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Julio' C. Teehankee

'T he sr.tuggl e for polleical power has transcended the boundaries of tt·arutiona.1 iuseirudens, Ne.w t~rr.t'lins for [nterest 9.rtl(.LLlation i:n Philippine £Oc1toi)' are wt. ttn.erging as new rnovemeuts are rally1;' g' behind new causes, The tCh.l]g~hdd dre:atrl of f~ free an.d. ora:! .wdecy in WlllGh ~irizens·,"Il,.Iipably share th~ fi"LLits of the earrfi has turned into a nightmare, Morh.€f" Earth herself has fallen victim eo human greed and rapaciousnesa.

The clr()t:ts of ma.ruve environmental[fLJ,r.ciljn are now being fdr wodd:v>-1dt and. ~llogicai. ::,lwatene5.'ij ~V()(:aC;;'1 and activism are ]ier . rneaeing, global romdm.lQr6.s. l .

~JII t"!!~ Ulllletl SlJlt~~, CIlV~r(lmm~w,l.i.iim is difIBJ'C"!Itiat$d frolll"~c(iitlg-iliM.l.;.Il.~ fl"JIln~r i$ ';QllSiclel;'Cd as ft. :form (if 'b'~E1s~[vall~n.iSID,. \>rbile the lalkl: is a 'new form of eu v ironrnental ~.;.,_1Jjs,r.c. Viihich i~ ~(iIllJ;l.t)~ of~. ~h'~f;8 84 Clf'ide!l,!; ~Ild dOCtrin~8 ilia;t in~~~~oi~ hjQ~:eg~o.m~li~l'n, Gre~~ po~mlJc~, deep (:>w]ogy, 'a;n'irnoM !itlerruliuni!tln ct;,'i)fuml[d_~m, re·rll~:;ctlltlJ.t'I;:. ~~caJy.~<itat~ e(;on(!\mi~;s,. eCIJpbilolM,lpihy, llaU,:Veo spltituali-Bll!i, ami S~)ciai (!;c.o·logy.

TIlc' di~tilW~io·~ i~ de'riv·ed f,'nml the I'hilvmp ~kal and PQHl.kal ~":_iII(i Il~l(Jll ~Hb~ bio.logic.a.'I r;1(ltl(!\~ of «>0 I Clgy w'hich. refGDi 10 til", iateraction of o.rig~!li ~fns ·1Io'illirillll.lI ~·mV'i·ronmeQt. "'h:i~' imt~lie$ 1"13<.11 i!l~elldcnce Ilbo\1.!4iIiclllrll; [and ili!iU~ Ih:llil) tbe ;~e(i"i.till'l(of, the huruan ~~cies in o·nliIJr 110 Jl~~1"Ii>l1 Ihe ~!1.'I'iwIlfl+eM. See KurkiMtricl1: SMIJ, "Schism, in. .!;!.l1.~ i fliln tne IgIaH~trl" in. AmB"i£w)"j" llnvjnnrJ'l.[;(!'mallsm.~ Rwdil!g3 in q(}.iJ$("rMtiif.~ !l-~tQr_~. cd, :RodBrkk frazier N ~sll. "3 rd ~~_, (N BW )'Gtk:McGrn,w.Hl)), 199U), pp. 28 5 "293. 19

IlA cursory look at the iE u repean experien(~ shows the "Wriad of pnssibi lities, fo r glreen pol itks ~n the Phil:i pplnes, I nitiaUy, It he green movement seems to cut across

iaeol,ogi:c.a I a nd class barrlers, I t may be the sole issue where landlords and peasants, capitalists and workers,j the extreme R!ight and the fa r Left ca n come together and link up arms with a common cause to protedthe environmenf ,n

The [ormation ofrznvironmental l~rg,'a;niZariofls offer a-lot '()fp()te:u~ial in thceurrent rc,·;tructur,ing of im:[i rutions' of PClW'er. A rurS()l)''' leokac dl~E:UIQP~n :exrerirna; shows th e l'~lYIiaJ ofp{1ssibilities-forgtCCl) politiom the Philippines. Initially, "thegreen movement.seems ro C\.H.('I;CW&~ 'itloological and ,d~ss: barriers, It may be rhe sole issue wher e lttw:llo,rds and peasan ts, ca,pitaJitt:i'al1J -w0rkers, ~hc)tXtrem~ ,Right and the far Lef't. can come I;og~ther and In-Il<- up arms with a common c.. .. iuso W protecr th,c' cnvirfJ'I1.met'le'2

Hfiwe'/('ll' j the expioie:atio'r!' afnatlirem,wJ i:ves' tl complex SeC of relationships, which in eurn is l.':Ilvclnped "vi th v (-:> '0i.1 j nterests and bidrle.l} %,Tt-'i:ula. Thus, any organl zaJion e.~pou5ing: (;(1 userva nQIl and management ofnarural resources wHl have to deal 'v.';rb thol>e who currently benefic .financially hom its L':XP I nitarien , In a ~odety "where muncy easilv transl"'t~ into cconurnlc power, Jf'laJing wi ~h d re men who make en mm;ous: prhfir.; GU r of narure would ,eventually lead, .. to d~'U!W,:g\'iith the politicians and lllllirury officials l:wl!IJ:tn] cl1ey centrel.:" Therefore, the issues which the environmental OIWli1izjl,ii~l1ls race cannot be divOIU.J 'him ehe structural ills fa Ul,1 jg: ,the ~o(i[O!t:y ,~~ a whole,

Th'is paper will probe into thenascentgrecn rnovem ~ll' i n the P'&1ilijJp l n es 6,y looking fl( four uon-gcverranenral olg;LILlzadoris ~Nf:;Os):

Haribon Poundarion, Green Fonnn, Wurld ~.mJogi.s-h and the Earth Saverll. T r will draw O:Ut the nrganlzalLuilsi view of (he S~ate. by crploring its goaJis, visi (l,n; and s emtegi~.

Def.restation: 'he Impending Crisis

The Philippines Is ~dl).g a11 ea~l[l1J;jt.'1I crisis- The rmg~jy (If OmlO<: in November 1991 is but a. harbinger nf things re come, The Im1i:n!tudc of d(,~~fll(;:rifjn ill 'Ccnmd Vlsai~';u' serves JS:a reminder vi t1)~ urgency ofru:ddressing

!Eri.:. T'I, r ;u,Llcrruz" "G i!lI~~~ ~)r iL Gre~n OJfe1'lsh~:' CI;tYlj'U1ti~lrlro. i\U!lU.~i. l<:l89'" P'P, ~, 15, %Id


cl:t.e Lo;.,~uc of fores~ Jenudaoon. t According co [lit Dcp3ll"G:nerJ [ {j f E.IlvU:onmcn.t and Narura] Resourccs (DENR), Idttoe-lOunhs of me:: ard LPC~ \Y.iS covered wirh for~~ in the 1950s. Thi:. I1gun: ihfru'lk by mJf i n 1972 J "rulG hy 198~ only a tluarter remained lcaring c. qllr Fi'Clui f.I n (J'f virlrdn (lJ res t, ~ F;Cill~gi:S!. Vtlt~ Walrmle IJf th~' [f1:illtme oFChmJll andlSocml r~\lIes '\3.y:i rhsr cad'! feu, logging finn.~ III E de;tl1ng 'iO,fll}{J ofdl~ fl"ITliuning 988jooO hen;;l.n:::H,hlrgtn ror~t~.~ ru much IL .... 411 pt'l. C('!.IH of fit H1umry's Virgl" fOrI!)L~, e.i'rinuw:a at tlI!r£y million b o:.~!;]JC.~ in t-h e 'rM..'IT d'~LU1)~J bt!W~l I 9~ <;. JjiJ 1 981;j_7

"111e unwarramed .d~IJ"III.."{itlll 0' the mmll'}"'5 tori':'>[!.h~H'C$ulted if! "Iongterm in e'Vt""ihlc t!Jwinm'lf~&.1I~a1 dlim:;Ji~ rikC" d~e;1c~ .'Illil f~:rtili~yj loss of W:'OullJliIIiltl:'r, and ('}!~m(,I!..J ru., :;~.,..~on~ "I A't rhe ht".l.rt of rhe pr blern ls die lucmuve 1l.IUI[ 'rllilgg'lJlg- bntb!eg;1l and 1Uqp1. An.lwr3f,r.:hlggcr. !l(;tlur.Jliug. tu ,Hi A~il!' Drv.clnpmcm ~~'nk U\DB) i:5(dlf'l:lh", enn U,;1: up ro PH)O,OOO rtll hCLI~u!::Ir Grst r:Uiuing, Frm'n tht! luo:ri ,," 0_ L '7lUl l ;,181$. "du~ Phmrp,il'1elugging il'ldu~rryl1lH~$~ $42.8';;; hiHwrl (CiE (hI.' rlUiC rlr $;l:."~ hiJliLlfl ~. yeili.' 11Y Icvdling 1'1.157 m~lli(~1I ht'f"L:LTI.!'i nffi1fe!'it. l"'hli.iug dlC'~rn~pt:riod', chI: il1du~ny dt.'V.iI.~t1!.(f-,d 3JUi mlmvn h~~r~ Ulffr'f01. rmfiOng, with ~ !.Xlfl! 'J 1).4 hdLQn."~

