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From: Speaking Agency

Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 12:00 PM
To: H
Cc: Huma; Cheryl; Jake
Subject: Citizens United Speaking Invitation!?!?!
Weve received the following firm invitation from Citizens United (yes, THAT Citizens United). They are
inviting you to speak to their members to discuss Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, your
opposition to the First Amendment, Hillary The Movie, and your continued commitment to transparency
in government. We have secured a speaking fee similar to what you took from Goldman Sachs.
Please let us know if this is something youd like to accept. See below for the specific details.

Primary date offered: January 20, 2017 (you are available already checked)
Honorarium and travel expenses: Whatever North Korea was going to pay Bill in 2012 and a roundtrip
private jet of course .
Please note: Publicly, you really hate these guys. But hey, you did the Goldman Sachs speeches, right?
Sponsor Description: Citizens United seeks to reassert the traditional American values of limited
government, freedom of enterprise, strong families, and national sovereignty and security. They also
kick started Whitewater and other Clinton investigations in the 1990s (with David Brocks help).
Past Speakers: Ken Starr, Alfonse DAmato, Newt Gingrich
Other Details: Citizens United President David Bossie will introduce you (former congressional
investigator - you know him). FYI - he wants you to provide your Goldman Sachs speech transcripts so
he can better prepare for your intro shouldnt be a problem??
Invited Attendees: Citizens Uniteds 500,000 members nationwide
Recommendation: Why stop now? And we could use the cash.

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