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Fluid Mechanics I

Fall 2014, Exam #2


B. (35 pts) The dam redirects flow of the river through the 4.0 m dia. pipe to the hydraulic
turbine. The losses in the pipe are approximated as the linear expression

where V is the average velocity in the pipe and the constant has units of m/s. Do the following:
1. Find the volumetric flow rate of the river necessary to produce 25 MW of power;
2. Since there actually two (2) volumetric flow rates that are possible, state which is
the one that will most probably occur.
water = 1000 kg/m3 , g = 9.81 m/s2, patm = 100 kPa

In case you need it:

Fluid Mechanics I
Fall 2014, Exam #2


C. (30 pts) Water (water = 1000 kg/m3 and g = 9.81 m/s2) moves through a pipe bend at a
volumetric flow rate of 0.26 m3/s. The necessary dimensions are shown in the sketch below.
Find the torque that is required at point B to keep the pipe bend stationary.

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