Politics, of LoUlllig

·nw plm~'Ccicm ofrhi;;'u."muy'~ fll,rcmmd ~ n."g' tlfir;.; ClI:p,loim:don are the primary talks of die Dli:rranmMf of Envllrflnmcnt and Natural Resources (lJEN R). Th!s,gtlv,;mmental agen!.1 w:t .. c:st.<lblished "eo .l .... sure rhe .:tvailooiHry and susmiJlCLbillry or the cmllu'!)"~ Wll,!i:rllI [e>G'!.l.I'~~I~ HOWt.'Vd, the general perception is mat it hlttht."tH n:mlssil1lLS tuJlililhmrnrai r~Jl~bilirics. This view isnot wrthml c: hll!!lis. Th~ .Philippi ne Cmu:r for lOvesUgaclve lomnalism repo rted that!r'wfit1Jhlli[y Clf leruing has atuaaro a SupPQroog cabal of Ve'>te4 il'ift!fe5'ts. ~gging oorupru:Ut5 ha ... :e ri e:!ilvi ~hgoVt."fIlfnCll C ()fficiaL~J poliricians, fht; lnH.i.taryj :am::! sOffiC'nmcs, the rontl'nWll.s~ R-bds <IS- \!!1dI'. And:my of those parties, parrictilaL'ly the politicians, em themselves he loggers,

'~!!giog <ldi v ities hll\'C~iJ. blAmed forfh;:·Ifa8,eoI iJl \ .... hLl;h ;;\0 c>limall!d I~O. 000 jX;jjpl~ LOBI. tlJd r 1jQ!,,~ ~ild some ~ ,Q(li}wel'e till.:illll. a ru'l:!delund 1Ir.MS.i~~ fiocod tri~(ed lly he<l"1' roi~ s·~ 1>.~~ MJ>:;~IIIi~I.DuciiJ!:ll. "~r~fi Dcr"'n:~illll!l - "()W~." l'1iili.ppfF.a "'r~P,I1.Sd, Nil v~ rnber 199i , pp. iI-Q,

! "r'll~ Rap~"f1h~ Ff!~W1:A1'I rk"~~~~I'1 rti~H" .~.savm.!:Ml .. ~ ·f'JI"l'i~.lJ'Ippmc &~perlil:~I':C, CM(l:nilll, rbilif!rincC~"h:rfor Ill¥~ltigm,..~ fuul'lllll!~1J1I i9'Qr, PI" 1.-'_


'J~ni~d J'w~ I ILIIU.! Jnlln C'linlli n,g:j(l~, (,ollllim,!,:. "n!~''1'f1· <lJtrnnall Rl'fQYrII m fir,' p~ Ijrppifi~:r. JI;.~ qll(;l't:i1 bil' O~Il~ Rufll~J:(. Iii "1!o~-irnDinenWii'U r'll:. til SaYC: .hl! C,lUlllrv'$ F(ll,=!!U," H(ld/lan (J,.dtm, lllil.·i1"b I~Ql .. i1~ (>, 5.

r";l1l~ n.RP~ . _." (}p rlr • PJl, l .- ~_

? Jbid.

lu hvrllrvrt ..... Wikh f.:iENR. I i~,~~I"~~·I~1" ~ (~h.o 1i ~<l'qlle. njf~ItI"'11 Jt~"l""", VtJJ. )!'i Nr.,:! {I o;le Bl, Ir~A~ 45.



W'he.n ::tIJianre .. 1.iltii these fu:t:l,ctiol1 in ccmmunides btx:taU,y ,di!:tallt from [he L:'.€;i:lti"a.l gplVel'nInent, th~'Y ~ily overpOWf.'t whatever ve5tlgi~ government authority eK:bts. A dsssie eccuse.of DENR officials is f,hat~hey have n(i fl.lilds. no equipment, and I.ittl.~ m~m.p'O~.fJ' wher€:lt'i the h~gg~ have runp.~e S"upply of aJl1 thes'e.Logge~ often COOpt governmen t officialls suppo.s:e4 to bcwi\1chi ng logging Cam pSJ courtesy of (he ~mpanies,

Those who are nDt coopted risk being !d1l~. (n s-o,m.6-pc:'rti'iJn~ of 'I:h~' couutry, the only J~\V prevailing hi: m.~.tof the local .military commander, and sometimes, go¥l::mrn~nt· force is used.w support the leggees, L n

Gareth POUd'" of me World lru.tinn.e and Dr. Ddf.l!l Ganapin of the Uniy,ttsi.,t,' of [:he Philippines e!.ahrlttrn:d the role of patn:uJ_age Ijolitic; in d-ic:':

e'Xploitad,on of Philippine natural resources .

ITlhe !<y"'Slel'l'l qf Iimb0r com;::eii9iotl~ illuslJrate3, 1Il~ ways in which Pl'llllppine pfflill{;.~provJdeci mm:Jnli'ves for Ihadtilpli3iioo m fo~t r~ourc@.s: COfl~$loms' allooated on ~l'Ili)b$.9Ih o1fjoijlioaJ infi1ool1W, and ltJe political'alite, along w~lh their !!Jiles il'lltil1l pri'llare.sector, r,eapoowilldlell pr~~lsfrom log,expcfts. The: 'Ihtar~sl (If eli1!l!lpoliitie@fls lay In .g9:t!ing a share of p"ralits from IOOOlI1ig, not in .establishing .Iii syst!i!m of :limbar' n;af'lagemant·'th~t WQlJld [e}flSUJE! 1ite

.s,uslainahility gf fu,t1,JirQ ge:rmraJi.Q.'flS ,101 .

Commercial logger,s o[Jp·etaw. on the ba.'<is of Timber Lk~IlSe Agree,n\ents" (I1A.t:) grant.ed by the government. Tbeseconcesslons axe 1.JsuruLy p'1iIf.C~ at e:(trerndy lowrares, F OmICI" Pr~.k.f¢n:t Fer.dinart.d Marcos, f()[ ~pl e, dhtriburoo 2 S-yea.r Tl .As to his croniesandclose associsres l'hcrighuQ ~w up t~ 100,000 heetares of fOIe~t was acquired to!' Pl per ht(:~:u'e!· A~ DENR, UJld€{~,cterary Vi ctor Ramos. stljd/ "the TLA W'".:loS ~l prlvi lege of dte powetful."l ~

Sinc-e March 1987 .tbe OENRha.~ not issued My liceU&e"wd rrklucril the number (if Ttl\. holders from ! 37 to 56 in March 1.99.2. H 'A s[ud)' made by the Wasb.inI~~Jn-b~ed Policy Instiruee revealed eha r only njn~~ ;'~'en: O"f f,tmlli"oN po~etS TLAS.15 The licenses W.;;Tl'! prntl,e-to much abuse us "[I}o.ggIT~ rut QU rside ·[")f thei[t:(JnttSSifln~~,. venture into ancestral land$J or ingeniously expand the area of theif Tl.As b)· strategic positioning. Thq under-repen thc~r cllIt,. ~l.IbcQn:trn:u. their TLA,... to o~hcr lnggffs, USe very des~Hlcriye ~uipmen.~). and ·s.muggle logs. "Jil

!I'"l'~c Il!p~ , •. ;' Of) eu: rr. 3 - S.

Ii As quoted 1:1,. .Jiltie~zi I)fJ cit., p. K

I~Mj'lrit?s' Dlms;uilall.Vitll:@. "DMld:i ~t, MLt~'l, .rbmw~, [J~b~d [tf Logging," Phil:lppllt.r, Daily (':Jobs, May I, 19n, pp. I. ,Ii.


i! As Qfu.-'I~,.j hy {Julicffl=¥.. op. cii., [Je,S: 1 i ... ·f11~ RaP;I: , • ,", P" ~,


KASARlt\l[,ANt VbL. 9 No.,L 3RDQtMRlER.1993

. . ' , .

