizontat position. Litong lugs fully wolded ta the tanke ehsit be provided In sufficient size and Quantity to enable the empty tarik to be litves. The ling igs shall be provides with 2 lifting hote-ct at teast GO mum mrunimym. a order ta prevent deformation and for maintaining integrity OF tha costing, a reinforcement plate shail be ‘Browided oF the lefting Iupis) shall be made af suitable size. 7 Fabrication 7A Plate preparation ‘Tha plate edges shall ve visually mamined for taminations by the manufacturer, Whore such feults ara found the plate shall be deemed unsuitable for fabrication of the tank. 7.2 Sheil plate forming {Ail plates shall be formed to the required Curvature aver the full widtn or Fength of the plate es might be ‘applicable. The manufacturer shall ensure that there is continuity of curvatutt at the longitudinal butt welds, 7.2 Types of joints ‘The types ot welded jaints shall be in accordance with table 6. All internal attscnments shall be continuously ‘welded. 74 Welding procedures, welders qualifications |Weiging propedures shail be in accordance with EN 268-1, EN 288-2. EN 286-9 and weltsers qualifications shall (bein sccordance with EN 287-1, Page 13, prEN 12285-11998 E Table 6: Types of welded joints Savare burr joint and € and all liquids For inner skin Plate misalignment may not exceed 2 mm or 0.3) (sitar IS3) Joggied butt joint For class A and hydrocarbon liquids For double and single skin Not permissible with inner coating For class A. B and @ For cless A, Band ¢ For outer skin. 9 = 0,799 ‘Overlap joint For class A, Band C For outer skin o= 0.753 Page 14 pHEN 12206-11999 Table 6 (connnuad Types of welded joints (Class of tanks and thauld Wiquid-touched wall) Filet weld ity T Joint For olass A, @ and © For nozzles in the outer skin 0 = 7 Siig 1 pan thickness of the thinner plate Filat wel (full panatration) in T4oint For class A, 8 and G For manholes, noxzies. and inspection covers ease [Double filet wal in T-joint For class A, B and C For manholes, nezzies and stittening rings 8207 Sip Span thickness of the thinner plate ‘Types of welded joints Fillet weld in overtap joint Page 95 pIEN 12208-11890 E Table 6 (concluded Class of tanks an liquid Miquid-touched wail) For class &. B and C For comoartment dished ena with knuckle rodius Fillet weld in overlap joint Double filet weld in T-jolnt For class &, Band ¢ For compartment dished ends with knuckle radius Not permissible with inner coating For class A and 8 For compartment dished ends with knuckle radius Not permissible with inner costing For class A and 8 For compartment dished ands without knuckle Page 15 prEN 122851) 1999 & 7.5 External coating 7.84 General Each tank shall be provided with on external orotective coating. Ali comings, when applied by the tank manufacturer, shail be in accordance with tne costing manutactwrer's instructions. Wneee the termperaturs of carton staat ean fall below normal opersting temperatures and the tanks ere used {or products without corrosion Inhibitor, the tanks shall be provided with intemal coming ‘in sdiaition 19 any metional requirements the external coating shall meet at least the requirements given in 7.5.2 and 7.5.3 78.2 Surlace preparation The aurface shall be prepared in accordance with the coating manutacturwrs specifications for application ta engure pernenent adhesion at the extemal coating. ‘Where impressed current cathodic protection is required by the purchaser all surfaces shall be prepared by grit Diasting to at least SA 2.8 as dofined in {SO 8501 75.3 Surlace coating Toble 7 shows the external coatings permitted. the minimum thickness, and minimum test voltage. External ‘coatings shall not cantain CFCs. ‘Table 7; External coating minimum thickness and minknum test voltage ‘Coating material External surtace coating tested 10 the following minimum test voltage v ‘with fabii¢ reintor- cement 8 Testing 8.1 General The followring tests shall be carried out in the manufacturer's warkshop. Page 1 BIEN 1276.0: 1855) 8.2 Pressure tosting Single sin and inner tanks f double skin tanke {tnd the interstitial space shall be tested ln accordance witty Table @: Test pressure P, and Tank class . rast i 7 = ‘Test pressure Test pressure Test pressure ty and pry ty and pry Pty and pty in bar in bor in bar Prowowpe test 0.75 airfiquia 2.0 airfiquia 10.0 oF 11.9 tiguia Leak tightness test of 0.4 alrmiquia 0.6 airiquid 0.6 airtiquia Intecstitial space Leak tightness rest of 9.75 fiquia 2.0 tiquia 2.0 liquig tank 91 0.3 air OF 0.3 air 59 Testing of the external coating Betore leaving the worksn ‘488 In oraer-to prove its Integy. {Ths tank shat ony be ited by the rings lugs rata eye tank manutscturer, The lifting tugs have 10 be Sesigned to litt the tamk with the inner compartments empty. 9.2 installation [anks designos to this standard allow tor an a pre ot Ue 10 1.5:m and te withstand impoxse trate fooas {rom a property constructed rosdway. The wan Provide a reasonable satety factor. ‘A orsater ar tower earth cover may raquive catoutation, The access chamber shall be designed in such » ‘av 10 prevent: loads from the tatfic area stove being Sansmitted to the tank. : The metheds used to secure the tank in ‘he excavation shall not damage the coating of the tank, ‘NOTE: For further information see annex A, 10 Marking and certification of the tank Page 18 DrEN 12285-1 ) 1909 E ‘The labél shall be fixed to the tank on of clase to the inahhole of the tank. The labet shall contain the following information as 4 minimuen: Name and address of manutacturor Year of manufacture Serial number of tank ‘Designation in aécordance with 4: cise | Tank Fenge-at | number of tye | temperature | compan: ments Tank — | Nominal volume: | Diameter nm in mm EN 12288. 