Ice Breaking Activities

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Ice breaking activities in Germany


This activity is aimed at coming together of the students from different nations in
order to get into a first contact. They gather in small groups of 5 students, one
student from each nation.
Each student gets cards with different

towns in Germany
fruit and vegetables

German students hold up big images of these pictures up into the air. This way, the
foreign students can find their right group and join it. After a certain sequence of
questions, other pictures are held up and the students have to change the group.
This way, the students have the chance to talk to many different students from other
nations in a very short time.
In the groups of German towns, animals and fruit and vegetables, the German
student asks the questions and the foreign students give answers. These questions
are about hobbies, habits and everyday situations of the young people. In the last
group, the group of colors, the foreign students ask the questions and the German
student gives the answer. These questions are about Uetze and its surrounding. This
way, the foreign students learn something about the host country.

1. Towns in Germany
Describe a typical school day:

When do your lessons start? When do they end?

What subjects do you have?
How many breaks do you have? How long are they?
Do you eat lunch at school or at home?
When are your holidays? How long are they?

2. Animals
Describe your free time activities:

Are you a member in a sports club?

What kind of sport do you do?
Do you play a music instrument? Do you sing in a choir?
What other hobbies do you have?
Do you have a mini job in the afternoon?

3. Fruit and vegetables

What do you know about Germany?

Have you ever been to Germany before?

What is your first idea when you think of Germany?
Do you know any mountains, rivers or seas?
Do you know a typical dish?
Do you know a famous German football player or racing driver?
Do you know any German cars?

3. Colours
Greek student:

Uetze is not a city, but a big community that consists of different villages. How
many villages are there and what are their names?
How far is Uetze from Hanover?

French student:

There are two lakes near Uetze. What are their names and what activities can
you do there?
What are other nice places in or around Uetze?

Romanian student:

What is the onion festival in Uetze?

What are fair featuring shooting matches?

Spanish student:

Near Uetze, there is the Asparagus Road. What does that mean?
Horse breeding and horse riding are very popular in Uetze. Can you tell us
more about it?

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