& much a.~ the DENR WQ ukllike to .eurb ~us-~,. some of me practices during the Marcos Adminlstration were mrriecl. oyer to the Aq uino p~iod. In spite of m(t: adoptiort of ~triot, 'rnvin::inmental standards, diffi.cuJdfl:!l in its enfuro6rn¢nt Ittnerged ffl r (ht:'(:e reasons:

I ,) Tbelawsrnesne to ~ovem. en¥iwmmnrmoo_agooe.ot acclvicies.lli(~y run counter [0 the economic inrerests, ncr only of private dedsiO!Ffn.;Jt('fS, but aL<;o of society in ,general. For .ex;unplc, too much concern for the' environmental :atnctl'lti~ may{1e.s~)Cial1y uneeonumic.

2,) In some insrances, the J,aW8 or rqp:llation~ are non-implemencable. For e;G1:ffiple. how can the governmcm cll«tively patro~ 15 million ,hectares' of landi'

3,.) Some rules. were never meant. tel be ilnph-rDootoo, Fer esample, the niles fur ~uscaimlbh~ ~xp.lo~tadorJ {JffOr~I:S:Wd',cmemr to atl!OWgI'CISS t Lndttpinning of forest resources, thereby crearing the ~js fol' ereessive ~ti:lings bya·favored f~' who W~'J:C allocated these resourcea,' r

The .inahillity·(Jf the DENR to eff~tivclrass:ert itself v4~£H)1:! .Iegal.and illcgalloggen; rcll:~ts rh~c(lt~d n uin:g R.'fiiidn i:n~t.v,een .s tare and :rod~~y..,· In hi~ work, Sr:;img .\!{ClditJ. {rod U'1t' State, Jod ~1igtb.l 'asserts ehaLt the structure of 's:ildeqr :ifft-;c.CS! d1e capabilities of the SI;aEe, Tll~::S(;l Glpabi.litires"inolude the oi!,pacities to penetJ:au::s[S!o1t.ty, regulste social rda.cions.hip8, extracrreseurces, and appropriate or use reseurces in [a] dereemined wtl.y.'"ItS

The difficultyof :SUte leaders injrnpIernc.ntil1gill:E¢.nd~4 policic.:sis aresult of ,~troJ).g. resistance wirhin sociery, e>-pechlly Dog the loot! k~'d. in which the opposieion i~ led by ~ Stl;'n~ (b(}..~;;es, lancitol'ds., chdefs, dan leadli:'.rs~ CCc.). Ivligdal sta tes ch ar most Third \World co unrries are 'wehlike"in the sense that they

hose a. rnelange orjhlJ"ly autonomous sucial organ!z.a~ioruJ, 19 .

Slnte k~td.(':]:fa:n,d local :$tH,II"ig!llen are continuously locked in 11. struggle fur si;i"t:iai wmm-l. I~~~:h nying tel iimplement its OWTl 'rulesof [he game' rjlthcr than. p·o.lick~,enlana~ing lhlrfl theSmte or nrganizarions aurhorized by it, c.g., DENlt The fragm.enrarion of social corrrrol oftenrimes leads to rbe 'politks of survival' ;~ld forces State lesders co enter In tn an ~iXomt:noJ.atjDn with local sCj:ongmen.:W

,1\Vilfrido Cruz, "RGD.logy ;\IIQ flCOI~IJm.iCSj·'· a;;.q\lc;ted. iii. Ow En:vlioflmem Need~ Media: Th« PMiippiit1l! Om!, ed, H~hllut Kl!rtD (M'~!ill~: Freidrioh Emert Stiftuug, 1 ()po)_. p, 4.

I~ Joel Migd.lll, StMrlgBI).;J'orlies alid Wfa.,t Sk~te', [Princeton .• Prliloet-o II U(liv~ r.!1tly Pro&s,."! ~ilS), PI'. 4"5.




II'OI I ially. the k~,' '["0 .s11'a'lgdlC1'1iu~,g Smlc c:arabilides in me Philippines is u.1'lc;hon~d an th~ dMllurinn of rOWff tlJ! 'lh~ CfJmmuilllici~ an I iI process. clmr. enhances "peor'I~'s mruml m~~ [he foOC&l . ...,.rud! ~har.e '~heit Um .. :'ll

A1Ibe:.:nre,nflhi1'tp',Ct'n nlmlL'1nmt In ri1~ljhiliprinl$;Hie'£h NGOl:which nrc m:l jvdy in\l'olVL..J til imvit~;,"m~~wd rrmecrilJill ahJ milHagmi~'t. r'[rJlw-*r! cnvircnmennlisrn has hernme a {;,Jtch-flhf~ for grutlm il( i,';,w~ sueh !b'o l·t~tl>Utc~ Ut:5tmctl,,"C JC\'dupmml plruu. pn]IUUQII, nlJd~;il' wrnp~HtS, and tnc pi ,~Ii l"r::rnt~ L~I n ()fju-", k f''ll .lli..tI L, 1I r ~-rtJrr I.·fu~tlt'd ~T~ lrutltu.rin ri;iJ! Sll'c:.t').~cht'lli rig Id·ll1di~l."lIlim 1''f1VIWnmClllaj NC;O\;,- Am<JfiI(' QW~ljn fc:ptJrtt!(1 .hllt NGO imrrll".,o:m~nl In Cll\l'llllntru:f1[U1 g_i'M~Cl'ffl'IIi!~ga.t Lt. dw b~~ I '.l]<b iili:ld ~"llrly l Y~O:;:, IlJ1d W.1o~ Iwl)'Tl5f1!'d hy th" I'to(,C'l'lOQr 1.101\M:1l~J1,[wU1\JI~ rhmng ch ... r(:llr~J [)f m!.'lrri,1i lilW, Two sm:::Ull~ fm,.-,., whl~h , ~wuonmd\t;J N{;{)~ !trjgi!'liL(~J were ld~:l'lufil!it.l. [he Ilrsl srrearn i~ comr-o~1 11f 'lI'lU,IfI: lo~~' i~~ldl !il~ t:Ullst:'!'VIlwm';Sf ,~I._jl:'tiE'S :nul h!lbb groups \Yluch Illfltf O:'Ir.indcd d1t~r c;om;~rt1~ til ~,r-iu~poljli~<i~ ,~~JU~ rt~:u'~1 til I!ln,viIomncfi( .. nd gnv~rurnmr pofidt"li. The sIXI'lId M r ~ "l,m:"I~j, tl "tidJ,4, ~ed .KQ!o'Uit gw ups ~illll..E{nti!l wid I Ii umnn Tl[';hf5 tS!>m~ I!( mbrJ ,C.LJ(I1.ITlLmIUO am.1 r',mr U"ttlcr~. hci'1'ib llisplc ced by enviroren ('jl miJ 'Y. dcsu ucnve Pflljet:fS [Iff ene' rna rri:>I.I ~:nv regb'l1~ ~ucl~ as the G,hinl RI\:cl D'J.II1 pm].c.'Ct.and the B:l;UMl I.Idau P{<WI:!"' Pbmc.n'I!

III n.'!(;Cflt rcal":}, ~dd, liona! ~tllJllps,h ... ve~1j ned r:hemwUllment-a1 b9.J'idw'}g;on

the rural dLwciopmdu NGOli. nUglUM OJrpllrarions, llild. bl.l~inessnH.m assn CklimJ~. The escablishmmt of dh::: PrwipFU:.~ llcdl.1'3.t j L'll'l fo r En vironmental {.(lllcern..~ (PFEC) in 1979 marked £ht'~c dTonar coordinarien and nerworking among en vi renrnen tal .N G Os. T W(I other I1i1UQ nal federadollos have ell' erglJd since men - rhe PhHippine llirwi.l'OMlenrnl A.c!IUIl N(:twOrK; (PEAN) and the Lillglmd Till) Kalikann (ITK) ,-=" Tluui.lghnl.l [[h:~yem;, the ,00 virrmmenral cruse 001> beenbolsten-d "";,h the f(lmmancn of lh~ Haribon Foundaeion, World E.cologists. Green Forum, and .Earth Sa .... ers,

HarlbDn Fetlndatllaln

The HaribGln t(t~mdJ1ril1n fur tilcCuf'Uterv-.mnn nfNatural Res()urQ~, Inc. (Hadbun) W?IS organizro In ] gn 1'11' A.l.ici:a Il~t I Dr. ftobm $., K~mle:!r, and

d A,ll Mng,nll, "D~'lI'~I.lIIpmt:.lht Illd Dt:mll'Cr.thnJUID:· m p",,~~<'i' WflJ:or.l1 PI.J~: E.q",d>'.V ... 1:1 th« F'Wpl!IC iJ1W<! gOld PIIUI1';.1 fM, ni.lL lUilibDTI r~, 1<)9'11, p. ~"2,

.'lfhiI1~r~, ~'I' r:tf, i" ~,

; u En( U. !'iUI1tI!n'.l, "'A .Ill'l.d'H I I",V 1)(, G 11'1"0·1 IIfI,n1lf !lOll l".l1nmntlm: IUlIl i~ID," in O'mjulll:tlll'fj.

