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I am doing my History Day project on the deadly encounter

between the FBI and the Branch Davidians. The Federal Bureau of
Investigation is the domestic intelligence and security service of
the United States, which simultaneously serves the nations prime
Federal law enforcement organization. The Branch Davidians are a
religious group that originated in 1955 from a schism in the
Davidian Seventh-day Adventists, a reform movement that began
as an offshoot from the Seventh-day Adventist Church around
1930. These two organizations met in a deadly encounter that led
to the death of 76 men, women, and children. After the Waco Siege
this created conspiracy about the FBI.
The deadly encounter between these two organizations
is called the Waco Siege. This was a siege of a compound
belonging to the religious group, the Branch Davidians. The siege
was by the American federal and Texas state law enforcement and
U.S. military between February 28 and April 19, 1993. This whole
thing happened when the ATF attempted to raid the ranch. 10
members of the two sides died in the intense gun battle. After the

failure of the raid by the ATF, the FBI initiated a siege, which
lasted 51 days. The FBI launched a tear gas attack to attempt to
force the Branch Davidians out. In a government investigation in
2000, it concluded that sect members created the fire.
The leader of the Branch Davidians at the time was David
Koresh. He was born Vernon Wayne Howell but changed his name
later in his life. Koresh moved to Waco, Texas in 1981 to join the
Branch Davidians on their Mount Carmel compound. Koresh had a
dozen children with members other than his legal wife. He claimed
he cracked the code of the Seven Seals in the Book of Revelation,
which predicted events leading to the apocalypse. Koresh died in
the 51-day standoff when the FBI launched a tank and tear gas
assault on Mount Carmel. He died of a self-inflicted gunshot to his
head after the FBI launched the tear gas.
The FBI was responsible for 76 deaths in the Waco Siege.
But, theorists and other people investigated more. Once the FBI
and the ATF reached the compound, there were shots from the
Branch Davidians immediately. David Koresh had the mindset that

an apocalypse was going to happen so he wanted to fulfill his

prophesies. He wanted the compound to catch fire and kill those
people. In later investigation, they found out that the Branch
Davidians started the fire. Before this investigation, theorists
thought the FBI started the fire and was responsible for these
Though the Waco Siege still is a mystery, we have an idea of
what happened during that 51-day standoff. The FBI and the
Branch Davidians had a deadly encounter in history. A total of 76
people died in the Waco Siege. People are still doing research
trying to find out what really happened. I think in the future we
will find out what really happened.

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