50 2500 1 4 Type of castings loptional) Weight of empty tank Type of leak detection liquid twhen supplied) Prananion Bach compartment shall be provided with & abel indicsting the nominal volume in m* of that compsrt: ment. 10,2 Tank certificate Oe rane aaieate stating at laast the information included in 10.1 and the material chosén shail be provided by ve manutacturer, 10.3 Drawings ‘The manufacturer shail provide a drawing showing al important dimensions, ‘compartments and connections, Page 19 PEN (2285-1. 190 & Annex A [informative) Transport, storage and installation procedure AA Transport The tank should be placed on the vehicle in such o way to ensure that We surface coating of the tank ss not dams ‘The tanks should be carefuby fixed Gn the vehicle to prevent movernent suhle being Transported, using webbing Of other fixing methods, which will nat damage the tank coating. Tha tank should be contralfed while Suspended by the use of guia ropes when placing the Tonk in position ‘Wher two lifting lugs are used the lifting angle barwean the guide ropes should not exceed 170° A2 Storage when stored an site betore installation the tanks should be placed on a Level surface, free from protrusions. and OF 8 suitabte base to protect the coating fi. 8, sand, foarn ete.). The position should be ehagen to avoid acciden- tal damage from site trattic and the: tanks should be restrained from ralling, A. Installation procedure ABA Planning ® Frior to commencement af the instaitation tha site conditions should be determined and recorded. the type of round wall determine the need and type of ground support. Overhead cables and underpround service snould he plonted. ‘The installation should services. A32 Ground works Froper care should ba taken to ensure thet the axcsvation does not collapse, the use of sheet piling or other Proved methods should be adopted. De-watering taciiies should be provided in cases of high water rabte, Owing 10 possible damage during transport, storage and handling, itis essential that the coating ot exch tank shal be subject ta.4 high voltage test in accordance with table B, Whera coating is damaped it shall be repaired and retested. The tank should be securaly fixed in the installation sing a suitable method to preven any mavarment ol the tank is. g. anchored to a concrete base) The tank should bé installed on a levelled base. e A.3.3 Backfill materiais ‘The backfill used should be non-cohesive granular materia! which will suttound the tank to give adaquate suppor and restrain ‘The choice of backfil used may wall depend upon the native golly and theit campatiblity with the coating othe tenk. For possible combinations see table A, ‘et out: taking care not to undermine any existing #tructures ar damage underground Page 20 OPEN 12266-11998 E All backiill material shat be washed, graded and free flowing {rom lee, ely, organic materials and {ree ot wavy objects. The minimum Dulk density shovid be 1600Kg/m?, Table A.1: Recommended backiil cording to casting used ‘Sang shail be wll praded and shall have less thon 8 % passing a 78 ym screen with the larpest particle size less than 3 ram. Gravel ‘The bacatill material snail not have mare than 3 % passing a 2.4 mynscreen. The material shall be well-raunced ea Gravol with a mix of particle size not less then not more than 20 mm, Stone erushings Stone crushings with angular particle size of not lass than 3 mmpot more than 16mm, not more than 3 % shall pass a 2.4 mm serean, A.3.4 Installing backfill Sufficient backfill should be placed an the excavation base betore the tank is lowered in the excavation. Backfill smouid be carefully placed around the installation ‘The installer to compact the backfill and whare necessary Use mechanical methods to ensure the backfill reaches ail pans of the excavation, Sutticiant backfill should be placed above the top of the tank A35 Access chamber ‘An access chamber being liquid tight and capeble of preventing arty spilt liquid being stared from enteting the ‘environment should be fitted to the tank, Paga 2) PrEN 12286-1 - 1090 E Annex B {infocrnative) Evaluation of liquid-material-combinations for storage tanks accdording to this standard B.1 Goneral This Annex provides evaluations of chemical loads resulting fYom liquids stored in tanks as described in this Standard. considering specific materials used and specific working conditions. Ovring to the amount of the possibie liquid-materal-combiriations. the list cannot be final and complete and should always be open to add new liquids and new materials. NOTE: This Annex applies to shove: and underground tanks. It has to be consicered, as ter as this Standaed is-concerned, that the groups C and F relate to underground tas. B.2 Criteria for evaluation 5.21 Conditions for resistance Design of tanks The tank should be manufactured in accordance with tho standard, Tha materiais defined by EN 10026 and prEN 1086-1 may be used. in addition to mat P23SGH and P2ESGH o! EN 10028-2 may also be used. e The postivesiquid jist pravides Informaticn about the use of the relevant liquid when storing in tanks whose liquid touched wall eonsits of tha following materials: Table B.1: Tank materiais 3.21.2 Purity of liquids e ‘Tha evaluations of resistance of matwfials are valid for radaable and technically pure liquids only, The evaluations: Ata nt valid for waste or mixtures containing an undefined number and concentration of iquic-addltions or Impurities, {(Foltowing pages Positive-Liquid-List))

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