'\/411. U N~I rjl!. A~.g\111if1 1 ~1;l9'. p. ifj ~


Pedro C GOIl7;i1e.~ as 'a bh:d~w.m::h:it:lg ttft..l(:o/" Ie me~a.morph[)i~ed inro a - nf~t"n"C and wildhfC;';: w.n.serva:cjon ro;ci.cty :mel Wa;s ttans.t{H'moo. mtoa Wfi£"CMt!(in fOllt:lqaOOn JrJl ~a;~t The: n~U1\e Haribon V."45 a.edvOO fromthe wor~s 'Hari' and 'l,bon> which means !Klng. of' Blrds~ I ,erecTing to the Philippine: eagie}~

The main visioTl C)fH;J.l'ibonis su;su;unabk g.eveJopmem fur J:I'rt:: Pb}l.ipp'!nt;S, l:b:km~xhar "the needs. for the pres-!f.illt arc, rnetVlrithout Qoitr:lpmm:~ng the,abiligrof fucure generations co meer rheir own Jl~OOs_ j'M Ha"ibon .bcliG.veS that in Q,~kJ' [9 'addrc:>.<.; p(j~il:y:, there ba ~ need fur I:JU(ctmg~t'{)fr;lanll'_a1. resource r:o be oonl1UI,Jn ity· based,' sO!Cially eq ul w,b~t., and w.i~ Mil1m11y ~01..m(t Haril}QlJ'~ ViQ(lH itliix:m~(':l'~; Il<1.ture-pru.m!)ting, and pn,,~Fmpino.~2'l It a11= to achieve lrs,,,jSEO.ll bct~

1.) promotin[,,)l1c:1 under'tiiIJdng. eomnrunjry· [},t_~e¢I r~0Ul'.cc m~.mag~~llrnx .~.rrn:te;Jk~ jiJ ,~p~:fi< si!!~.;

DHla r:~bon bel !eves that in order to address poVerty, there iSI ~need fbr managemem 9f

natural re'source to becommUln~ basec1sociaUy equitable, ,lind

scientmcal ty sound","

2.} oon.clucdng ,>;:cl~tificMtdS(jcid~qo,.rnic tes:e:l!'dteS OIl ha:mrnl ~I~s'ystnns l'9 b enefie commiJIllitles, and toprOJ11Pi:e ~~5tahlftble a:yproSlc.h es J;.i:l Jr:;vclopmli:l1 t; and,

3.} raising the nati.onal conssiousness on 5MSrnitl1ib]e devdopmt':m. to prombte; a censri tu~m;y for :en Vil'o.l.mwntaJ .~S:SUb ;w1.clrriC!mbtr:S!lip .forHanhon.;~.~

Hafibon lM1 bOO1'!n the fotl:~fru[J.t {lv..JJdlife pwrel;tion 'and'ool,1.~(Va~lon. ~d!J~ by .fonner hunter J:-daxi:tno KaJa-v;.:', 1!'., it 11;\'5 wJget:l a relentless crusade again$~ jJlegallogger5 in Pala'!,','}tl'l., ,6uing -even ~.hrt powers mat be. if!

~Ll:r.v.i~w ""'liliMa}l!rn'Q _K~I(l.w. Jr,. j~~ OUfEiJvJr4mmmt Nee.iisMMltat l'hePMfipplJJi Case, f)P

<ii, p_4, .

;,:.) ;&'c l4illlliho I~ Inoi::III_Jl'(,~riHUed ~··£;)_V~ O~r o]]]y rlM~L Eildh,:"

.1.' llAtl;


~.l' F{)\ m~LUbcr~ oJ tQC Hi<!:lbQU ~Olllld,1ttio:I,~ ,~ Puerta J'rinc_ w"e~·J!,~F8~d.l!!lk-3Gc:lly wi.fhi(lilllWa:D":l;~t,~ l):t~'Bm~~,,"s 0 ftlL~'l'IiiU.Jlpilio NMio'!l~J P~ilk~ frl'fr):' h[)n~~fl! is, 19a1, Th~ were .d~s~doJllY ·41~r b~,illg ~1I~.j ·wltb V[Q]atL<:JJL of ReplJt>ll~ Act 170>0. 011Ier>\!i~ kn()~n- as jh~ i\illl~S:~ll~"" luw, K~~ .If{m:f~n Updai'~, VoL V I N.(l, .2 (M3lCG.h. - .~[l'!"iI 1. ~9]), pr,. 1,4,


I~-W E b _ '1· -

. ._::. _e 1eve5,

'that there, is a~r'eadyadequalte leg iSlaUon for the protection of natural resources

Wad d Eeolog is:iS

The Wo.rld Eoc)]ogins (WE) was established. in JiWuary 30, 1988, by ChXIley Ba,n'~:~o, found,t:::r of the·S cience 0 f Mind and Man movement. Origina.lIy Women Eoo]o.gistss WE was oPKJ:n.ized as aciti.'lefL-'s action group with the objective ofinforming Filipinos about, rhe ecological issues and ],l1ohilizing t~em. for ilIullledlate-a.~tion toward [heir ~~olLltions.Jl\

WE believes that there is already

'iLclc(ll1ate legi,s;iaxi,ou for the pron'.Gtlcm of natural resources-e--it remains for ilieddt.enry t(,) abide by and carry them (Hlt?+ Thus. me organization has worked closely with the D ENRJ ll'),i I !tar}" loca1g0yern:[m.~il ts~· and 5:[atc agencies in j ts ~l'j ous PI'O jects, WE Is knOWTIJ

fqr it.~, tree-planring projects. h takes pride in having planted one million trees in Merro IVbnila and the C.Qd,Dtry:sidc in dm~e.y~-:m·s.;k~ Itsmajor projects incluJ~':. ~he. f~111owi[lg:: n Fruit.bpia ~- mass tree-planting: 2.) See-dling hanks - fl8ra:b1ishtxi. in cooperaeion with the ITr!l.i tary ar Vii hun fI r A l r Basc, j.,) Refo restarinn; 4,,) Puneng Y!Jiffian, -_ livelihood i~rojttts; 5.) Infnrmario.ll dissemination campaign: 6.) Technical consulrancy: :-1.114.7 .. ) Dcslgn/imple.roentatiou, of educational pr~grams OD. ~£':nlogy,~~

- it remains for ~he citizenry to abide by and carry them eut,"

WE. d±fferctni; itself Gum other em log;lc,,'hi. rn overn en. ts in terms o f fOGUS and id"f)IQg:y. Charley Barreto, ,~lE founder and president, does HO{ agl'ee with the: ldea dla.t~'ca(;ch and every species mUst be preserved at the exper,l~e or Lechne~lngy."'·; She believes that the ektinction of a particular speci(;s is a natural parr o{e;.l'olut!on and thar .some species e"'(llvc at the ex:pen,s-e of others. She cites t.he fact th-at dwugb nc fault of humans, the din£J~~m;s became ~~tillct. She asserts dl:'l.i: "[il ndusrnalisrs are bC!H.:f;lCf..I:lfUQ society, r.hey tno can b!~ equally imponant bencEI~oors f_f) the !;:wlogical. causa ,'~~ Thus; one should not look Q,rfacttlries;and indl!;.~tri;il tJ.rrn~ ;u,It.on1<lrkal:ty

31 ()w l1mir'Clirnelltal N~M~ M~di{t:' Tlicl'MUpp.ine Case. ~p cls., PI].. 6-7_

)1 ,'Sc~ 'i't'E broQ~I1J:[8 cntltled .. W[; Inv ii~ YO'~ T·o Be A P~d 01' All l:j('l1l M_(-.~m,«'ll"

3~ For LM~ f:ea( Cbl1.rle.y B[I_m;tt() .has been i;;onQreit 41; one o;tftb~ GI()i).~d .-50n Awnrdees <Jfti1ti t)[l.itcd ~iUi~.~~ E~wironme~t ~Jlnl~.

