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First order non linear differential equations

Second Order Differential equations

30th July

First order non-liner differential equations


Example 1
Solve the differential equation and determine the
interval of validity

Example 1
Solve the differential equation and determine the
interval of validity

Put given initial value


Three possible intervals

Find where initial value y(1)=1/25 lies


Initial value lies in this interval

Valid range

Behavior of the solution

Initial value lies in this interval

Valid range

Problem 1

Separate the variable and integrate both sides

Use the initial condition to check the correct sign

Explicit solution for our differential equation
To avoid complex number

Problem 2

Explicit solution
Problem 3

Explicit solution

Problem 3
Solve the following IVP and find the interval of
validity for the solution

Explicit solution.

Valid Interval

Problem 4
Solve the following IVP

Explicit solution.

Linear Second Order Differential equations

General form of Linear Second Order Differential equation

When the coefficients are constant

Homogeneous : g(t)=0

Homogeneous Linear Second Order Differential equation

Some other solutions

Linear superposition principle

for the initial conditions
y(0)=2, y(0)=-1

Put initial conditions and solve for the value of the constants

General steps for solutions:

Assume a solution

Superposition principle

Find the general solution

Home work


Hookes law

Assume a solution

Wave equation

Initial conditions

Fourier transform in x using alpha as transform variable


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