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Please inform the Usher if you wish the Rabbi to read a name
25 ADAR I 5776 MARCH 5, 2016
Louis Chaleff
Florene Audrey Elkus-Kuhn
Milton Gilman

26 ADAR I 5776 MARCH 6, 2016

Hyman Blumenstein
Hilda Gold
Stuart Goodstein
Nathan Grunt

Morris Holtz
Mildred B. Singer
George S. Snyder

27 ADAR I 5776 MARCH 7, 2016

George Bremen
Sally Chodoroff
Rubin Fischoff
Herman S. Fried

Becky Fuller
Louis Kamin
Edwin G. Siegel
Louis Sugarman

28 ADAR I 5776 MARCH 8, 2016

Samuel Altman
Samuel Belkin
Esther Silk Mendelson
Rose Sell

Jeffrey L. Weisberg
Dolores Wolff

29 ADAR I 5776 MARCH 9, 2016

Adolph Bassin
Yetta Dubrinsky
Rose Finkelstein
Florence Gaynor-Gallison

Bette Goldman
Louis Iwrey
George Kirstein
Alice B. Segal

30 ADAR I 5776 MARCH 10, 2016

Ethel J. Sherman

1 ADAR II 5776 MARCH 11, 2016

Lillian Gurowitz
Celia Jacobs
Nisan Kam
Sidney Nickin

Chaim B. Seiger
Ann Sheehan

Milford Harold Sobel

David Spinner
Jean Stolsky
Frances Zucker

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