31 WE: !)l;Qc'btt£ie.

~ 111larview wi,tl\ Chllrl~)' Bafi'dQ in 'rJji'i.Nffi~'!;ldkt O/Ilt.rt World EJ)I.JJ(!glsl.~, IIl!ly 1.9·<)(1, I), J ', j~'IIJ"4,


~. ehrears to humans @d namre, & p;;:l;rt of a natural process, humans utilize rati@nalit,yand invenrs technology in order to replace the work of many creatures on earth.

One should not condemn the extinction ~Jf cenain species, as some ecology grou ps, do, B;li:retp, t:\.'vebe:m:encly (igain",r the age-old concept thattna:tl mould be 'Sacrificed for. sOflledting. Man should not fuel. guilty. about promoring his wellbeing even at dIe expfficSC:ofother species •• She said ttw,t "[m]an"s r!!al solution to '(,'cofugy is tech nology. "]6 She further added that:

l[mian WlllalW<lYS tlave to Cllt down 1ffi:9S.. IHe must JUl'll prQd\.loe 1tifo~lgh t~hnology ~t grow~1li!:l speaies.'ta' acGOmrTIOr;l$;tti hl~ r,eqLJIlmments·· ana Ilim~erSI,lb$lI'tute. MaJIl's 'Iife,depef!oo 011, his prodl;!4'tioh MQ gOods_ Man Is not bam with ~ur, He has to prpdllCQ 1hit1igs 19 survive. He dspeFlds 01'1 techndlogy to surviv~ __ .• We lust liave to· maliZ€l that narure· PS l'1Iota.s~ll() Ihil'lg and pt.a'CG our fOcusoti what We. can 00 aaout u~aling Ill .. MV/ .. W

'Green Fanl m

Gr1!en Forum was otganize4 .on De~:::emb~ 7J 1989 as 11. result of the pa.nicipadofi uf terl non-governmental organimriofl.s ill the deliberatlon of dte Philippine Aid Pbr): or Muteihtend.Aid Inithcivc before Am ericaa legish,wrs and the pub-lI,e.!iI! The Philippttle deJeg:.ari,cin .vhk.h represented a cross-section of the heal NGO ciOC'illt W(1:'~ composed of the folluwing; Ha riboo;' Foundation for Co!'nrnunicy Orgari:b'ingand M;t.r![~menot Te,ehMlogy (FC<JM1), Philippine Rural R(IOOnS~rlLcriOfi Movement (P.RR1)); Philippine Parmeeship fur the Developmell t of'Human Rt':S.(l'lLrces j I) Rural Areas (PHILO HRAA},. Inter~NC() Ne~w()rk for I~nldratm:y Developmenr '(INFD):. FQunda:dml for .Educadonal Evolution and Devel'opment, LIG~ (j.·EBD)j Cordil~era New.~ Agency (CNA), Visa}~ C{lopemtjy€ De\'eiopl'nem Cenrer (VICTO), COllgres-.s lD_r a, People's Agrarian Reform (C::P:A.!t); .. 3JU:l the Federation of Peopole:'1i Organization (KASAMA). Upon r~mrningn-om the United St.t:ees, rhr:!ni:%10nnu.::rnkl::sooet· aad ro~mu~,wd the articles and by~1aw~. f,lf dre.: NGO-,PO~Chui'ch Forum fin Social Equiw, S us:taLllf.lble DevdopmclU~ and Environment or sim ply G reen FommY


Tbeorgsnization is ~uvis:i(Jnoo ~~; "a forumwhere ~)l'gani1:mionsoonu:::thcd v.itb hurnan rigbrs, deve]0pJl1ent:, and social jtkSticc can ~hange Yie:ws a.nd

OJ. Jbid. ·H'Jbid.

It:M;i]OlJ F. H(po!iro, ''Viliion~ 11 f Gr~e ll," CVIIJ!mctl.ll'~, V~L3 No. <) (A.iJgu.~l- Scpi,c'l11bBf 7}, rll.

t~ .

l~ B.M.. Hilario, "C(ltnr I::i G;.eell," CiMjri'n~Iu.r'~, Vol, 3 No, 5.(MJI.I;<:lI. April 19.9i'J), 1'1'.4, U.

insighrs on cur:t~'t is.rues. reacha c.omettiw or fKJ',~~On on, l±!eseiSSLld" 'and genersce panidpacicm in progrn.m~ and pmjcGr~."*;' As a moye._nlentJ '(jrecn Forum would like to artracc the 'Wi,dt"St possible rang(~ of NGO~; people's and church organ.i'Zl\tlon,q, for 11 paradigm of cornmunicy-ccntered .developmenr il:rI;itl.lku~~d in,~ frarnewcu'k I) Fi<l.lstainable. d{~elDpI11en t. Tb eforum aims for ".tht creati on and nrti'Guhuo!,M a nationnl vi~i 0 n thl'ough the iur:gil1g and Unplem'crl!'<Lnon of poUd~~"st1~eg.ies., and ad.itll1 ~o~,,:a.tds peace .. and ~uSta,inablc development, ;,~ I

Cu:el) f(m~m con8i~[:;~'(~f ]55 non-guver.nmenta.l o.rg:'3..I'l!iz.''ls,. 83 people's ,,1rganb;adon. and 6'~hurch!spiritl-Lal g:n~up~ fur :'l total of 24& iusrirutions, h:s composirinn runs fcorll rhe 'left, to dR~'(.on~ervaciv(~ and to avowed 'apolitical' g:roups;. N ot surprisi n gly, so n lC 'I)f i ts members b:¥y'e, 'ait oncrirne () r anorhcr, be€t1 in t1 If;;lgroom,('IU' \1,; til each nth ex on ~eTta,i n poi ms;~

Mip{imo Ktilhw, JL ofI·lalibpfl is ~he pr(;';Sidcut of theFioruJ[l, He bdicl{i1eS


sUstaJna:bilit'y needs farce ih@ acktllOwledgel:n6J'~t Elf erWif9!"ll'flBnt, not ~ogy , as the 'oottomlltFt(!,lor slIVivaJ; power ~hilts away trom \!l'ig statt! to perSOns ;1'1 ttle oormrrIlJl'lllty. The siiift Iil(OWS il'lto reliei IlruUclp'08.tij(:)f'Iin !lII'.f,Iity '~nd pmlecliorr of natural resources as ine """if'! tactorst~ slIstaini:n.g a soci@ty! community, Whliit is faqulred, In 'efifem, ban e.vQlutkln or aWJhorl~Y' ideology to an ecology and a tlev(lluliOl"l of p<Jwer Irotr!'sJam to pet,9(ms., And' ' what ~S"ooVtsion@d' .a~ thli. n'fi,aifl fillrn;.Mtits: (,);f NG:lO is the empowerni@nt ot people aoo, commliFillje.a tOW'2l'd s@lf-developm8I'lt and"",

NJrtl1orlo/ wherrit proc~d~, (r'Citm ani ocolO<,;iiotil eonsolousnese c:.ary'i,9.s wilh I~, a" dlller"n,t lIil9\'/ of power It sess powi1Ir as the lIow orlil~ within th£! \\I'hDIi7, A~ a concept iris the,po!~r opposij)~ of 1tl~ view (If p,CI'>%Ir as aoc·u'f[lulookm, for unl1eCQSs~ aCCUITII,i:1ation'd!!pIivoo !he peopl@ downlltre:am.~ ,


~'I '!llC fo[Ull'JF~[O.acl~~:s ~h8d.c tini6ol1. (of S-Ils1ai !lillhk Ilcyebp'm~~l by d!}~~ribl~g I~ as, "~'(j!!li.l !)hy~~~~1 :'!'!s4til)rubilily, li'de"'~[ol mQllt C01Jt:R;'ll:ia!l lG IlO'(rl1~n."ilJ itlt~n1.l,:piij)n'.by forees I)fit~ own {;re~ldon wlrlcb p'U~IL env iroil:rn~ ~j:lIJdo!\tructio[[ to im(>!crJlhle limits, <i!xJ.(I.I!I~l economic ref,(l!.lI7C~!;., and exacerbate 8<)(:jal ineql!l3:1ili~s .j", jb,;! polot of re v ohili(>1:1 of di~rtJ/pti:v~' en Ilflicl.. S~.: GII)'el! f(>IllID ra.mpb.l~it~'''Cre~n:g, ~'Cnt:ttr.n01L F[n~IN';' JIm,! "An AH~nlft.!:iv€t 'lJe,fd(opm~'1!l !'lronmnics:

,&;g!l!lilli~ Wltll~ 'Paper." '

'" I-i3po.[lto, ()P d~, p, 60,

01) M3x:i1M K",f.wr, Jr., ''l'hiliPlli1iG N(i<()",s RQ]';: ill--5t!&tJlinJlHe Development .. iii G~~n f.Q'mm pamphlet,



Earth Savef.

E..n,h. Savers Phi1[ppincs was {)~ganir.~-d QJI April 21, 1990 when Senator Heherson AJI""arez.~ Chainmm: of the 'St'llfUe, COmIl1I:ine(l on Natura] Resources and E.oologyJ 00100 ehe First Kmh s.a.~G't~ CutifctffiC~ uf' (:.nvironm:c.llw1),ro,I1Cern6r.'~t:ititens; gTQUP;:;, ~C(etlt1,~, farmer~, fi~~€rf.{) lk, ynulh, and ill digene:o>. lrs furmatkm wis ~he eulrnination of ve(lXly ~wi[,lJmnm~r.-rcl.1"jX.d_octivrdes SpOl1rxn'~J by th~~ t:OJ.l-:-llni~~~" Th~c lduJctl. dw' tlLaU~urnti.ot1 (l d:l.e Smnng [(ali I.m:>:an G""tlt.1'Y (Ew-Aus}:iI.Tld 1;hq Nino)'! Aq 111.",0 Youth T.OlJent AwOlr.}; (NAYrA1 at the N itwy Aq uine Parks and Wlidlife. N arure Ceneeren World Envirenmeu« Mench, hme 1987; the International Confe:rC'l1ce - Fesdvil on Ind_igtnw and Tradldonal; fL'P!n NQv~'nbe; 23 ~ 27,1.98:S~ and !:h-e:

YmJng Earih' Savers P~iiui(lg-,CNlcC5ui.nd Tribal.Ares cxllibi.r on Junt:: 1.4, 1989~~5.

Aco~rding, ro Lot.rm Dip'1l.5!.lpil.s0";;r~ry of the N aturel Resources Committee, "the movement h(lp~ [.() inlpleniem within the d:ef';;tcie:t}f e:g:wircmmental at.'tuvJ~J'u an ~agend(l: for action' ro rna ke our~Jlviri)nnle]lt cleaner,

hmldli~[J' &afer, and Inort:.liva~k:~~G '

Earth Sa.wp-; JC;;ic;r1b~ itS€lf asan "'Ill dcpendem yet dyn9J.nicp.<1lfctner of the gG.,/cm,m€nt.""t A~cde from the vmioUS' associatiens, fOlU:lci.'uio!ls, aad nong"QVP-r1ll.n'Cn~a] f),sa.nlliu.iom '~upp Qtt~,,"C 0f the rrrovemenr, km:alntah~s clnse col1ib(~r-~rk)tJ witb various ental ·agmd¢.~~~ICh" a.~ t.he D~~j)anmen ~ of f~,,tl'l n enp.ilnd :Namr-hl R~;t)~ucts. D~pamnM:t ofAg;tkukLlte.,. Department' ll){.s eience tlend '1 ~l:c:hn(J.!bgy, DepfiJtlnen t "0 f $ Qd;a]:We] fur~ and Develcpmem, Deparm~,I:ll) t of Education, CuJ.,u.e, !lfld $pons, Dcpar-l'tIl{)]]t of Intrt~or and lAml Co'\((:mrnerlr, 'wid the PhHippin,e Information Agency. ss

Lo.gBan~lssue: Ente.r the' NGOs

Partlcipam~ in rhe debare over the log bm:i iss uc ww:~ no r limhctl to menlbers of rhe S enare, V Mions non.g:ovenTtn"ental 'O(lWni1,llti,on8 acti vely pro'cidpatcd In its, eru::h ODe iGob}-jng jii)!: ili,cif I'fefeJ.T,bj position. S~ ,A!¥ii:te-z,d:re:w ~upP9rt fro[n th.~ hn h S~vcr$> wh:i:lt; Sen., Mcrpdci g~Y1Ini~'<l.'cl the 'rupponof a hUL1.dr6:1. C)l'WlnE":rntitini!', lcgi>lattm;:/and representatives £Toni' me <!-Qlden1e ;L!'!lJ scientific to form the Gree'H CoaJltim.1.~'~

OI'Soeo;;; ,~lth S"~ V(!:[1; Pa:')ll~hIG~ '<NatiOMI Rel.lQ rrto UN CofLJ:i)£efic¢ 00 Ell'i'U:lNu11emillld.D>eveloprne!H

~l1.rlI "(::;lot~1 ~l;~W.i~'l.l)j~ D'w~Jo~m~'iJt" . .

~ B~~jic Guevarsa, "Gm~n~ ·V~~ G.=B~!·' f>Miippifi~,\' Pr~~ Pres.~,.~pi.02l:!l~~[19!19!9~l, p. 1. I~S~.~ IMJ;tll &i.yelf~, ]J~if.I~tij.b_l 'T~)wa;T(1 s A, ~1~~iIt, !'IGilitby Jl.lld rf,~(ll.1 E!l.vlm~1'l1CJil r"r Ou .... nbi~dD2ftl ,.

'!I rbW;

~"G'Il~~Utnl! ap dt.


Aside h-{)m these jlliti:lt~VesJ ,~~L'talll:nviri)hmel1tal NGO~ and suppo·It gtoup~~ formed a coalition known as Task F orce To tal Cornm~djl log Ban (TFrCLB). Tbe oClruicion members included Haribon Fou.ndacionJ Green Q:l:3.liciQl~, Gr't~hl'nlln, Hngkod Tao K..'1iiika~fLO-1 Philippine Enviromn.cnw Acuon N.e~work, anxl other kindred org;miUr.til)n/~,'W Although listed as a member ufTfTCLB and a sign.amr)' W'several manlfciroes wr -a ~Qta1log b"lJ~, the. \'lfE.' to. "~(J)17 talking-and st;.:rt pl:anti.l1!_l; ... ifevei'y(jlle planted :1 tree every week, there'd be nothiIl~ to fighx about, ';~ j

The TF rCLB"''aSo!(ganv;tld ttl. censolidaee, member 'groups into accive participation i,n activiries all d priJ jedi ons, Pan- of irs tu' drawi n 1110re ~~or.s U'itu the' log ban ann p~igll, The Task Perce Im~ set asits maximum obje<::.cive the imposidcn of a [mal log ban policy through legislation and eceeurive !Uti on, Ir has a1soCllUnlf;'I-a~oo the minim ~m ()b,Jec~ive> u'f ~he coalition:

1 J '0 up li fr thepllbH.c:;$C9n$ci9usnesscin~vil'omn~cal issues, s~ifically on the forestry crisis;

1.) To anfl lienee' people in power, .. for~he passage of th~~ I'CLll bf!~ an(~ .3 .. )T6 o;m~~Cllidiat~ the f~.nvironn.1ent secror (i'>JGO~ ;;I.nJd POs) behind. the Bagship issue ()f.loggil)g.~~


R: [. J ohnsron noted that cnvironmenrsl be idlenmled as anitutle,group.~ which "comprise pen pie ora like mind, irreslK'Cci¥e of social and! or eeononric :ba.ckgrouud and characreristics, and which ha.'I,"e much more O?ell memb.r.-1'ship,"~ The nature ()f ,tttlnlL';le gm'llps brings abo ur certain n:l'ganlr.:atlonal p roblems giVf.:l"l the f:'l ct tha t tiwy have nn clear constituency upon whom W' draw support, membership, and resource base, "'I

The primill.')' rask of organj:m'tiQn~ which 'deal with an environmental problem is;'IJrethe awareness ~hae rhe prohlern exists, ,A.8]de from -r~].c'ge.t1.eral peblic, ru:l1ong thaw who.shouM be ;n, .. ~U't! 0fe:<jsring ct:wir?nmertrnJ p.rQb]erh~ ;iwindivjdLlalsancl gH~Up<s- within shestare 3pp{iIJ~~t\!s. Thus, 'iobb}1ng' is O'tle of the activities dw.'c envirenmenra] (,rganhadons should undertake in order to tnfluencc stare policies."

·~"Ell\'il'<)llil~~!,.:a.1 ()mup;!(Stng~ RaUi,e:t;" H(1r'iI1(Jn' UpJ(Ji~, November - December 19,9l, p.lj, ~1"'H1c LoggLllg BM~ Hili: It'-~ Over Ehl'i Wl~(f Wi~ .. ~T· tt« N~,",$I,~jMr oj the: WurrJ E/XItogt~r.~ Foundation; Novembe I' l Qt)(), p" a ..

'~b;;i'a~rpl fmm l1L~ minutes (>nl~c j~I'~'~ 1 me~L:~~g ()rCll~ Ti<TCU~,

"~,I R,J, Jl}li!.t\~l<}lI. F..lwf.I'"':mf1r~mkll /'tv.";{I'I/!).' ;Io,'i:lfu.r"" l:::rYmmil), i~r.!t!i S(ole (Ll-'adu.ll, llelllotvcn Press, l\i,1l9).pr,I7!.'I'n

,. fl>id,


Log Ban llill Chopped Down

Afte'l,t\vo years ufbitter debates, proponenes of a co·~a:I tvg 1.1= ~uc~eCI.ed ill l'~ihg 11 'killer amendment" 'oihkh deleted the ph~(;:' 'sdcc:tive

I.og bah' rm111 che tide of Senate Bill ]404 and

changed it to 'to.ta1 commercial lo.g ban. ' Twelve senators, lcJ by Orlando M(.'fooo, approved thl:: afnl;lodment OIl Oceober 2~', 1$190.57

People in ~;)\rerJmlemj most especiaUy the pol iticians, are C01l:SCiOtI5 of sod a.I L;; which dle.y l;l.cli,cvc would brjpg them r~Htjdl.l benefies {if t~heyact Oil id or peliucal C()S~S {if they taU to address ii), O~cimc;s, most euvironmenral org-aJ.'tia:aciotu; .faa;: the; diffioulty of pl'oNing rh.cir case 00 rbcp()Hcidans. This-is primarily dw result of their lack of necessary resources viJ-a-tlis organizedinrerese (e,g -. the lOggUlg iudu.l.'try). The {){ganizdl. ince .... es~Cai:l alway ... utiJite their farge resources to refute whate¥(!f claims made by the e,nvironrnen;talhts. EVkJl if' clH.."}' hack their assertions with sd.l?illdJic research, ~li.c organh·£d interests can fund yet Jal\.~r research 'effmts ro refute' their srand, ~

"The primary task, of organi2atiom; which deal with im environmental

problem is to create the awa:reness that the pr,oblemexjsts ....

Thus 'Iobbyiing' is one of the activities that emrironm'ental groups should u nderta,ke.~. n Bill t 404 was ;~p'prQwd tin third reading Oil Sepcember 2~ 1.991" Tb~ DiU provides for a mLtionaJ policy banning commercial IOgglllg in the JlhiHppin .. es for a period of 25 y(;"ar.s. As a. reaction to the rragedy in Ormcc .• .a nl~lj(Jth:y rJi the 3€l1ato rs approved the bill, Sen . .A1'\W'e'l. VC)G;ed in. favor :of the bill. while three regi$!c;1'~111$lci ve votlt-"1. ~~.

On S ep tember 311 1991, the bill was sen t co the of Repr~lt..;uivd fOrCOnClltrCnC~ The HO~ISC 1'(~ul';Slc.d for the oon;vemn,g .of a 0tmf1.1etuc:e commlu:ee to reconcile SeTIaI~ Bill 1404 anil House Bill 1 12-n, The l-ower chamber's version grants rhe Dcparnnetlt of Environmene and Narural


~'1 'Ute S~IUlI()n; which ~u:pr,-,rl;o):B i he amendment ..... ·j)OC John (),~IIW'.n"" Emesto M~r'yJIi,. Vic~nil'C ~art~rno, Sotero bimd, II; quiJillo PilnenM, Jn, s.a,~lanin·~ rta·su~, It~~!) S;mJ,li·~~!>. E."m~sW .n..errc:rr~·. Ldic.i_~·\-l; W·igbert·o T~li uda ami Jua~ !~Q.!n~~ iauriW,

ThM~'wbo VQre~ ~iliIlS' il i1t'\!~ Be:Ii<C:fSQD Alv~~z, )i~l"tilli (Jot:l:tules, I:ldglln:l:o AfI~, l'e-Qflirtn GuingQn.a., Alberto· Romulc, 10M Lina, Vi«(Jr Zig~ a.D~fAVi.,ifo Aqui;~o·. See "SeMite ApJ:H'l)~S '[Q'hll Lug llano" HC1J·llu).~· r,lpiil_ale, Scpt~mb~r - ()~~bBr, 199.0.1' .. 1.

!~ The thre~ were SC~Jlro'l'll AqutElo, Lina ani! tlo,,".1Ics. J'hf.d,


Resources [he power to declare :l: total tog ban in ,bio-reglons, if me forest cover in ,~uch areas (-all below 40 rH?r cent ,;i\

However " r,he- Cuud~r:cu ce Cornmiete« ,fa.:ih~rI to Come Q ~L [ wi [h a, consolidared bili duero shcfailure ofthe Chairman of the Housc panel! Rep" J e Jfome Paras, co ~tlbn~Jt.a mcamc~l Re1~m~ aft(l' the $~nat~ trnn:>.n1it{ed._.i consolidared bill 1:t1 che House panel two weeks before C(lngH';Ss recessed on 'hibruary 7, 199-2. fJata~ wa~ rl. vocal critic t1f the total log b\lu p(l~it~all. Speaker Ramon Mitra c1cSi;grtiHe"d Rep. Ponce de I,eoD ro finallze the Commitne rero rr, C (mgtt's$ was. expected to ap prove rh e consolidared bill on' May :25~ 1992."1'

Evenwally, ~ongress fmt'!ti tn pass the !Jill due to Its preccoupatlon over thecanvassing oJ the rcsules t:1f the lVta.j' 11 presidential elections, As 'a, symbolic g~t~i{e, she Senareapptoved rheincornplcte bill .. i't,rui'tl; m.[LlI'€ fell victim to politics.

l~ or its part, the' DE N R. has issued an order ball ning k~ggiJ~g in.the r€l1~ilinir~g virgin forest~, Btu rhis IS not cnotlgh to prc\'(~m [he further destruction of ihe countrys forest. A solid ~egis:Ll:l:io!1 is the only kt:1, to the

preservation of the re"maining resources. .

Upon his ascension to power, President Fidel V. _Ramos, trw. doe some overrurestc rhc public :Ibom prorecring the environment. The Senate recendy rms.~c.d another bill which bans comrrrercial logg:lng: for 2 S ye;ns. Again, .. the 'hi~1 faces rullgh $ailing in .the L(JWel: Hnusc, Hi)w the present adrninistratl on will ha,ndle the issue r emains 1;0 he seen, HH~n wh [le the rape or the country's tot cst remains unabated,

ss 1iec ~I!'e ,ni3nifes"l(, ,)t. Tal~.!1l8(}1 Kalibs.'ltii. Enviroamental De!;"IIse-I..a,w Ofl:i,";':; of "l:ul,bon, ~ iJW~~C! '''immcdi~re A~·tio u (>i) lIOtai;. !:;omlIl~rujaJ J~!ln" in lim'too-n f._.1p(tms, Jilill, - Feb. 19n.p. IS.

01) The House :dclc~tkm to H\<"i Co ~ft\f~~~ Commitl~1: W~ ['3 «lm.poi~cd On~~p[~.&CnWjvc~ 1'tMi)~ H~ng~on Ill, Ponce iI~ Loon, J'il~Y. lO.fe"to, Mal.l:l. dd Mar, N,Jupt:n ILDiI A!l:~M. The SCri~ne ddeg~lio,ll \"«(1;00 !l~p'C1.~~d ,0 fSenidor~ A!"'Ai'll!7., ,Menati;IJ, Pimente], A ogal"iir, Ro l!!llla; Gu i mgo:tiW., E(LriJ~, M [,!:>cdR, i'~t~~D0 ~Dd Lau rc I.

Ol11I': ~it~ is seen liS' mIll-'_; tl~i!jj "gnvemmenr," ill 1111: ~I!SC ti!al i£ "'is tlie eo !}ttIflUOU~ :W.nllJlisWal,jve, lega.L bUl~~II;;;l:\'lli~ ;md, coercive ~~~stems, U!,1I!t atkmptii(lt 0)1II.y to S!i:r.t.MJoIre fi:lanj0~ ~Mp~ b~tw(jell c ivll society and puMie ~~1.1fhar.ity in a 1)Q.iily ~q I alscto strucune it't:I,IlY crue iHI rel~,jonsllip ~ wil.hill ,~ivill5ilS'id}' Il~W'~U:' ~~ ,o\lft1Z!I Skp~;n, th"~S/.;lM(.mdSn(;(-e!t)'! POJt'i.[1I CD.rlrrmm(jr'tp~pc1pe~~th~' (Prillc~r,fl~, N.J.; }'rillo;;doll U ijiV0rsiW Press, I <;liS). p, ~jL

State and ehe EnvironmentaI N'GOs

Til e ~WX!!; is b n th (he w;:ward a.n,J manager of naruralt ~"l>'lI,H"'roCS, 11' is the only iUMh uriort hI so ciety wirh th C' n,pacl ty to address tn'Vjwtuncnl'al issues eh rough the f(i'rrn ul<ntcm;;ud im p!~rneJ) ~1:l:lbn '()fpLLhlit: poHde$. (,~ I-IQWL'l'€[, mfW~ sratesjn post:-cplClnialsoci.(,1..'ies:~LH: bUfJcnbd by eheir il:wbit.i..ty CO implL:.ttl1C11,t prriCI.T(;,d gctaL and ohj~ctiYe;'n~iru"~ th'0' are ·ct~nt·imJol.lsir locked i:n ;1 :'!tmggfe with se:ve:raB fairly autonomous rl.l'g.3.!1i'ljl~jon;s within sl)de\)~- This-is "ggpl.,<\.t;~ bV the fa,et dlJ'I>1; d1Je M:;:t:I)t i 1!&dC is 1) U( alLWJJrJtn()l~S f~'om the dominan t classes ill so~iery.

, r Q' ~trangth~'n seate capah:i I itius, rh ~ ~%ltl~ h'ildet'~ [!i \1 st SI,] l;c{'s.~fL11 ~y musrer .SUppi1rt from iJie. cititem:y, This MIl (}iCIly bt: ~10hi{:.y~d d![\;iugh poliucd\.'flJ. AJIU y,~'t, rnosrsrarc !eilJ,~rs .in Thled World ~(jcie[i'~:haw h..::'-'n unable to m6bili7~ broad segl1'1:enuo Qf 1:ht: pnpulm:ion ~b.r(lugh P9iili.caJ p~.rti~ and state agencies. In order ro mobilize-and sW,j;:lin pnlitkJI' SltppOU, dw.srur~ mUST. be sblem convince rh~ii.rlzemy tbat the g,Qals of the state are essential to thciJr wdl-heing, lr tnmr also pmvicle; the ne:l~i!~~ary chamteLs for [he(B;pn,,~s.i(Ul (ir :l'upport:.. The fu:1~LW3 oftJ:H~·~tatL! f.(l~n$l~wci()n:),iiti.' such d,'J.M~ljr;h·wo1,l,ld rc;, in the narrowing of itl:: lUll ss b~LS~ ~I ~d an ~nl'tr:ls~ d(pertuc,tlcc. IJII spccifi~ ~9:c~l:il1 g:roupi n~ (e-.:g:_ loc,1.t v.rad01'Js) f(J[ l:t'lxfjnt:;lining social ~tabnrr.Y~~~

Sim:c.t.hcrclKa lji[dt or:scrucwm~ ~.up:p~jl'( for r.he~~ft~cl~d~:l'~,.i.t: is dt:"<lwn by the G~I~rifi!g~l f0l'ces rhat emerge when thqrc-is a growth Qf a few sd&':;t agen.d0S (e,.g" b~~H';IIll(:mcLcs}" The .. absence 'flf centripetal fof.(:es en cheek uny bq,l;c concentration ofp ower fr"'n-i t~tn(:rg~ng Wirllru ehe scare appatarL1S resclts in state le<llli.'fS i n te~n~io r1ally.,Me·_ak",enirtt tl ~e arms bf th~:;m~(: ~hatwQulJ.h av.e g~yen t:h ~m the <lbil ity ~rl' mo bill*" ruhl ic HlP'P9 H. G~

The it1;lb~ljl.j or I'h~' ·.~rute. W' nwhilixi! ,~nc:iep1 $uppnn resule in the n~_,wwi.ncg ufits bil.fii~ fur leglt~!ll4cr- Tn~L~()id ~( the crosicn of [ts 199Ldmacy, _[he d~,i.~ion·rmkir~g pruc~~w~'s uhht:-.l>J::lN'iIlV01lv€ the.developmenr of rules and rr.:gl:kiluiorw rhr~~ will enable d:l C ssate. tn EL'I<nid Of manage sodcta] problems l~m~ rnhOl~ ddeg;Ltll1Tb.,e LL. This: fhl',~e~ rhr! s!;.~m~ 1(.1 trunslarc public CQna:;rn:~'ll1((~ national pvlk,C$., ~'~J~ filr the pvrpo~'c ofaddT~si'ng .the rOI~~ of S»02m1 pn)hl~Tli,bMt rornainrai n dh.' ,~n'0() d\ 11) I)CciOIi i I~ uF it'S 'g(,lyem .• lt1te,M

<ltJ(~b/ S. Mligd~J, «~.r{) I~@;. S~~lk'S, W.~·~.k Sl:.rl'~~·, POWCT and A~~~f')H10 !J:ifi 0 Ij" !ll UrJ(iltl':;-ia1rdrIm Po/Weal f)oI?vel(!p'm~I.11'. \f}'l'O!I W"i~or a~d jl~!l1IIJ~! ~!mlti~8MlIl ~Ed iool'$1. 03<:l~l(),I~.: Lihk '13 mj,\,''11 .& Co., 19E7),. p, ~ 5,


~'Cluf s .c, hark~ "B!wif?~1 !ll'~ll( a~ Pu l~~i~s,i 0 T'~ I:l;P'"l;~jVG''' ,.i.lL i'/l! Illh'i!If!t~t':tilIJ! t'oNdq- ,1 ~ [m,;fr~ati(J.r:trifl,~pi(t.'tIII, <.luH c..1'Mk.(&lieor}.,{lomlol1J"CJD{~IJ:rl-J~!m, 10g{;), p. :HL


. ",.

I: n the case of the .[.1) g; ban issue, du~~ Il(.-gative effects b ~ouglu about by the udlizacion of forest resources in rhe Philippines ha.~. resulred in the. em ergmce oft! sense of Ul' gene!, amongstate [eaders to address the problem, By the initiative in ~:lllli!1~ for a ba n em commercial logging, some j;'['o:lte l.e4de.rsare.amkl.i:ng the evolueion ofa.l1orherdlalle!1ge to thdt legil; (.c.g. ~nV1r!(llim~nIaJ activism]. Thus; it. att~mpt:S- to bind the social players ... rithin the parameters of its instituzionnl boundaries.

HOWCV(~J [he lack of ~tate autonomy from the dominant classes in society has made ic difficult for environmental NGOi> to compete wirh rJrganiud [(lgg;lng interesf,~ within sw.te boundaries, To compound matters; the inherent weakness of the PhJljppiIH~ $l:i~e. has resulted in uts reliance on 1.9C~. strongmen for the maincenance 'of liMial sta!:liliry ar d1,e lo(cal level instead. of insntutionallzing Ies own organs, This' results in the fu.rther weakening of !H;]L[e eapabilitles th;j,c renders. It inutile in answering the

logging problem, .

There i!l also 11 thmgcl' that the petpermWIS elf ecologicsl destruction n'lay rake we form of l'argf:l corporations, govett!me.iitil toJ.gcncieo;, .. and even non-govemmental I.Itgiil)izatiom.Ewl'ogic;l[ rhetorics can be. used by ,the p'r.~wer structures (t(lf"Ori!:H~ i,nrerests. and their u,n,derHngs) to mislead .and

con f~t~~~he gen eral pubH c, ~~ .

'fhe, eHL!.::S, olrhongh realiiing rh~f ~,:().I'rlethJng is. w:wng with the eovisonmenr, st:illil'lsjs[ 0'11 JIl,'ilimaining the doinina.l1t economic and cujtural SY$.te.m backed b¥ political and military mechanisms. From their point ur 'View; ~.t~l;~uilla:bl(' developmenc' means "how to continue. 1;(1 ~U$mil1 the su pp Iy of raw III [1 teriab when c.Ki~tillg Si.1U Tees of raw materia] run

~I'!f.(i .


. The key to ~~reD.lgilieJ) ing stare t:apabilii:ile~ i L'1 du; Philipp.i nes is for it eo

'i'>1d,en iLS" bsse.oflegitimacy (ha.~ w111 errablc ie ro draw societal support. Thi ... can only be\·€d by empowering dlfl local communities through nongovcrnmeut.1.11 organIzations ma~· are genui~'1.dyc~rrH:A~me..J .. .bout the envircnmene, F rosn this, d'I{"'! scare carr pol it iCall,Y m(lhi.lite the' NGOs whelp we.lken, if Me totally 9~jit~{ate, the clout {jf localstrongmen,

f.':S"MMojLamnlCIl" ldris, :·'What Green R~~ly M:CaJ.~ For 1l1~ T1~ird World," F8~fmd':, kpwmbe[· - .october 19~(i,. r~ .. U,·IJ. 11 •

• t lIHt/,

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